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What determines friends list order on Facebook?

What determines friends list order on Facebook?

Facebook’s news feed algorithm determines the order of your friends list based on who you interact with the most. The friends you engage with more frequently, whether it’s commenting, liking, messaging, or reacting to their posts, will appear towards the top. Friends you rarely interact with will get pushed further down your list. Facebook’s algorithm is constantly analyzing your activity to determine the relevance of each friend.

How Does Facebook Rank Friends?

There are a few key factors that go into how Facebook ranks your friends list:

  • Interactions – The more you interact with a friend’s profile and posts, the higher up they’ll appear. This includes commenting, liking, sharing, viewing profiles, responding to messages, etc.
  • Recency of Interactions – Friends you’ve interacted with more recently get prioritized over friends you haven’t engaged with in awhile.
  • Tags and Mentions – When you tag or mention a friend in a post, their rank gets a boost.
  • Close Friends – Friends you’ve designated as Close Friends will be pinned to the top of your list.

Essentially, Facebook wants your news feed to feature content from the friends most likely to provoke engagement from you. So if you notice certain friends consistently showing up at the top, it means you have the most active back-and-forth with them.

Why Does Facebook Rank Friends?

Facebook introduced their ranking algorithm years ago as a way to improve the relevance of the news feed experience. With hundreds of friends, it would be overwhelming if Facebook simply displayed posts chronologically. Ranking friends allows the algorithm to curate a feed featuring the posts you’re most likely to care about at the top.

Specifically, Facebook wants to encourage more interactions between users in order to keep people engaged on the platform. Ranking friends helps accomplish this by making it easy to see and respond to posts from the connections you interact with the most. Increased engagement leads to more time spent on Facebook and more data collected about user behavior.

How Often Does Facebook Update Friend Rankings?

Facebook refreshes its ranking model frequently to capture the latest shifts in your behavior and preferences. Major changes likely happen every couple of weeks. But the algorithm incorporates new data as soon as you interact with a friend.

For example, liking several of a friend’s recent posts would probably bump them up a few spots within a day or two. The changes happen dynamically based on real-time activity.

Do Friends See the Same Order as You?

No, every user sees their own personalized friends list order based on their specific interactions. Your order does not affect the ranking that your friends see. The algorithm treats each user’s feed separately.

So even if you have two friends who are equally active on Facebook, one may appear much higher than the other on your list if you engage more frequently with their profile and posts.

Can You Manually Change Friend Rankings?

There is no setting to manually sort your Facebook friends list. The algorithm automatically determines the customized rankings for each user. However, there are a few ways you can influence the order:

  • Interact more with friends you want higher up. Liking and commenting on their posts regularly will boost their rank.
  • Tag and mention friends you want to prioritize. This signals relevance to the algorithm.
  • Mark select friends as Close Friends. They will always stick to the top of your list.
  • Unfollow or snooze friends you don’t want to see as often.

While you can’t reorder friends directly, being more active with certain people will persuade the algorithm over time.

Tips for Managing Your Facebook Friends List

Here are some additional tips for optimizing your Facebook friends list:

  • Remove old connections you no longer interact with. Less friends means more posts from current relationships.
  • Organize friends into Lists like family, coworkers, etc. Makes it easy to view posts from specific groups.
  • Use Smart Lists for close friends, recent interactions, and more. Automatically generated based on algorithm.
  • Browse your list regularly to interact with neglected connections.
  • Check back after major life events like moving. Your changes in activity will update rankings.

How Facebook’s Algorithm Has Evolved

Facebook’s news feed algorithm has gone through many iterations since it was introduced in 2006:

Year Algorithm Update Purpose
2006 News Feed Launch Display algorithmically ranked posts rather than purely chronological
2011 EdgeRank Incorporate additional engagement signals like comments, shares, clicks
2013 Graph Search Improve relevancy based on semantic connections
2018 Meaningful Social Interactions Prioritize posts that generate back-and-forth conversation
2021 Advantage+ Machine learning model that ranks across multiple vectors

The algorithm is expected to keep evolving as Facebook gathers more behavioral data and refines its machine learning capabilities. The goal remains to provide each user with the most engaging, personalized feed possible.

Controversy Around Facebook’s Ranking Practices

Facebook’s algorithmic ranking has not been without controversy. Critics argue that some of the practices encourage polarization and echo chambers:

  • Showing people what they already agree with vs. exposing them to alternate viewpoints
  • Rewarding outrage and negative interactions that drive engagement
  • Enabling the spread of misinformation that aligns with someone’s beliefs

In response, Facebook has made some ranking tweaks to promote “meaningful social interactions” and reduce the reach of content deemed harmful, even if it is highly engaging. However, many experts say there is still progress to be made in fixing systemic issues.

Oversight and Transparency Challenges

Additional concerns around Facebook’s algorithm include:

  • Lack of independent oversight into ranking practices
  • Secrecy around the proprietary algorithm logic
  • Difficulty for researchers to analyze real-time data at scale

Facebook has shared high-level explanations of ranking factors but provides little visibility into the inner workings fueling billions of optimization decisions every day.


Facebook’s news feed algorithm has evolved significantly since its launch to determine the top friends and posts most likely to matter to each user. While personalized ranking enhances engagement, questions remain around accountability and whether the platform’s incentives ultimately serve society’s best interests. Increased transparency and oversight could help address these concerns. At the end of the day, being aware of how Facebook’s system works allows you to better control what you see from your own friends list.