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What determines which friends pictures show up on the first page of Facebook?

What determines which friends pictures show up on the first page of Facebook?

The photos that show up on your Facebook news feed are determined by an algorithm that is designed to show you the most relevant and engaging content. When you log in, Facebook analyzes all of the new content from your friends, pages, and groups and ranks them based on different factors. The highest ranking photos and posts are then displayed at the top of your news feed.

There are a few main factors that go into determining which friends’ photos show up on the very first page of your news feed when you log into Facebook:

How often you interact with certain friends

Facebook’s algorithm pays attention to how often you like, comment on, and view your friends’ posts. If you frequently interact with a certain friend’s content, their photos are more likely to show up high in your news feed compared to friends you rarely interact with. So if your best friend posts a new photo and you always like and comment on their posts, there’s a good chance their photo will be prioritized on your news feed.

How recently the photo was posted

In general, newer photos get priority over older photos on your news feed. So if two of your friends each post a photo at the same time, and you interact equally with both friends, the more recent photo will usually show up higher.

Relevance of the content

Facebook’s algorithm also tries to determine if a photo or post seems relevant to you based on what you typically engage with. So if you often like and comment on your friend’s pet photos, a new picture of their dog is more likely to show up compared to a random landscape photo. Relevant photos get a boost in ranking.

Engagement on the post

If a friend’s photo is getting a ton of likes and comments from their other friends, it signals that the post is popular and engaging. Facebook will pick up on this social activity and give the popular post a higher ranking in your news feed. So a photo with 100 likes has a better chance of appearing than a photo with just 2 likes.

How many friends shared the content

If the photo was not just posted by one of your friends, but also shared by several mutual friends, it gets even more of a signal boost. Facebook’s algorithm gives more weight to posts that multiple friends in your network interacted with.

Other Factors That Contribute

In addition to the main factors above, there are some other elements that play a role in Facebook’s news feed ranking algorithm:

Pages you’ve liked and followed

Posts from pages and public figures you’ve liked or followed can also show up high in your feed, especially if you regularly view and engage with their content. So if you follow a popular celeb or brand, their latest post may show up on your first page.

Facebook ads

Facebook inserts sponsored ads between posts in your news feed. If you have multiple friends who posted around the same time, an ad could bump one of their photos farther down.

Your usage habits

If you check Facebook at certain times of day, their algorithm catalogs your habits and may serve you fresher content at those times compared to late at night when you rarely log on.

Groups you joined

New posts from groups you’ve joined may also be inserted into your feed. Facebook tracks your engagement within groups as well.

Events and birthdays

Upcoming event reminders and friends’ birthdays might also show up at the top of your news feed on relevant days.


Facebook also utilizes your location data to serve local content. If you’re in your hometown, you may see different posts versus when traveling.

Tips to See Certain Friends’ Posts

If you want to make sure you never miss a certain friend’s latest Facebook photos, here are some tips:

Interact frequently with their content

Be sure to always like and comment on their posts – this signals to Facebook you want to keep seeing them.

Visit their profile page directly

Check your important friends’ profiles periodically to see their latest posts that may have been missed in your news feed.

Adjust notifications settings

In Facebook’s settings, you can choose to receive notifications whenever specific friends post. Turn this on for the VIP friends you want to keep tabs on.

Create a list

Put your closest friends in a list like “Close Friends” and you can visit just that portion of your news feed to see their updates.

Follow them

By following certain friends, their public posts are guaranteed to show up in your feed. But you’ll have to manually check their profile to see private updates.

Share and engage with their posts

Increase the visibility of a friend’s post by liking, commenting, and sharing it yourself. This spreads it across your mutual social networks.

Adjust feed preferences

In your news feed preferences, you can prioritize posts from close friends and favorite pages. Just beware this might filter content from acquaintances.


Facebook’s ever-changing news feed algorithm considers many factors to determine which friends’ photos show up on the very first page when you log in. Paying attention to the ranking signals like engagement, relevance, recency, and number of mutual friends interacting can help ensure you see updates from your closest friends. Actively engaging with their content and utilizing Facebook’s settings to follow friends and get notified of their posts are other ways to guarantee you never miss an important update. With over a billion users, Facebook has to balance many competing posts, but with the right strategy you can keep tabs on the friends who matter most.