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What color is best for Facebook cover?

What color is best for Facebook cover?

Choosing the right color for your Facebook cover photo is an important decision that can impact how people perceive you and your brand. With over 2 billion monthly active users on Facebook, your cover photo is valuable real estate for making a strong first impression. When designed effectively, your Facebook cover photo can convey your personality, highlight your products or services, and allow viewers to connect with you on a more personal level. But with so many color options to choose from, how do you know which Facebook cover color will be the most effective? This article will examine the psychology behind color choice, break down the best color options for your industry, and provide design tips to make your Facebook cover photo stand out.

The Psychology of Color in Marketing

Understanding basic color theory and psychology is the first step to picking an optimal Facebook cover photo color. Studies show that color choice has an impact on consumers’ perceptions and purchasing decisions. Certain colors elicit specific emotional responses and can be used strategically to convey key messages about your brand. When selecting a Facebook cover color, consider the following psychological effects of popular colors:

  • Blue – Blue evokes feelings of trust, security, and reliability. It is a popular color for professional services, finance, and technology companies.
  • Green – Green is associated with health, nature, and environmental friendliness. Green is effective for brands related to agriculture, sustainability, or wellness.
  • Purple – Purple connotes creativity, wisdom, and imagination. It’s frequently utilized in arts, photography, or education-related fields.
  • Red – Red symbolizes passion, excitement, boldness, and urgency. Use red to grab attention, especially for call-to-action messages.
  • Orange – Orange promotes feelings of enthusiasm, playfulness, and energy. Orange is popular for youthful brands or the entertainment industry.
  • Yellow – Yellow represents happiness, optimism, and warmth. Use cheerful yellow to create a fun, inviting brand personality.
  • Pink – Pink conveys femininity, love, and sensitivity. It works well for brands targeting a female demographic.

Keep these broad emotional associations in mind when selecting your cover photo color. Your goal is to choose a hue that aligns with your brand identity and the image you want to project to Facebook users. However, color psychology isn’t an exact science, so also rely on your industry research and aesthetics.

Best Color Choices for Different Industries

While color psychology provides helpful guidelines, research into your specific industry should directly inform your Facebook cover color choice. Here are some best practices for popular industries and brand types:

Professional Services

Opt for a classic, professional color like blue, black, gray, or dark green. Avoid bright colors to convey stability and reliability.


Stick with conservative colors like blue, black, gray, or white. Green can also denote money and financial security.


Cool tones like blue, gray, and silver convey technological sophistication. Blue also represents industry leaders like Facebook.


Use green which represents life, growth, and safety. Blue also reassures patients and connotes professionalism.

Retail & Ecommerce

Orange, red, and green grab attention and inspire shopping. Avoid drab colors that won’t excite customers.

Food & Beverage

Warm, appetizing colors like red, orange, yellow, green, or brown. Playful colors help brands stand out.

Travel & Hospitality

Blue evokes feelings of escape while warm colors like yellow, orange, and red convey energy and fun.


Green and blue (especially light blues) suggest trustworthiness, calm, and reliability.

Design Tips for Facebook Covers

Once you’ve selected the perfect Facebook cover color for your brand, follow these design tips to create a polished, effective cover photo:

  • Add your logo and branding elements like slogans or taglines.
  • Include relevant imagery like products, employees, or customers.
  • Use high-quality, non-pixelated photos that won’t look blurry.
  • Ensure important elements aren’t hidden by Facebook menus and headers.
  • Add text overlays sparingly, as too much text looks cluttered.
  • Test different photo placements like left-aligned, centered, or tiled.
  • Change up your cover photo regularly to keep your profile looking fresh.

Refer to Facebook’s cover photo dimensions of 820 x 312 pixels when creating your design. You can also try using Canva, PicMonkey, or Adobe programs to produce covers that pop.

Examples of Effective Facebook Cover Colors

Need some inspiration? Here are examples of brands rocking the ideal Facebook cover color for their industry:

Brand Industry Cover Color
Spotify Music & Entertainment Vibrant Green
Tide Consumer Goods Classic Orange
TOMS Fashion & Retail Earthy Tan
WWF Environmentalism Natural Green
Amazon Ecommerce Bold Orange
NASA Aerospace Deep Blue

Each of these brands considered their industry, brand identity, and target audience when selecting their Facebook cover. Their strategic use of color helps them stand out on social media.


Your Facebook cover color sets the tone for your entire profile, so choose wisely. Consider color psychology, your specific industry, and aesthetics when selecting a hue. Blue, green, and orange covers are versatile options that allow you to highlight your brand personality. Use high-quality, relevant photos and sparing text to create a polished design. Test different color and layout options to determine what resonates most with your audience. An eye-catching Facebook cover photo can make a powerful first impression, so pick a color that presents your brand at its best.