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What do the badges mean on Facebook Live?

What do the badges mean on Facebook Live?

Facebook Live allows users to broadcast live video streams to their Facebook friends and followers. When broadcasting on Facebook Live, users can earn different colored badges that appear next to their name to indicate their broadcasting experience.

Types of Badges

There are five types of badges that users can earn on Facebook Live:

  • New – Gray badge earned for going live for the first time
  • Rookie – Blue badge earned for going live less than 5 times
  • Intermediate – Green badge earned for going live between 5 and 9 times
  • Pro – Purple badge earned for going live 10 times or more
  • Expert – Red badge earned for going live at least once a week for a month

How to Earn Badges

Badges are earned by meeting the following broadcasting requirements:

Badge Requirement
New Go live for the first time
Rookie Go live less than 5 times
Intermediate Go live between 5 and 9 times
Pro Go live 10 times or more
Expert Go live at least once a week for a month

As you can see, badges are earned by increasing the frequency and consistency of your live broadcasts on Facebook. The more often you go live, the more advanced badges you’ll unlock.

What Do the Badges Signify?

The badges signify your experience level and commitment to broadcasting live video on Facebook. Here’s what each badge generally indicates about a user:

  • New – Just started broadcasting and learning the ropes
  • Rookie – Occasionally goes live when they have something to share
  • Intermediate – More regularly creates live content for their audience
  • Pro – Highly experienced with an established live show format
  • Expert – Committed to maintaining a consistent live broadcasting schedule

So as you earn more advanced badges, it shows your Facebook friends that you are an experienced broadcaster who creates live videos regularly.

Do Badges Help You Get More Viewers?

Yes, badges can potentially help you get more viewers, for a few reasons:

  • Badges signify you are an experienced broadcaster, which builds credibility and trust with viewers.
  • Viewers may be more likely to click on your video if they see you have a high-level “Pro” or “Expert” badge.
  • When you reach the “Expert” level, your broadcasts may get promoted more by being featured in other places on Facebook.

However, badges alone don’t guarantee viewers. The content of your broadcasts is still the most important factor for attracting an audience. But having an advanced badge can help give you a slight visibility boost and may encourage more people to check out your live videos.

Tips for Earning Badges Faster

Here are some tips to earn Facebook Live badges more quickly:

  • Go live consistently – aim for multiple times per week.
  • Have a standard day and time for your broadcasts.
  • Promote when you’ll be going live on your other social media channels.
  • Invite people to your broadcasts and remind them to tune in.
  • Interact with viewers by responding to comments during the video.
  • Keep broadcasts short and interesting – 20-30 minutes is a good target.

Broadcasting consistently at a predictable day/time is key. Promoting your live videos and keeping them short & engaging will help retain viewers too. Follow these best practices, and you’ll be earning new badges in no time!

Do Badges Expire?

No, Facebook Live badges do not expire once earned. The badges remain visible on your profile indefinitely to highlight your broadcasting experience. However, if you stop going live for an extended period, viewers may assume your experience level is now lower than your badge indicates. But the badge itself will not be removed or downgraded due to inactivity.


Facebook Live badges give broadcasters recognition for their commitment to creating live video content. They serve as visible markers of a user’s experience level – earning advanced badges can help build your credibility and get more viewers checking out your broadcasts.

While the badges themselves don’t guarantee an audience, they can give your profile a boost by highlighting your broadcasting track record. If you broadcast consistently and continue levelling up your badge, it shows your dedication to being a reliable creator of quality live video.

Key Takeaways

  • Five badge types: New, Rookie, Intermediate, Pro, Expert
  • Earned by increasing live broadcast frequency/consistency
  • Signify experience level and commitment as a broadcaster
  • May help get more viewers and visibility
  • Keep broadcasting regularly to level up faster