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What counts as engagement on Facebook ads?

What counts as engagement on Facebook ads?

Facebook ads allow businesses to reach potential customers and drive engagement. But what actually counts as engagement on Facebook ads? There are several key metrics that marketers look at to measure the effectiveness of their Facebook ad campaigns.


One of the most basic forms of engagement is clicks. This refers to the number of times people click on your Facebook ad, which directs them to your website, app, or whatever destination you have set for your ad. More clicks signal that your ad copy and imagery are resonating with your target audience and enticing them to find out more.

Post Reactions, Comments, and Shares

For Facebook ad campaigns aimed at boosting engagement with your Facebook Page or posts, reactions, comments, and shares are key metrics. Reactions demonstrate that people saw your ad and reacted to it by clicking Like, Love, Haha, etc. Comments show they were motivated to voice an opinion or ask a question. And shares indicate they found your content valuable enough to pass it along to others in their network.

Landing Page Views

After driving clicks from your Facebook ad to your website, landing page views show whether people are actually visiting and engaging with the page you want them to see. High landing page views suggest your ad and landing page experience are aligned and working well together.


Conversions represent people taking your desired action after engaging with your ad. This could be making a purchase, signing up for a webinar, downloading an ebook, subscribing to your email list, etc. The specific conversion goal depends on the objective of your campaign. Higher conversions signal that your ad is generating real, measurable results.

Video Views

For video ads, video views indicate how many times your video played for at least 3 seconds. This demonstrates you’ve caught people’s attention with an engaging video that kept them watching. Longer average view times are even better, showing people were truly interested in your video content.


Impressions simply refer to how many times your ad was served. While this doesn’t necessarily indicate engagement, it does show your ad’s potential reach. More impressions mean more eyeballs on your ad, with the opportunity to generate clicks, conversions, and engagement.

Relevance Score

Facebook’s relevance score is an engagement metric specific to their platform. It measures how well your target audience responds to your ad, scoring it 1-10. A high relevance score suggests you’ve created an ad that resonates with the precise audience you want to reach.

Engaged Users

Comparing the number of engaged users to total users reached indicates what percentage actively engaged with your ad. For example, if your ad reached 1,000 users over a week and 250 clicked, liked, or shared, your engaged user metric would be 25%. Higher percentages signal your ad resonates strongly with your target audience.

Negative Feedback

Don’t overlook negative metrics too. The number of times people hide or report your ad as offensive or spam provides valuable feedback. High negative feedback indicates your ad strategy needs refining to better align with your audience’s preferences.

Cost Per Result

Analyzing cost per result helps optimize your ad spend for efficiency. This metric calculates how much you are spending on advertising to acquire each outcome, such as cost per click, conversion, etc. Lower cost per result is ideal to maximize results from your Facebook ad budget.

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

ROAS measures your return on investment from Facebook ads based on the revenue generated. Calculate it by dividing revenue gained from ad conversions by total ad spend. Aim for a high ROAS to ensure your ads deliver significant returns versus cost.

Custom Conversions

For goals beyond website purchases and lead generation forms, custom conversions allow tracking any action as a conversion event. This provides more visibility into what people do after engaging with your ad. Monitor custom conversions specific to your campaign objectives.


Optimizing Facebook ad engagement requires monitoring a mix of metrics beyond vanity numbers like reach and impressions alone. Tracking this robust set of engagement KPIs lets you see the full picture of how your target audience responds to your ads. Analyze results frequently and iterate on underperforming ads to improve engagement over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3 main metrics to measure Facebook ad engagement?

The 3 primary metrics to measure Facebook ad engagement are:

  • Clicks: Direct clicks on your ad
  • Conversions: People taking your desired action after clicking your ad
  • Relevance Score: How well your ad resonates with your target audience

How do you calculate engagement rate on Facebook ads?

Engagement rate equals total engagements divided by total impressions. Engagements include clicks, reactions, comments, and shares. Impressions are how many times your ad was shown. For example, if your ad had 300 engagements and 1,000 impressions, your engagement rate would be 300/1000 = 30%.

What is a good cost per click on Facebook ads?

A good cost per click benchmark for Facebook ads varies based on industry and audience. For ecommerce, $0.40-$0.60 CPC is considered decent. Lead generation ads often target $0.50-$1.50 CPC. Niche B2B products can sustain $1-$3 CPCs. Test different bid strategies to optimize your cost per click.

