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What do the buttons on Facebook Dating mean?

What do the buttons on Facebook Dating mean?

Facebook Dating is a feature within the Facebook app that allows users to match with potential romantic partners. There are several buttons and icons within Facebook Dating that allow users to express interest, start conversations, and manage connections.

The Like Button

The main way to express interest on Facebook Dating is by tapping the Like button on a person’s profile. This is represented by a blue heart icon. When you tap the Like button on someone’s Dating profile, it indicates you are interested in connecting with them. They will get a notification that you liked their profile.

If that person also likes you back, it will result in a “Match” and open up a private chat room where you can start messaging each other. So the Like button is the main way of signaling initial romantic interest in a potential match on Facebook Dating.

The Heart Icon

Once you have an existing connection with someone on Facebook Dating, a red heart icon appears next to their name in your conversations list. This indicates they are one of your established connections on Dating.

Tapping on the red heart gives you the option to remove the connection. So if you are no longer interested in someone, tap the red heart and select “Remove Connection” to delete them from your connections list. The red heart icon signifies an existing connection.

The Message Icon

When you match with someone on Facebook Dating, a private chat opens up where you can start messaging each other. The message icon appears next to a person’s name in your connections list when they have sent you a new message.

Tapping the message icon will take you directly to the chat room where you can view the new message and respond. So the message notification helps streamline opening up your conversations.

The Video Camera Icon

Facebook Dating gives you the option to do video chats with your matches. If someone in your connections list is available for a video call, a small video camera icon will appear next to their name.

Tapping the video icon will start a video call where you can chat face-to-face. Video chatting is a great way to get to know someone before meeting up in person. The video camera icon signifies when a match is available to video chat.

The More Options Icon

At the top right of a chat room on Facebook Dating is a “More Options” icon represented by three vertical dots. Tapping this brings up some additional actions:

  • Mute notifications – Stops notifications from that particular chat.
  • Block messages – Blocks you from receiving any future messages from that person.
  • Report – Report the user for any inappropriate behavior.

So the More Options menu allows you to manage a particular conversation’s notifications or block a user if needed.

The Blue Checkmark Icon

Some profiles on Facebook Dating may have a blue checkmark verification icon. This means the person has confirmed their identity by providing Facebook with a government ID.

The blue checkmark signifies the profile has been verified as authentic. It helps prevent fake profiles and builds trust in the identity of your matches. Profiles with a blue checkmark have been officially verified by Facebook.

The Blocked User Icon

If you have blocked a user within Facebook Dating, their name and profile picture will be replaced by a generic blocked user icon. It appears as a shadowed silhouette of a person’s head and shoulders.

Seeing this blocked user icon means that person can no longer message you or see your Dating profile. It’s a visual representation that you have blocked communication with that user.

The Green Dot Online Indicator

Within your Facebook Dating matches list, some users may display a green dot next to their name. This green dot signifies when a match is currently online and active within the Dating app.

Seeing the online indicator dot means that person is currently using Facebook Dating. It can be a helpful visual cue when deciding who to message or video chat with in real time.


Facebook Dating uses a variety of icons, buttons, and indicators to enable flirting, messaging, and connections between matches. Becoming familiar with the Like button, heart icon, message icon, video camera, more options menu, verified checkmark, blocked user, and online status dot will help you navigate the features of Facebook Dating.

Knowing what the various buttons do will allow you to efficiently express interest, start conversations, video chat, block unwanted users, and understand your match list status. With the meanings of these key Facebook Dating icons in mind, you can confidently connect with potential partners through the platform.

Here is a summary of the main Facebook Dating buttons and icons:

Icon Name Meaning
Blue heart / Like button Like Expresses interest in a profile
Red heart Existing Connection Signifies an established connection
Message bubble New message Indicates a new message received
Video camera Video chat Shows a match is available to video chat
3 vertical dots More options Manages notifications and blocking
Blue checkmark Verified profile Signifies an identity-confirmed profile
Silhouette icon Blocked user Indicates a blocked match
Green dot Online status Shows a match is currently online

Understanding the meaning behind Facebook Dating’s icons allows for smooth communication with matches. The buttons enable flirting, chatting, troubleshooting connections, and visibility into your match list. With practice navigating these symbols, Facebook Dating can become an easy and enjoyable platform for meeting potential partners online.

Facebook Dating has grown rapidly in popularity due to the convenience of matching with people who are already in your extended social network. Facebook’s massive userbase provides a large pool of possibilities for dating prospects. As Facebook Dating continues to expand, mastering use of its various buttons, icons, and features creates the best user experience. This allows you to take full advantage of its matchmaking capabilities.

Some key pointers for utilizing Facebook Dating’s buttons include:

  • Don’t be shy about using the Like button liberally to express interest.
  • Check for the green online dot if looking to chat in real time.
  • Use video chatting to pre-screen matches before meeting up.
  • Block any users engaging in inappropriate behavior.
  • Tapping the red heart removes unwanted connections.
  • Look for the blue checkmark when evaluating profile authenticity.

With smart use of its various buttons and indicators, Facebook Dating provides a feature-packed platform to meet potential partners tailored to your social circles and interests. Understanding the meaning behind its icons is the first step to successfully navigating matches and connections through Facebook Dating.

Facebook Dating continues to refine its interface and options to streamline the user experience. Features such as the Like button make flirting seamless and organic. Tools including blocking and reporting aim to foster a safer, more trustworthy dating environment. Benefits such as video chatting help take connections to the next level conveniently.

As Facebook Dating evolves, expect more intuitive buttons, icons, and menus that enable users to focus on simply fostering connections. Understanding the existing symbols provides a head start in mastering Facebook Dating. But the platform will continue innovating with more ways to spark meaningful relationships through its vast social ecosystem.

Facebook Dating presents an alternative form of meeting potential partners that leverages an individual’s personal social graph. With responsible use, it offers some advantages over conventional dating apps:

  • Less strangers – Matches are linked through shared friends/networks
  • More context – Facebook profiles give background insights
  • Better moderation – Real identity requirements improve safety

The buttons and icons are designed to enable tapping this unique social dating experience simply and seamlessly. Facebook Dating’s features will keep evolving, but its mission remains the same – to facilitate more meaningful connections in a digital world.