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What content is prohibited on Facebook ads?

What content is prohibited on Facebook ads?

Facebook has strict policies about what types of content are allowed in ads on their platform. There are prohibited content policies that apply to all ads, as well as additional policies for specific categories like housing, employment, credit, politics, and more. Understanding Facebook’s ad policies is crucial for any business wanting to advertise on Facebook or Instagram.

Facebook aims to create a safe and trustworthy environment with their ad policies. Prohibited content refers to things like hate speech, sensitive topics, illegal products/services, and graphic content. These types of sensitive subjects have the potential to detract from the experience for Facebook users. Additionally, local laws may restrict certain products or services from being advertised. By maintaining strong prohibited content policies, Facebook can filter out inappropriate or illegal ads that shouldn’t be shown to users.

For businesses, it’s important to educate yourself on what content is prohibited so you don’t waste money creating ads that will get rejected. The policies may seem restrictive, but they allow Facebook to keep the majority of ads relevant and safe for users. With billions of users from all backgrounds, Facebook has to take many perspectives into account with their policies.

Why does Facebook prohibit certain content?

Facebook outlines their reasoning behind prohibited content policies on their Advertising Policies website:

  • Authenticity – Content should represent a business, product, or service as it is in reality. Misrepresentation erodes trust between users, advertisers, and Facebook.
  • Safety – Content should not promote harm or negative consequences to oneself or others.
  • Privacy – User data should always be protected and used responsibly.
  • Legality – Content should be lawful and acceptable under local regulations.

Essentially, Facebook does not want ads that are deceptive, dangerous, exploitive, discriminatory or illegal. Their policies aim to protect users first and provide advertisers with a platform they can trust.

Prohibited Content for All Ads

Facebook maintains a list of prohibited content that applies to all ads on their platform, regardless of geographic location or targeting. This content is prohibited because it has potential to negatively impact users or damage Facebook’s brand image and integrity.

1. Hate Speech

Ads must not contain content that represents, aids or incites hatred against individuals or groups based on personal attributes like race, ethnicity, color, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity or immigration status. This includes symbols historically associated with hate groups like logos, flags, or imagery.

2. Sensitive Topics

Ads cannot contain shocking, sensational, disrespectful or excessively violent content. This includes sensitive events like natural disasters, deaths, or tragic events used for commercial purposes. Political and social issues require careful consideration as well.

3. Illegal Products or Services

Advertising illegal products or services is strictly prohibited. This includes drugs, drug paraphernalia, tobacco, explosives, weapons, ammunition and fireworks. Services like evading law enforcement, prostitution, human trafficking, assassination/hitmen requests, and bootleg music/movies are also prohibited.

4. Adult Content

Facebook does not allow nudity, depictions of people in explicit positions, and activities like strip clubs, escort services, or sexual massages. Images focused on individual body parts are also not allowed.

5. Low Quality or Disruptive Content

Misleading, false, or deceptive claims are not allowed in ads. This includes “clickbait” titles, excessive repetition, gibberish text, disruptive layouts, scam promotions, and background noise. Malware and auto-redirects are also prohibited.

6. Graphic Content

Graphic images depicting bodily fluids, gore, mutilated bodies, or torture are prohibited. Accident and crime scene photos are also not allowed. Exceptions may be made for graphic content related to social issues if it does not incite violence.

7. Unauthorized Use of Brands

Advertisers are not allowed to use third-party brands or content without permission. This includes things like company logos, celebrity images, copyrighted images, and branded merchandise.

Prohibited Content for Specific Ad Categories

In addition to the general prohibited content policies, Facebook has extra rules for certain ad categories that deal with regulated products and services.

Housing, Employment, and Credit Ads

Ads for housing, employment, and credit/lending opportunities must abide by special policies that forbid discrimination or harassment based on protected classes. Advertisers cannot target or exclude groups based on criteria like age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, or financial status.

Political Ads

Facebook has strict rules governing political ads and electoral content leading up to elections. Ads must include “Paid for by” disclaimers, get authorization to run electoral ads, and submit to extra transparency requirements.


Alcohol brands can advertise on Facebook but have to restrict targeting to users 21 and older. Ads cannot promote irresponsible drinking or drunk driving. Food and beverage companies also have to provide nutrition details upon request.

