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What do friends see when Facebook account is deleted?

What do friends see when Facebook account is deleted?

When someone deletes their Facebook account, their friends will no longer be able to see their profile or any of the content they posted. However, some traces of the deleted account may still be visible to friends in certain places on Facebook.

Profile and Wall

Once an account is deleted, the person’s profile page will go away and friends will no longer be able to access it. Any posts the person made on their own wall will also disappear. Friends will not be able to see any of the deleted user’s old posts, photos, videos, or other content that was posted on their profile page or wall.

Comments and Activity Log

If the deleted user posted any comments on friends’ walls or photos, these comments will be removed and friends will no longer see them. The same goes for any likes or reactions the person made on friends’ content. All of this activity will disappear from friends’ activity logs.


Friends will no longer be able to see any messages they previously exchanged with the deleted user on Facebook Messenger. However, copies of those conversations may still be available in their own message history if they had the chats saved.

Photos and Videos

If the deleted user was tagged in any photos or videos on friends’ profiles, those tags will be removed. But the photos/videos themselves will still be visible to friends if they were posted on their own profiles. Any photos or videos posted directly on the deleted user’s profile will be inaccessible to friends.


If the deleted user was a member of any Facebook groups, their membership will be removed and friends in those groups will no longer see them listed. Any posts they made within those groups will also disappear.


The user will be removed from any Facebook events they were invited to or planning to attend. Friends will no longer see the deleted user listed as an attendee.

Pages and Businesses

If the deleted user managed any Facebook pages or business accounts, those will also be removed unless there are other managers for that page. Friends who followed or interacted with those pages may still have some residual notifications or activity related to those pages in their feeds or activity logs.

Messenger Contacts

Friends who were connected with the deleted user on Facebook Messenger will no longer see them in their contact list. They will essentially disappear from friends’ messaging apps.

Memories and Resurfacing

In places where Facebook resurfaces old posts or memories, such as the “On This Day” feature, friends will no longer see memories or interactions related to the deleted user. Any content the user posted will not reappear to friends after the account is gone.

Sponsored Ads and Posts

Any ads or sponsored posts that the deleted user created will also be removed from Facebook after the account is disabled.


Friends will not be able to search for the deleted user’s profile on Facebook. They essentially become unfindable on the platform after eliminating their account.

What Parts of a Deleted Account Can Still Be Visible?

While most traces of a deleted account will be removed from what friends can see, there are some places where names or info could still appear, such as:

  • Group messages where there were multiple participants
  • Screenshots that friends took of old conversations or interactions
  • Photo tags on friends’ Instagram if it was linked to the same account
  • Mentions in Facebook reviews for places or businesses

Essentially, anything that was not solely posted on the deleted user’s profile could still be lingering on the platform but just not directly linked or attributed to that person anymore.

How Long Does It Take to Remove a Deleted Profile from Friends’ Feeds?

Facebook says they will delete an account within 90 days after it is initially disabled. During this time, privacy settings are temporarily set to the strictest level so that only the user can see their info. After those 90 days, the account is permanently deleted from all parts of Facebook.

So within three months, everything related to the deleted user should be entirely cleared from what their friends see. In practicality, the removal happens much faster, usually within a few days to weeks at most.

Can You Tell if a Facebook Account Was Deleted or Just Deactivated?

From a friend’s perspective, there is no definite way to know if another user specifically deleted their account versus deactivating it temporarily. The effects look the same in both cases in terms of removing the profile and related content.

Going to the person’s profile URL will show a generic “page not found” message whether the account is deleted or deactivated. Unless the user confirms they permanently deleted their account, friends have no way of knowing for sure.

What Should You Do if You See a Deleted User’s Name or Posts?

If you notice any lingering traces of a deleted account on your Facebook feed or profile, you can report those to Facebook and request they be removed. Use the “Report Post” or “Give Feedback” options to flag any posts, photos, or other content tied to someone who has eliminated their account.

Can You Reactivate a Deleted Facebook Account?

If an account was merely deactivated, it is possible for the owner to reactivate it within 30 days by simply logging back in. All of their info and friends will be waiting for them when they do.

But for permanently deleted accounts, there is unfortunately no way to retrieve it. After 30 days, Facebook deletes all data from its servers and there is no recovering it.

How to Download Your Facebook Data Before Deleting

Before deleting your Facebook account, it’s a good idea to download an archive of your Facebook data for your own records. Here are the steps to do this:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in the left menu
  3. Click “Download Your Information”
  4. Choose what data types you want to download, or select “All” to get everything
  5. Click “Request Archive”
  6. You’ll get a notification when the download is ready, which may take a few minutes to many hours depending on how much data is gathered
  7. Download the ZIP files to your computer and back them up externally before deleting your account

What Happens When You Delete Facebook App?

Deleting just the Facebook mobile app from your phone does not delete your Facebook account or data. It simply removes the app from your device. Your profile and all its information will remain intact and visible to your friends.

You can reinstall the Facebook app on your phone at any time and access your account again. Deleting the app does not affect your account – it is still there waiting for you if you choose to reinstall it.


When someone deletes their Facebook account, friends will no longer see their profile, posts, or activity on their own feeds. Most traces of that user will be removed within 90 days across the platform. While some mentions may still remain in places like group chats, the account essentially becomes invisible to friends after being deleted. It’s a good idea to download an archive of your Facebook data before deleting your account permanently.