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What countries are eligible for meta monetization?

What countries are eligible for meta monetization?

Meta monetization refers to the ability for creators on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp to earn money from the content they produce. This has opened up new opportunities for creators around the world to profit from their work. However, meta monetization is not yet available globally. The eligibility depends on a few key factors.

Meta Monetization Platform Availability

The first criteria that determines a country’s eligibility for meta monetization is whether the platform itself supports monetization features. As of October 2022, here are the platforms that allow content monetization:


Facebook rolled out monetization tools like Facebook Reels Play Bonus, Subscriber Groups, Stars, and more to dozens of countries in 2022. Some of the key countries where creators can now earn money on Facebook include:

United States Canada Mexico
Brazil Argentina Chile
UK France Germany
Sweden South Africa Kenya
India Philippines Japan
Thailand Malaysia Vietnam
Australia New Zealand

So creators in these countries can monetize directly on Facebook through its suite of tools.


Instagram has also introduced monetization features in many regions. Some key countries where Instagram monetization is available include:

United States Canada Mexico
Brazil Argentina Chile
UK France Germany
Sweden Italy Spain
Australia New Zealand Japan
Thailand Indonesia India

So Instagram creators in these places can make money through Instagram ads, subscriptions, badges, creator shops and more.


WhatsApp has started monetization trials in select countries like Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico and UK. The ability to charge for certain services is being tested. So creators in these countries may have opportunities to earn through WhatsApp.

Legal and Regulatory Requirements

Beyond platform availability, creators also need to meet legal and tax requirements in their country to receive monetization payouts.

Some key requirements include:

– Minimum age of 18 in most countries
– Valid government ID verification
– Tax information like social security number or business tax ID
– Business address and bank account in country of residence

Meeting these requirements allows meta platforms to properly process payments while remaining compliant with local tax laws.

Age Verification

Meta requires creators to be at least 18 years old in most countries. This is the minimum age to enter into legal contracts and tax agreements for monetization payouts.

Some exceptions are:
– 13 years in Netherlands
– 14 years in Spain, South Korea and Germany
– 16 years in Italy

So underage creators in most places cannot yet monetize content until they are adults.

Tax Information and Business Address

To receive monetization payouts, creators need to provide:

– Relevant tax ID information like Social Security Number, VAT Number, PAN, or Business Number
– Valid address matching country of residence
– Business or personal bank account in local currency

This allows proper tax reporting and payments in compliance with local regulations.

ID Verification

Creators also need to verify their identity by providing government ID like passport, driver’s license, national ID card, etc.

This identity verification is required in most countries to ensure payments are going to valid account owners.

Content Eligibility and Guidelines

In addition to platform availability and legal requirements, creators must also comply with content guidelines to remain eligible for monetization.

Some key content policies include:

Intellectual Property

Creators must have the rights to the content they share and monetize. This includes:

– Original content created by the creator
– Licensed content used with permission
– Fair use of copyrighted material

Content that infringes on others’ IP leads to blocked monetization.

Violent, Dangerous or Restricted Goods

Content that promotes dangerous or criminal acts is prohibited. Things like:

– Violence against people or animals
– Sale of weapons, drugs or other regulated goods
– Terrorist or extremist content

This type of content can lead to demonetization and account suspension.


Spreading falsehoods and misinformation is not allowed. This includes:

– Health misinformation, like fake COVID-19 cures
– Election or civic misinformation
– Manipulated or out-of-context media

Repeated instances of misinformation can get monetization revoked.

Hate Speech, Bullying and Harassment

Content that attacks or endangers people based on protected characteristics is banned. This covers:

– Hate speech based on race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, disability, etc.
– Doxxing or revealing private information about others
– Harassment, cyberbullying or threatening violence

Accounts that engage in these behaviors will be demonetized.

Adult Content

Most adult or sexual content is not eligible for monetization, with some exceptions for educational content. But policies prohibit:

– Pornography or sexually explicit content
– Promoting escort services, online dating or “looking for relations”
– Content depicting minors in sexualized contexts

Such content often results in monetization rejection or restrictions.


Meta monetization eligibility depends on a combination of factors:

– Platform availability in the creator’s country
– Meeting legal and tax requirements
– Following content policies and community standards

Countries where Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp have launched monetization tools have the most opportunities. But creators everywhere need to ensure they meet age, ID verification, tax reporting, and content guidelines requirements to earn money from their content. With the right approach, creators worldwide can take advantage of meta’s monetization products.