Dating and Relationship Ads

Dating, relationship, and sexual wellness ads are allowed but they cannot promote sexual gratification or hook-up culture. Stricter policies exist for minors and targeting based on personal attributes.

Gambling and Lotteries

Online gambling, sports betting, and lottery ads must comply with local laws and cannot target minors. Location targeting restrictions apply as well.

Prescription Drugs and Healthcare

Prescription drug and healthcare service ads must be targeted only to relevant audiences. Multi-level marketing supplements also face restrictions.

Virtual Reality

Due to potential health risks, ads related to virtual reality headsets must include health and safety warnings. Motion sickness warnings are required as well.

How Facebook Enforces Prohibited Content Policies

Facebook uses both automated technology and human review teams to identify and take action against ads that violate their prohibited content policies:

Automated Review

Facebook’s automated ad review system uses machine learning technology to analyze ads and detect policy violations before ads go live. Things like hate speech, graphic images, and spam can be identified by algorithms.

Human Review

Facebook also employs content review teams that manually check a sample of ads after launch to catch any policy violations. Reviewers have expertise in different ad categories like employment, credit, and housing.

User Reporting

Users can report inappropriate ads they come across, which alerts Facebook’s review teams. Advertisers are expected to comply promptly with any requests to edit or take down ads based on user reports.


If an advertiser repeatedly violates policies, Facebook may prohibit them from advertising on the platform temporarily or permanently.


Advertisers can appeal ad disapprovals if they believe there was an error. However, Facebook’s decision on prohibited content is ultimately final.

Best Practices for Compliant Ads

Here are some tips to ensure ads abide by Facebook’s prohibited content policies:

  • Carefully review all ad policies, including general prohibitions plus rules for your specific ad category.
  • Avoid inflammatory, controversial or offensive content – ads should feel inclusive and safe.
  • Be honest and transparent about your business, products and services portrayed.
  • Use images and videos relevant to the product – no shocking or adult content.
  • Check targeting settings to exclude inappropriate age groups or locations.
  • Use compliant ad copy – no profanity, slurs, personal attacks, or illegal products/services.
  • Don’t use brands or content without verified permission.
  • Review ads from a neutral third-party perspective before launching.


Facebook’s prohibited content policies for ads are designed to maintain a safe, high-quality user experience and establish trust in advertising. While the rules may seem excessive, they allow Facebook to filter out the bad actors and show users ads they find useful and relevant.

Businesses who educate themselves on the policies and act in good faith should have no issues. The key is making sure your ads add value rather than detract from the Facebook ecosystem.

With billions of diverse users, Facebook aims to be an inclusive platform that brings people together. Their advertising content rules, while strict, are meant to uphold the integrity of the community.

Always consult Facebook’s Advertising Policies before running ads to avoid wasted spend on non-compliant content. While staying within the rules may present creative challenges, the payoff is reaching Facebook’s massive audience in a meaningful, constructive way.

Facebook’s prohibited content policies require advertisers to be transparent, honest, relevant, and safe. But these restrictions ultimately allow businesses to build trust and connect with customers in a positive environment.

Focus on creating quality, value-driven ads that engage and inform. With smart targeting and compliant content, Facebook ads can become an invaluable asset for your business.

Facebook’s prohibited ad content policies aim to foster an ecosystem of trust between users, advertisers, and Facebook itself. By working together to keep ads safe, inclusive and honest, we allow businesses to effectively reach the right audiences without detracting from the user experience.

Facebook advertising can drive tremendous results when done thoughtfully and ethically. Educate yourself on the policies, adopt compliant best practices, and respect the platform’s principles – this will lead to success on Facebook.

Facebook’s prohibited ad content policies exist to protect users, advertisers, and Facebook’s brand. Avoiding inflammatory, misleading, illegal, or offensive material creates a positive environment that benefits all stakeholders.

Review policies thoroughly, get ads approved, target responsibly, and appeal decisions you think are unfair. With good faith compliance, Facebook advertising provides unparalleled opportunities to grow your business.

Facebook’s rules aim to reduce potential harm while maximizing value for all. While prohibited ad content policies can seem limiting, they allow ethical, constructive ads to thrive and build trust.

Treat users with respect, represent your business honestly, and add value rather than exploit. When ads align with Facebook’s principles, businesses can achieve great success.