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What do the different check marks mean on Facebook Messenger?

What do the different check marks mean on Facebook Messenger?

Facebook Messenger uses different colored check marks next to messages to indicate whether a message has been sent, delivered, and read. Understanding what each check mark color and combination means can be useful when messaging someone on Messenger.

One Gray Check Mark

A single gray check mark next to a message indicates that the message has been successfully sent from your device. This means that the message has left your device and is now making its way to the recipient through Facebook’s servers.

However, a single gray check does not indicate that the message has been delivered or read by the recipient yet. It is simply an acknowledgment that the message is no longer on your device and is now being processed by Facebook’s systems.

Two Blue Check Marks

Two blue check marks next to a message mean that the message has been successfully delivered to the recipient’s device and servers. The two blue checks verify that the recipient’s device has received the message from Facebook’s servers.

However, two blue checks do not indicate that the recipient has actually read your message yet. It is possible that they have received the notification of your message, but have not yet opened the Messenger app to view it.

Two Blue Check Marks then One Blue Check Mark

If you see two blue check marks next to a message you sent, followed by just one blue check mark, it means that your message was delivered to the recipient’s device, but then deleted before being read.

This can happen if the recipient deletes the message or clears their message history before opening your message. The two initial blue checks confirm delivery, but the single blue check indicates it was then deleted.

Two Blue Check Marks then Two Blue Check Marks

If you see two blue check marks followed by two blue check marks, it means your message was successfully delivered and then read by the recipient. The two sets of blue double checks are Facebook’s way of confirming that the message has been read.

This is the best case scenario, as it means your recipient actually received and read what you sent them. The double blue checks give you certainty that your message was seen.

One Blue Check Mark then Two Blue Check Marks

If you see a single blue check mark followed by two blue check marks, it indicates that your message failed to send initially but was eventually delivered and read.

The first single blue check mark means Facebook’s servers received the message from your device, but failed to deliver it to the recipient immediately. However, a second delivery attempt succeeded in sending the message, indicated by the second set of two blue checks once it was read.

Two Blue Check Marks with “Delivered” Text

In some cases, you may see two blue check marks next to a message, along with the text “Delivered” below it. This occurs when you are messaging someone who has disabled read receipts in their Messenger settings.

The two checks indicate the message was delivered to their device. However, because they have disabled read receipts, Messenger displays “Delivered” text instead of a second set of checks to indicate the message was viewed.

One Gray Check Mark then One Blue Check Mark

A gray check mark followed by a blue check mark means your message failed to send at first, but was eventually delivered successfully to the recipient’s device.

The initial gray check indicates Facebook’s servers received the message from you, but the subsequent single blue check means there were issues in delivering it immediately. However, a second delivery attempt succeeded in sending the message to the recipient.

Sent Statuses Unavailable

In some conversations, you may notice that check marks are not displayed at all next to messages. This happens when you are messaging someone who is not a confirmed Facebook friend.

For privacy and security reasons, Facebook only provides sent, delivered, and read receipts for conversations between confirmed friends. For non-friends, no message status is shown.

Message Statuses in Group Chats

In group chats with multiple recipients, message statuses work a bit differently. You will see two check marks if your message was delivered to all participants in the group.

However, you may see a combination of one gray check and one blue check next to a message if it was delivered to some participants, but not others. The different checks reflect varying delivery statuses among the group.

Check Mark Colors on Dark Mode

If you use Messenger’s dark mode, the color of the check marks changes to match the darker theme. Single gray checks will appear white, while double blue checks will show up as two white checks.

The check mark colors change to maintain visibility and contrast on the darker background. But the meaning of the different check mark combinations remains the same whether in light or dark mode.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some tips if you are having issues seeing check marks:

  • Make sure you have an active internet connection on your device
  • Check that you have the latest version of the Messenger app
  • Restart the Messenger app and try sending again
  • Clear the app cache and data and resend the message
  • Try viewing the conversation on desktop to identify any issues


Facebook’s messenger check marks provide visual cues that allow you to see whether your messages are being sent, delivered, and read. Understanding the meaning behind the different colored checks and combinations can help you gauge whether your recipients are getting your messages.

Single gray checks mean a message has left your device, double blue checks indicate delivery, and double blue checks followed by another set of blue checks means the message was read. If you don’t see checks, it likely means you are messaging a non-friend.

Check Mark(s) Meaning
One gray check Message sent
Two blue checks Message delivered
Two blue checks then one blue check Message delivered then deleted
Two blue checks then two blue checks Message delivered and read
One blue check then two blue checks Message sent failed initially but eventually delivered and read
Two blue checks with “Delivered” text Read receipts disabled by recipient
One gray check then one blue check Message failed to send but eventually delivered
No checks visible Messaging a non-friend

Having an awareness of these status indicators can help avoid confusion when messaging people on Facebook Messenger. The check marks give you confirmation that your recipient got your message and read it.

Some key things to keep in mind include:

  • One gray check – Message sent
  • Two blue checks – Message delivered
  • Two sets of blue checks – Message read
  • No checks – Non-friend recipient

So next time you are messaging someone special or having an important conversation, be sure to look for those all important two blue checks to know your message was received and read!