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What determines your Facebook shortcuts?

What determines your Facebook shortcuts?

Facebook shortcuts are handy tools that allow you to quickly access certain Facebook features and functions. The shortcuts that appear in your Facebook toolbar are customized based on your individual account settings and activity. There are a few key factors that determine which shortcuts you see.

Your Most Frequently Used Features

One of the main factors that determines your Facebook shortcuts is how often you use certain Facebook features. Facebook’s algorithm tracks your activity to identify your most frequently used features and will surface shortcuts to those features accordingly. For example, if you send Facebook Messages multiple times per day, you’ll likely see the Messages icon displayed as a shortcut in your toolbar. But if you rarely use messaging, that shortcut may not appear or may be replaced by a shortcut to a feature you use more regularly.

Shortcuts are updated dynamically based on changes in your activity over time. If you stop using a feature routinely, its shortcut may be removed from your toolbar. And if you start frequently interacting with a new feature, a shortcut may be added to reflect that change in behavior.

Your Facebook Privacy Settings

Your Facebook privacy settings also play a role in determining which shortcuts are displayed. Facebook allows you to control the visibility of certain profile information and activity. Settings that limit sharing and visibility can impact which shortcuts appear.

For example, if you restrict visibility of your friends list, the Friends shortcut may not show up or may only show limited information. Or if you turn off notifications, you likely won’t see the Notifications shortcut even though it’s a commonly used feature.

Facebook Advertising and Sponsored Content

Facebook relies on advertising revenue and sometimes displays sponsored shortcuts aimed at promoting certain content or features. So you may notice shortcuts that seem unrelated to your personal activity and are more about Facebook monetization.

For instance, you may see shortcuts pointing you to Marketplace even if you’ve never used it before. This is because Facebook gets a cut of Marketplace sales and wants to encourage more activity there.

Facebook’s Testing and Rollouts

Facebook is constantly iterating and testing new features and interfaces. Sometimes shortcut changes are a result of A/B testing different options with subsets of users. Shortcuts may change temporarily as part of a test and then revert back or change again during an official rollout.

For example, you may log in one day and notice an unfamiliar Games shortcut. Facebook may be evaluating whether promoting its gaming offerings leads to more activity there. But you may not see that shortcut again after the test concludes.

New and Popular Products

Facebook will typically display shortcuts to products it wants to highlight and promote, regardless of your personal usage. When new products launch or existing ones gain popularity, Facebook will proactively add shortcuts to increase visibility and drive engagement.

For instance, when Facebook introduced Reels, shortcuts were added to ensure the new TikTok-like feature was visible. And Facebook added Watch shortcuts when it started prioritizing video content consumption.

Business and Creator Accounts

People who use Facebook primarily for business and creator purposes may see specialized shortcuts aimed at those use cases. Shortcuts for Pages, Ads Manager, Creator Studio, and Business Suite cater to people managing a brand presence and content strategy.

So the shortcuts for business and creator accounts will look different than those for personal profiles. Facebook identifies accounts used commercially through account settings and activity.

Facebook Mobile Apps

The Facebook shortcuts you see on mobile can vary from what you see on desktop. Mobile apps have less toolbar real estate so shortcuts are more limited and strategic based on mobile usage patterns.

For example, you’ll typically see shortcuts for Search, Watch, Marketplace, Groups, and Menu on mobile. While on desktop, there’s room for additional shortcuts like Gaming, Ads Manager, and Creator Studio.

Your Device and Operating System

The device you use to access Facebook can impact the shortcuts you see. Smartphone apps will display different shortcuts than tablet apps or desktop sites. And Facebook’s iOS app may show slightly different shortcuts than the Android version.

This is because interface constraints and feature availability can vary across operating systems and device form factors. So Facebook optimizes shortcuts based on where they’ll be displayed.


Facebook visitors in different countries may encounter region-specific shortcuts pointing to localized content and features. For example, someone in India may see shortcuts to Hotstar or Facebook Watch Cricket video collections.

So your physical location can trigger shortcuts relevant to that area even if you don’t personally use those features often. Facebook includes geographic shortcuts to make regionally popular content discoverable.

Facebook Experiments

Facebook sometimes tests entirely new shortcuts with a small subset of users to gauge interest and usage. These may appear temporarily before getting implemented more broadly or disappearing altogether.

For instance, you may briefly see a shortcut pointing to a new dating feature or social commerce offering. Short-lived experiments like these help Facebook determine what new shortcuts to officially roll out over time.

Your Facebook Friends and Connections

Who you connect and interact with on Facebook can influence the shortcuts you see. If you have friends who frequently trade items, you may see Marketplace shortcuts. Or if you follow artists, you could get shortcuts for Reels and Creative Studios.

Facebook aims to show shortcuts it believes will resonate based on how your connections are using the platform. So if gaming is popular among your friends, more gaming shortcuts may display.

Changes Over Time

It’s important to note that the shortcuts you see will likely change and evolve significantly over your time using Facebook. What’s prominently featured today may be gone tomorrow.

As Facebook’s offerings expand and shift strategic priorities change, shortcuts will adapt accordingly. And the more you use Facebook, the more your personal usage patterns will inform shortcuts.

So expect shortcuts to come and go fluidly based on an intersection of Facebook’s business interests, new products and tests, and your own evolving behavior and connections.


Facebook determines which shortcuts appear for each user through a combination of factors. These include your personal feature usage, privacy settings, location, device, Facebook’s own product promotions and tests, your friends’ interests, and more. Shortcuts aim to provide quick access to what’s most relevant to each person but can change frequently as priorities and contexts shift.