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What CRM connects with Facebook?

What CRM connects with Facebook?

With the rise of social media, many businesses are looking to integrate their customer relationship management (CRM) systems with popular social platforms like Facebook. Connecting a CRM with Facebook can provide businesses with powerful insights into customer engagement, enable more targeted marketing, and create a more seamless experience for customers.

Why Integrate a CRM with Facebook?

There are several key benefits to integrating a CRM system with Facebook:

  • Access customer data from Facebook: A CRM-Facebook integration can pull valuable data from Facebook into your CRM, such as customer contact info, behaviors, interests, and conversations.
  • Enhanced targeting: With data from Facebook, businesses can segment and target customers more precisely for ads and promotions.
  • Social listening: Monitoring brand mentions, comments, and conversations on Facebook can provide useful customer insights.
  • Streamline communication: Instead of switching between apps, messaging customers is seamless via a unified platform.
  • Mobile optimization: Integrations work across devices and can optimize CRM for mobile with Facebook’s mobile capacities.
  • Lead generation: Engaging potential leads via social and converting them into sales opportunities with CRM tracking.

Ultimately, connecting CRM and Facebook enables businesses to create more personalized, impactful customer experiences across devices and platforms.

Popular CRM and Facebook Integrations

Many of the top CRM platforms offer integrations with Facebook to help businesses realize these benefits. Here are some of the most popular CRM and Facebook integrations:

HubSpot CRM

HubSpot offers robust integration between its CRM system and Facebook. Key features include:

  • Importing Facebook lead ads into contacts database
  • Engaging contacts via Facebook Messenger from within HubSpot
  • Targeting CRM segments for Facebook ad campaigns
  • Publishing HubSpot blog content to Facebook pages
  • Gathering Facebook campaign analytics and engagement data

Salesforce CRM

Salesforce also provides users with the ability to connect Salesforce CRM and Facebook:

  • Sync Facebook leads with Salesforce records
  • Track Facebook campaign metrics and engagement within Salesforce
  • UseSalesforce data to customize Facebook ad targeting
  • Engage customers via Facebook Messenger and Salesforce Chat
  • Create customized journeys across Facebook and Salesforce

Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM offers a Facebook integration add-on with features including:

  • Importing Facebook leads into Zoho CRM
  • Managing Facebook ad campaigns from within Zoho CRM
  • Posting to Facebook directly from Zoho CRM
  • Activity tracking between Facebook and Zoho CRM
  • Analyzing Facebook campaign metrics

Insightly CRM

Insightly has an integration to link CRM with Facebook for Hootsuite social media management with functionality to:

  • Manage Facebook Pages from Insightly and Hootsuite
  • Import Facebook leads into Insightly contacts
  • Post Insightly updates to Facebook via Hootsuite
  • Coordinate messaging across Insightly, Hootsuite, and Facebook

Base CRM

Base CRM offers a native integration with Facebook including:

  • Syncing Facebook leads with Base CRM contacts
  • Importing Facebook messages into Base CRM activity logs
  • Updating records based on Facebook data triggers
  • Managing Facebook ads from within Base CRM
  • Analyzing Facebook campaign performance

Best Practices for Facebook CRM Integrations

To maximize the impact of connecting CRM and Facebook, there are some best practices businesses should follow:

  • Map data carefully between Facebook and CRM when configuring the integration to ensure accuracy.
  • Clean and consolidate contacts for proper matching between platforms.
  • Define clear objectives and metrics for Facebook campaigns tracked through CRM.
  • Take advantage of all available Facebook data points to enrich CRM profiles.
  • Use unified segmentation between Facebook and CRM for optimized targeting.
  • Assign CRM workflows triggered by interactions and activity on Facebook.
  • Train staff on using the integrated platforms and leveraging the features.
  • Test and refine the integration to address any issues.
  • Analyze results consistently to inform future Facebook and CRM efforts.

Challenges of Facebook and CRM Integration

While there are significant benefits, businesses should also be aware of some potential challenges with connecting CRM and Facebook:

  • Complex configuration and setup of the integration
  • Ongoing maintenance and monitoring needed for optimal performance
  • Steep learning curve for staff to use integrated features
  • Difficulty combining data sources with different formats and structures
  • Limitations in translating Facebook activities into quantified CRM values
  • Trouble tracking granular attribution from Facebook across customer journey touchpoints
  • Information overload from bringing all Facebook data into CRM
  • Keeping platforms synced if API connection has errors

With proper planning and preparation, however, businesses can overcome these hurdles to realize the tremendous upside of connecting CRM and Facebook.


Integrating CRM systems with Facebook opens up significant opportunities for businesses to improve customer experiences, drive greater engagement, and gain data-driven insights. Major CRM providers like HubSpot, Salesforce, Zoho, Insightly, and Base all offer various integrations between their platforms and Facebook. While implementing these integrations requires careful planning and effort, the rewards can be invaluable in terms of more personalized and impactful customer marketing. With a thoughtful approach and commitment to optimization over time, companies can connect CRM and Facebook to take their business performance to the next level.