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What countries does Facebook Dating work?

What countries does Facebook Dating work?

Facebook Dating is a relatively new dating feature within the Facebook app that allows users to match with potential romantic partners. Since launching in 2020, Facebook Dating has expanded to various countries around the world, but it is not yet available globally.

Countries Where Facebook Dating is Available

As of October 2023, Facebook Dating is available in the following 54 countries and territories:

Argentina Chile Peru
Bolivia Colombia Paraguay
Brazil Ecuador Philippines
Canada Guatemala Singapore
Mexico Guyana Suriname
Uruguay Laos Thailand
Costa Rica Malaysia United States
Dominican Republic Honduras Vietnam
El Salvador Nicaragua Australia
Belize Panama New Zealand
Denmark Sweden Taiwan
Norway Switzerland Japan
Finland Spain Indonesia
France Netherlands India
Germany Italy South Korea
Austria Portugal Hong Kong
Belgium Luxembourg United Kingdom
Ireland Poland Czechia
Norway Romania Slovakia

As you can see, Facebook Dating has a strong presence in North and South America, with availability in most countries in those regions. There is more limited availability in Europe and Asia so far.

Countries Where Facebook Dating is Not Available

While Facebook Dating is active in over 50 countries, there are still many places where the feature is not yet supported. Some notable countries where Facebook Dating is not available include:

  • China
  • Russia
  • Turkey
  • Most countries in Africa
  • Most countries in the Middle East

In general, Facebook Dating has very limited availability in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East up to this point. The service has focused its rollout on the Americas, Europe, and Oceania.

Reasons for Limited Availability

There are a few potential reasons why Facebook Dating is not yet widely available globally:

Regulatory Restrictions

Some countries have regulations that restrict or prohibit online dating services. For example, online dating is banned entirely in countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan for cultural/religious reasons. Facebook likely excludes these countries to comply with local laws.

Market Demand

Facebook may be prioritizing countries where there is more of an existing market and demand for online dating. Countries with high smartphone and social media usage tend to be where Facebook focuses its dating feature.

User Base Thresholds

Facebook Dating relies on having a sizable Facebook user base in a given country to work effectively. The feature may not perform well in countries where Facebook usage is relatively low.


Properly supporting Facebook Dating requires translation to local languages and meeting cultural norms. This localization takes time and resources to achieve.

The Future of Facebook Dating’s Availability

While Facebook Dating is not yet globally available, the company continues working to expand support to more countries. Some signs point to wider availability in the future:

Focus on Asia Expansion

Facebook has been beta testing and preparing to launch Dating in additional Asian countries like Vietnam, Singapore, and Thailand. This signals interest in growing in the Asia-Pacific region.

Partnerships with Developers

Facebook is enabling third-party developers to integrate their dating apps and services with Facebook Dating. These partnerships could aid expansion.

Marketing of Dating Feature

Facebook actively promotes Facebook Dating through ads on its platform, suggesting ongoing investment in the product.

How to Tell if Your Country Has Facebook Dating

Wondering if Facebook Dating is available in your country? Here are some easy ways to check:

  • Open the Facebook app on your phone and look for the Dating tab – if it’s visible, Dating is active in your country.
  • Go to the Facebook Dating website and see if it lets you create a dating profile.
  • Search online for lists of countries where Facebook Dating is available.
  • Ask Facebook support if Dating is offered in your location.

Using a VPN to Access Facebook Dating

If Facebook Dating is not available in your country, some users try accessing it via a VPN (virtual private network). A VPN can make it appear like you are accessing Facebook from another country where Dating is enabled.

However, this is against Facebook’s terms of service and could result in your account being banned. For this reason, using a VPN to unlock Facebook Dating is not recommended.


In summary, Facebook Dating has launched in over 50 countries but remains unavailable in much of Asia, Africa, the Middle East and former Soviet nations. Facebook seems focused on expanding availability in Asia and Latin America next. While VPN access is possible, it violates Facebook’s rules and could get you banned. For most people, the best option is simply to wait until Facebook Dating officially launches in additional countries in the future.