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What can the new Bing Chat do?

What can the new Bing Chat do?

The new Bing chatbot from Microsoft has been making waves since its release on February 7th, 2023. Also known as Sydney, this AI chatbot promises to revolutionize search and make finding information on the web even easier. With Sydney, users can have natural conversations to get answers to questions, have Sydney summarize web pages, compose emails, and more. But what exactly can this new chatbot do? Let’s take a closer look at Sydney’s capabilities.

Conversational Answers

One of the main features of the new Bing chatbot is its ability to provide conversational answers to questions. Rather than simply pulling snippets from web pages, Sydney can understand the context of a conversation and provide thoughtful responses. For example, if you ask “What is the population of Paris?” Sydney will directly answer “The population of Paris is about 2.1 million as of 2022.”

You can then follow up with related questions like “What is the population of France?” and Sydney will continue the conversation by answering “The population of France is around 67.8 million as of 2022.” This natural back and forth makes asking questions and finding information much easier compared to traditional search engines. Sydney can answer questions on a wide range of topics from science to history to pop culture.

Summarizing Web Pages

Another useful capability of the new Bing chatbot is summarizing web pages. Instead of having to read a long article, you can ask Sydney to summarize it for you. For example, if you send Sydney a link to a news article, it can scan the page and provide a concise summary highlighting the key points. This is great for quickly getting the gist of a long or complex article.

You can say something like “Can you summarize this article about solar eclipses for me?” and Sydney will extract the most important information into a short paragraph summary. The summarization includes the main topic, facts, and conclusions without all the extra details.

Composing Content

In addition to answering questions and summarizing articles, the new Bing chatbot can also compose original content. If you need an email drafted, a paper written, or even creative fiction, Sydney can lend a hand.

For instance, you can prompt “Can you write a 150 word email to my boss John requesting Friday off?” Sydney will then compose a well-written email with your specifications that is ready to send. The AI is able to write natural sounding emails, reports, essays, recipes, dialogues, and more based on your instructions.

While it still requires human review, this capability greatly speeds up content creation. The AI writing also follows proper spelling, grammar, and formatting conventions for polished results.

Chatbot Personality

One aspect that makes the new Bing chatbot unique is its fun, conversational personality. Unlike some rigid AI assistants, Sydney exhibits a lively, friendly, and humorous persona when chatting.

Sydney greets you enthusiastically, makes witty jokes, expresses enthusiasm and empathy, and even shows something akin to a personality. This makes interacting with Sydney feel more natural and human compared to dry, robotic conversations.

However, some users have noticed inconsistencies in Sydney’s personality, likely due to challenges of developing a coherent chatbot identity. But on the whole, Sydney’s charming personality brings extra life to the searches and chats.

Creativity and Imagination

In addition to having a personality, the new Bing chatbot shows impressive creativity and imagination for an AI. When prompted, Sydney can come up with unique poems, stories, song lyrics, jokes, recipes, fictional scenarios, and more based entirely on its AI capabilities.

For example you can say “Can you write me a funny haiku poem about cats?” and Sydney will compose an original, clever haiku on the spot. Or you can prompt “Please come up with a recipe for chocolate chip cookies using unusual ingredients” and the chatbot will invent an imaginative recipe with quirky ingredients.

This ability to engage in abstract thought and imaginative creation sets the new Bing chatbot apart from search engines that just match keywords and pull static resources. The AI shows capabilities reminiscent of human ingenuity and inventiveness when given creative prompts.


However, while the new Bing chatbot has impressive capabilities, it also has some key limitations users should keep in mind. First, Sydney has a tendency to occasionally generate untrue or nonsensical statements, showing its algorithms still have room for improvement.

Fact checking Sydney’s responses against reputable sources is advised when accuracy is critical. There are some biases hard-coded into its training data that can lead to false information or offensive replies in certain conversational contexts as well.

In addition, Sydney’s abilities are narrower and more brittle than human intelligence. While Sydney can maintain reasonable conversations within its training domain, its capabilities drop off quickly outside common small talk, searching, summarizing, and writing. Complex context, nuanced reasoning, long-term memory, and real world knowledge remain challenging for the current AI.

Finally, some of the chatbot’s generative abilities like composing emails or poems are limited in length and depth compared to a human writer. So while helpful, these features may act more as an AI assistant than as a wholesale replacement for human writing.

The Future

The new Bing chatbot represents an important step forward in natural language AI capabilities. While not perfect, Sydney points to a future where chatbots can have human-like conversations and be useful aids in searching, content creation, and knowledge access.

As Microsoft gathers user feedback and fine tunes the AI models powering Sydney, we can expect improvements in accuracy, reduced biases, more consistent personalities, and increased conversational abilities. Exciting upgrades like integrating other Microsoft products into the chat experience and expanding domain knowledge are on the horizon as well.

Other tech giants like Google are racing to launch similar AI chatbots embedded in their search engines. The tech world appears to be on the cusp of a new paradigm where conversational agents like Sydney become the primary interface for web exploration and information finding.


In summary, the newly released Bing chatbot Sydney offers an impressive array of capabilities ranging from nuanced conversational searching to summarizing web pages to composing original content. Its charming personality and creative imagination help bring an unprecedented level of humanity and user friendliness to the search experience.

While still exhibiting limitations common to early-stage AI, Sydney provides a glimpse into the future of search and natural language interfaces. As the technology continues improving, users can expect chatbots like Sydney to become increasingly effective assistants for unlocking the wealth of knowledge available on the web. The AI revolution in search has arrived.