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What can you report someone on Facebook for?

What can you report someone on Facebook for?

Facebook provides users with the ability to report content or behavior that violates its Community Standards. There are a few key categories of things that can be reported:

Hate Speech

Facebook prohibits hate speech, which it defines as “a direct attack against people on the basis of protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity and serious disease.” Some examples of what would qualify as hate speech include:

  • Using slurs or making threatening statements against someone based on their protected characteristics
  • Calling for harm or exclusion against someone based on their protected characteristics
  • Attacking someone’s mental health condition
  • Describing immigrants or migrants as filthy, diseased or criminals
  • Attacking someone’s physical appearance

If you see a post or comment that attacks or dehumanizes others based on who they are, you can report it as hate speech.

Violence and Criminal Behavior

Graphic violence and threats of harm are not allowed on Facebook. Some examples of violent and criminal behavior that can be reported include:

  • Threats to harm or kill someone
  • Calling for violence against a particular person or group
  • Videos of violent acts like beatings or stabbings
  • Photos of animal abuse
  • Criminal acts like theft, fraud or vandalism

Anything that glorifies violence, celebrates the suffering of others, or attempts to coordinate harm may be removed from Facebook and reported to law enforcement.

Bullying and Harassment

Facebook does not tolerate bullying or harassment. Some examples of behavior that can be reported as bullying or harassment include:

  • Repeatedly sending unwanted messages or friend requests to someone
  • Making rude, demeaning or insulting comments
  • Revealing someone’s personal information like address or phone number without consent
  • Creating fake accounts to deceive, manipulate or embarrass others
  • Excluding someone from a group or messaging thread to isolate them

If you notice a pattern of cruel behavior targeted at an individual or group, report it so Facebook can take action.

Sexual Exploitation

Facebook has zero tolerance for any attempts to exploit others sexually. Some forms of sexual exploitation that can be reported include:

  • Requests or demands for nude photos/videos
  • Sex trafficking
  • Sexualized photos/videos of children
  • Unwanted sexual commentary or advances in messages
  • Upskirt photos

Any sexual content involving minors or non-consensual content should be reported immediately.

Fake Accounts

Facebook requires people to use their authentic identities on the platform. Some signs of a fake account include:

  • Little or no profile information
  • Stock photos used as the profile picture
  • Suspicious username consisting of random letters/numbers
  • Sending lots of friend requests to people they don’t know
  • New account with very few posts and friends

Fake accounts are often used to spread spam or scams, so reporting them helps keep Facebook safer.

Scams and Misleading Content

Facebook works to prevent the spread of financial scams, false advertising and other misleading content. Some things to look out for include:

  • “Get rich quick” schemes promising huge profits
  • Price gouging essential items during crises
  • False information about voting procedures
  • Exaggerated or fake health claims for pills, supplements, etc.
  • Hoaxes pretending to be from official sources

Misleading content designed to manipulate people should be reported to Facebook promptly.

Unauthorized Sales of Regulated Goods

Facebook prohibits attempts to sell certain regulated goods without the appropriate licensing and permissions. Some examples include:

  • Sale of pharmaceuticals without a pharmacy license
  • Sale of firearms without a federal firearms license
  • Sale of adult substances to minors
  • Sale of products violating intellectual property laws

These types of unauthorized sales should be reported so Facebook can remove them.

How To Report Violations on Facebook

If you come across any content or behavior that appears to violate Facebook’s standards, here is how you can report it:

  1. Click the three dots in the top right corner of the post or comment to access a dropdown menu. Select “Find Support or Report Post.”
  2. Choose the option that best describes the issue and explain why you are reporting. Provide any additional context that may be helpful.
  3. If reporting a profile, go to their page and click the three dots at the top right. Select “Find Support or Report Profile.”
  4. Select the appropriate reporting category and explain the issue with relevant details.
  5. You can also access reporting forms from the Privacy Shortcuts menu at the bottom of every Facebook page.

Facebook relies on user reports to catch policy violations, so your reports make the platform safer. Reports are always confidential.

What Happens After You Report

After you submit a report, Facebook’s Community Operations team will review the content in question and determine whether it violates any policies. Here is the process:

  1. The team will assess the report and may remove violating content quickly to prevent harm.
  2. If the report needs more context, they may leave the content up temporarily pending further review.
  3. They may determine no violation occurred, but still take actions like demoting disturbing content so fewer people see it.
  4. For severe violations, they may disable accounts or refer cases to law enforcement if physical threats or criminal acts are involved.
  5. They try to review reports quickly, though it may take longer for complex cases requiring nuanced judgement.

Facebook will notify you if action is taken on your report. However, to protect privacy, they generally can’t provide details on specific enforcement measures.

Even if you feel a report doesn’t produce the outcome you hoped for, know that your feedback helps Facebook improve its policies and systems over time.

Appealing Content Decisions

If you disagree with Facebook’s decision on content you reported, here are some steps you can take:

  • Use the “Request Review” option after receiving a notification that no violation was found. This prompts further internal review.
  • Consult the Community Standards to ensure your understanding of the policies aligns with Facebook’s definitions.
  • Provide any additional context that you did not include in your initial report to strengthen your appeal.
  • Use Facebook’s appeals process. This goes to an external Oversight Board that can overturn Facebook’s decisions.
  • Give feedback through channels like Facebook user surveys so your voice contributes to improving standards.

While Facebook may not reverse every decision, providing thoughtful appeals and feedback helps enhance the system.

Preventing Policy Violations

The best way to handle inappropriate content or behavior on Facebook is to prevent violations from happening in the first place:

  • Customize post audience and privacy settings to share sensitively.
  • Make judicious friends lists and be cautious accepting friend requests.
  • Remove yourself from upsetting groups and threads if the dynamic becomes hostile.
  • Disable notifications from profiles that spam or harass you.
  • Report policy breaches that have not yet caused serious harm.

Exercising caution and judgment in what you post and engage with helps avoid many issues down the line.


Facebook provides robust tools for keeping your experience positive while working to remove harmful and inappropriate content. Familiarizing yourself with reporting procedures, appealing decisions respectfully, and taking preventive measures empowers you to help protect the Facebook community.

Though online content moderation has challenges, a shared commitment among users and the platform to address emerging issues thoughtfully enables ongoing improvement. By doing your part through considered reporting, avoiding policy breaches, and giving constructive feedback, you can help Facebook make progress in responsibly connecting people.