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What changed with Facebook pages?

What changed with Facebook pages?

Facebook pages have gone through many changes over the years as Facebook continues to evolve its platform. Some of the biggest changes for Facebook pages include algorithm updates that impact reach and engagement, new page layouts and designs, and new features for connecting with audiences.

Facebook Algorithm Updates

One of the most impactful changes for Facebook pages has been major updates to the Facebook algorithm. The algorithm controls what content shows up in users’ News Feeds and how much organic reach pages can get without paying for advertising.

Here are some of the major algorithm updates that have affected Facebook pages:

  • In 2018, Facebook made a major update aimed at increasing meaningful interactions between people over passive content consumption. This meant that posts that sparked conversation and engagement were shown more in the News Feed than posts that got likes or shares alone.
  • In 2021, Facebook rolled out an update to give more preference to original creator content rather than re-shared content. This impacted reach for many meme pages and other pages that heavily relied on shares.
  • Numerous updates have been made to reduce the reach of “engagement bait” posts that explicitly ask for likes, shares, and comments. Now, Facebook tries to surface organic engagement and conversation.

Due to algorithm changes, organic reach has declined over the years for Facebook pages. Where a page post in 2012 may have reached all followers, now most pages see only single-digit percentages without paid promotion. This has led many pages to invest more in Facebook advertising and be more strategic with their organic posting tactics to maximize engagement.

New Page Layouts

Facebook has introduced different page layouts over time to optimize different types of content and engagement:

  • Multiple tabs: In 2011, Facebook introduced tabs for pages, allowing them to organize different types of content into tabs like Photos, Events, Videos, etc. Pages can have up to 25 tabs.
  • Timeline view: In 2012, profiles and pages moved to the new Timeline view. This presented content linearly in chronological order and allowed deeper storytelling.
  • Mobile optimization: Updates in 2013 and 2014 allowed pages to specify information that was most important for mobile viewers.
  • Video layout: In 2017, Facebook introduced a dedicated video page layout to provide the best experience for video content.
  • Shops layout: In 2020, Facebook launched the new Shops layout to support product sales directly through Facebook.

These layout changes have aimed to help people engage with pages based on their interests. For example, the video layout helps video viewers consume content, while the Shops layout caters specifically to customers.

New Ways to Connect

Facebook has also introduced many new features over the years to help page owners better connect with their audiences:

  • Chat feature: Introduced in 2015, this allows pages to provide customer service to followers via direct messaging.
  • Live video: Launched in 2016, Facebook Live lets pages stream real-time video to engage followers.
  • Stories: In 2017, pages could start sharing ephemeral Stories just like individual users. This provided a more casual sharing medium.
  • Groups: Pages can now create private Facebook Groups as a way to interact more deeply with fans.
  • Subscriptions: In 2021, select pages can offer paid subscriptions for exclusive content and community.

Utilizing these features allows pages to engage fans beyond just a one-way broadcast medium. Two-way conversations and exclusive access help pages build stronger connections with their audiences.

New Content Options

Facebook has also expanded the types of content that pages can share to provide more diverse options for engaging audiences.

Some top new content formats include:

  • Photo carousels
  • Short-form vertical video
  • 360-degree photos
  • Live Audio Rooms
  • Newsletters
  • Augmented reality filters
  • Games

Pages have more creative tools at their disposal to craft content that resonates. And users have new ways to interact beyond just commenting and reacting.

Paid Advertising Options

Facebook has developed more options for pages to amplify their reach and content through paid advertising:

  • Page post ads: Pages can now easily boost specific posts into ads to reach broader audiences beyond their current followers.
  • Precise targeting: Advertisers have significantly more options for targeting ads by location, demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Automated ads: Powerful automation tools allow advertisers to create full-funnel campaigns to attract leads and drive conversions with minimal effort.
  • Messenger ads: Pages can run ads that open into a Messenger conversation to convert interested prospects.

With precise ad targeting and comprehensive automation, Facebook ads are an increasingly powerful channel for businesses to achieve marketing objectives.

Facebook Analytics

Speaking of business objectives, Facebook has improved analytics and insights to help page owners track meaningful metrics:

  • Page Insights: Available since 2011, core Insights shows data on followers, reach, engagement, video views, and more.
  • Integrated analytics: Analytics expanded to capture on-site and offline conversions from Facebook campaigns.
  • Creators Studio: In 2018, Facebook launched Creators Studio specifically for media publishers and video pages.
  • Business Suite: Now pages have a centralized dashboard via Facebook Business Suite to manage messages, comments, ads, and analytics.

Robust analytics help page owners set goals, identify high-performing content, and optimize efforts to get maximum return from the platform.

Emerging Technologies

Finally, Facebook is investing heavily in future-focused technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and the metaverse to create new experiences for people and pages:

  • Artificial intelligence: AI powers recommendations across Facebook apps and provides insights to pages on audience sentiment, engagement predictions, and ad optimization.
  • Augmented reality: AR allows pages to create immersive effects and filters for Stories and ads.
  • Metaverse: Facebook sees virtual spaces as the next evolution of social connection. This could open new creative opportunities for pages in the future.

These technologies illustrate how Facebook will continue rapidly evolving in the years ahead. Pages that stay adaptable and take advantage of new capabilities as they emerge will have the best chance of connecting with audiences into the future.


Facebook pages remain one of the most powerful tools businesses, brands, creators, and organizations can use to reach people. Despite numerous changes over the past decade, the core value proposition remains connecting with target audiences in a relevant, engaging way.

Pages must balance their organic content strategy with paid ads to maximize visibility. They need to provide diverse content formats and interactive experiences outside passive consumption. Analyzing performance and adapting quickly are critical skills. But for brands that meet audiences where they are, Facebook still provides unparalleled scale.

The companies that will continue succeeding are those that evolve alongside Facebook to take advantage of every new feature and capability as soon as it emerges. Given Facebook’s history, pages that remain agile and forward-thinking will be primed to engage audiences however social connection evolves in the digital world.