What is a high relevance score on Facebook ads?

On Facebook’s 1-10 relevance score, a 7 or above is considered a high relevance score. 8-10 indicate your ad is resonating extremely well with your target audience. Aim to increase relevance over time, as higher relevance scores lead to better ad performance.

What is a good video view rate on Facebook ads?

A good video view rate is 50% or higher. This indicates at least half the people your video ad reaches watch it for at least 3 seconds. Anything over 50% suggests you have compelling video content that captures attention and interest.

Engagement Metric Definition
Clicks Number of clicks on your Facebook ad
Reactions How many Like, Love, etc. reactions your ad receives
Comments Number of comments on your sponsored post/video ad
Shares Times people share your ad on their own News Feed
Landing Page Views Visits to the landing page your ad links to
Conversions People taking your desired action after engaging with your ad
Video Views 3-second video views for video ads
Impressions Number of times your ad is served
Relevance Score 1-10 rating of how well your ad resonates with the target audience
Engaged Users Percent of users who engaged with your ad out of total reached
Negative Feedback Number of times people hide or report your ad
Cost Per Result Ad spend required to get each result (click, conversion, etc.)
ROAS Return on ad spend based on revenue generated
Custom Conversions Your own conversion events beyond purchases/leads

Tracking Multiple Engagement Metrics

Looking at multiple engagement metrics in combination paints a clearer picture of Facebook ad performance than any single KPI alone. Make sure to track clicks, conversions, relevance score, video views, cost per result, ROAS, and more. Consider engagement holistically across metrics to understand how your target audience truly responds to your ads.

Optimizing for Stronger Engagement Over Time

View engagement metrics as more than just vanity numbers. Use them to actively refine and optimize your Facebook ad strategy. Identify poorer performing ads and either improve creative assets and copy or pause them altogether. Double down on your best ads with higher budgets and expanded targeting to increase reach. Experiment with different objectives, placements, formats, and audiences. Continually iterate to boost engagement metrics.

Aligning Facebook Ads and Landing Pages

Keep your ad destination in mind when crafting Facebook ads. Ensure your landing page provides an experience aligned with what your ad promises. For example, if your ad promotes a gated guide, make sure the landing page has an obvious lead gen form to download it easily. Consistency between ads and landing pages creates a cohesive user experience that enables higher conversions.

Benchmarking Metrics Against Past Performance

Compare current campaign metrics against past results to gauge improvement and identify downward trends. If engagement is down on certain metrics like clicks or conversions, that signals a need to revise your approach. Reference historic benchmarks to maintain and increase Facebook ad performance over time.

Using Engagement Metrics to Project ROI

Combining engagement data with your sales numbers allows modeling the potential revenue impact of your Facebook ads. Metrics like cost per conversion and ROAS can inform forecasts. If you achieve a $5 ROAS and want $5,000 monthly return, aim for $1,000 monthly ad spend. Project ROI based on engagement metrics when planning budgets.

Consider Audience Insights to Boost Engagement

Leverage Facebook’s detailed audience insights to understand your target users’ interests, behaviors, and demographics. Tailor your ads and landing pages to align with what resonates most. For example, emphasize certain features, use relevant imagery, and craft messaging that speaks directly to their preferences. Refining targeting boosts relevance scores.

Remain Compliant with Facebook’s Policies

While engagement is crucial, stay compliant with Facebook’s ad policies. Don’t use overly promotional messaging or make misleading claims. Respect user experience expectations too. Ad blockers negatively impact engagement metrics, so avoid overly disruptive or annoying ads. Keeping ads compliant enables sustainable performance.

Regularly Review Reports and Dashboards

Don’t just set and forget your Facebook ads. Schedule time regularly to dig into your campaign results and analytics. Review engagement metric reports and customized dashboards. Dive deeper into the data beyond top-level numbers. Consistent analysis ensures you catch issues impacting engagement and can course correct effectively.


Facebook ad engagement equates to clicks, conversions, video views, reactions, and other signals your target audience sees and responds to your ads. Monitor these metrics closely across multiple dimensions to gauge performance. Use the data to tailor ad strategy for improved reach and resonance. Consistently optimizing Facebook ad engagement drives tangible results for your business.