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What did Facebook change your name to?

What did Facebook change your name to?

In recent years, Facebook has come under fire for various privacy issues and concerns. One controversial move that has caused confusion and frustration for many users is Facebook’s automated changing of people’s account names.

What is Facebook doing with user names?

Essentially, Facebook has begun automatically changing some users’ account names from the names they personally chose to names that match their “real” identity. This means if you signed up for Facebook years ago using a fun nickname, avatar, or variation of your real name, Facebook may suddenly change your name on the platform to match the legal name you provided when you opened your account.

For example, let’s say when you joined Facebook in 2007 you chose the username “SuperCoolGirl123” because at the time you were a teenager who loved unique screennames. Even though you’ve posted under that name for over a decade, Facebook may arbitrarily change your name to something like “Jane Smith” without warning because Jane Smith matches the legal identification you used to open your original Facebook account.

Why is Facebook changing users’ account names?

Facebook claims they are changing users’ long-time account names to foster an atmosphere of trust and accountability on the platform. By correlating account names with users’ real identities, Facebook says it will be easier to hold people accountable for harmful behavior such as bullying, predatory actions, illegal activity, and the spread of misinformation.

Additionally, Facebook says their decision aligns with the company’s “real name” policy, which has been in place since the platform launched in 2004. This policy requires users to provide their real full names and identities, rather than fictional or alternate names.

How are users reacting to the name changes?

Many longtime Facebook users are quite unhappy and even outraged about the sudden unrequested name changes. Some common complaints include:

  • Loss of identity – Users feel their unique, long-time usernames strongly represent their identities on Facebook. Having their names suddenly changed feels like losing part of their identity.
  • Distancing from friends – Since being known by a certain name for 10+ years, some users feel distanced from their friends who still know them by their old account name.
  • Harm to branding – For users who run businesses or do freelance work on Facebook, changing their well-known brand names damages their marketing and outreach efforts.
  • Danger for marginalized groups – For some users who chose alternate names to protect themselves from stalkers or abusers, having their account names changed to their legal identities puts them at serious risk of harm.

Many disgruntled users have left Facebook as a result of the name changes or have had to go through lengthy appeal processes to try and get their old usernames reinstated.

Examples of name changes users have reported

Here are just a few examples of the types of Facebook account name changes users say they have experienced without their permission:

Chosen names to legal names

  • “Katie” changed to “Katherine”
  • “AJ” changed to “Amanda Jane”
  • “BamBam” changed to “Benjamin Thompson”

Unique handles to real names

  • “Moonchild” changed to “Sarah Adams”
  • “SpiderKid328” changed to “Daniel Fernandez”
  • “GoddessRising” changed to “Julia Smith”

Business pages to personal names

  • “Mary’s Crafts” changed to “Mary Peterson”
  • “John’s Cooking” changed to “John Jacobson”
  • “YT Photography” changed to “Yolanda Thomas”

As you can see, Facebook has changed accounts names from fun nicknames to formal names, from quirky handles to real identities, and from branded business pages to users’ personal names – all without users’ consent.

How widespread is the issue?

It’s hard to gauge exactly how many Facebook users have been impacted by these sudden unrequested name changes. Facebook has not provided any statistics about how many accounts have been changed or how they decide which names to change.

However, anecdotal evidence suggests the problem is fairly widespread. Online forums, social media sites, and consumer complaint platforms feature thousands of reports of unexpected Facebook name changes dating back to at least 2020.

Someusers who have attempted to dispute the name changes report mixed results. While some were eventually able to change their names back after providing documentation, others say Facebook did not comply with requests to change their names back.

Public data on name change complaints

Here are some statistics from public complaint platforms that provide a sample of the number of name change complaints:

Platform Number of Facebook Name Change Complaints
Better Business Bureau 425+
ConsumerAffairs 245+
Reddit (r/facebook subreddit) 850+ comments discussing the issue

Keep in mind these numbers only represent users who formally submitted complaints online, not the many others who have not publicly voiced their frustrations.

Why won’t Facebook change names back?

Despite thousands of complaints and users expressing confusion and opposition to the name changes, Facebook remains largely unwilling to switch accounts back to their original names.

Facebook maintains that these name changes align with company policies requiring real identities that users agreed to when opening their accounts. According to Facebook, allowing users to display alternate or fake-sounding names would go against their identity policies and community standards.

The social media giant also asserts that promoting real-name use fosters user accountability and curbs abusive behavior. Some security experts agree that using real identities could potentially discourage cyberbullying, trolling, and the spread of misinformation.

At the same time, many advocates argue these benefits do not outweigh users’ rights to choose the names they are known by. Overall, Facebook has remained steadfast in its real-name approach despite ongoing criticism.

What Facebook says about the controversy

A Facebook company spokesperson provided this statement in response to recent name change backlash:

We understand that some users created Facebook accounts using fake names or pseudonyms a decade ago. Our policies have evolved over time and we now require users to provide their authentic identities. This fosters real connection and shared accountability which is vital for the Facebook community.

How to change your Facebook name back

For users who have had their longtime Facebook name changed unexpectedly, there are a few options to try and get your original name reinstated.

Use Facebook’s Name Change Appeal process

If your name was changed, first try going through Facebook’s official appeal process:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center
  2. Search for “name change” and select “I want to appeal the name on my account”
  3. Follow the steps to submit an appeal request
  4. Provide any requested identification documents
  5. Wait for a response from Facebook which may take 1-2 weeks

Some users have successfully gotten their old names reinstated this way. However, success is not guaranteed.

File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau

If appealing directly to Facebook is unsuccessful, consider filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Here’s how:

  1. Go to and search for “Facebook”
  2. Select Facebook’s profile and click “File a Complaint”
  3. Choose “Problems with Product/Service” as the complaint type
  4. Describe your name change issue and request your old name be restored
  5. Include screenshots or other evidence if possible

This registers your complaint and prompts Facebook to respond. No guarantee this will work, but some users have succeeded through BBB complaints.

Try using a new account with your old name

If you cannot get your original name back, a final option is to create a new Facebook account and start fresh using your old moniker or handle. Then gradually transition friends and followers to connect with you on the new profile.

This takes more effort, but allows you to ditch the name you don’t want and essentially restart your digital identity on Facebook.


Facebook suddenly changing users’ account names without permission has sparked significant backlash and confusion. Amid calls for more transparency and user control, Facebook remains committed to its real-name policies.

Impacted users are left with options like appeals, complaints, or starting new accounts. But many argue these solutions simply skirt the core issues around consent, online identity, privacy, and Facebook’s unchecked power to impose changes on users.

Until Facebook alters its stance, users will likely continue encountering unexpected name changes that degrade their sense of ownership and control over their digital identities.