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What can I write on my Facebook status?

What can I write on my Facebook status?

Your Facebook status update allows you to share what’s on your mind, give a life update, or just say hello to your friends. With over 2 billion active monthly users, Facebook statuses are a great way to stay connected. But it can be tricky to come up with new, creative status ideas. Here are some tips and examples to inspire your next status update.

Share Your Current Mood or Activity

One of the easiest things to post about is what you’re doing right now. Give friends a peek into your day by sharing your current mood or activity. For example:

  • “Loving this gorgeous sunny day!”
  • “Can’t get this catchy song out of my head.”
  • “Feeling stressed about my presentation tomorrow.”
  • “At the park with the dog and he’s having a blast.”

Statuses about your mood or what you’re up to let friends know you’re thinking of them. It also gives them an opening for starting conversations.

Post About Major Life Events

Share exciting life updates on your status! Major events like a new job, move, relationship, or milestone are perfect status material. For example:

  • “I said YES! So excited to be engaged to the love of my life.”
  • “First day at my new job! Feeling nervous and excited.”
  • “Happy birthday to my amazing wife! Can’t wait to celebrate tonight.”
  • “We closed on our first house today! Dream come true.”

Big life changes and special occasions let your network share in the joy and support you.

Give a Review of Movies, Books, Etc

Share your latest entertainment opinions. Give a quick review of a movie you saw, book you read, restaurant you ate at, or product you tried. For example:

  • “Black Panther was an incredible movie! The costumes, music, and story were amazing.”
  • “Just finished reading Michelle Obama’s memoir Becoming. Inspiring and insightful.”
  • “Had dinner at the new Italian place last night. Delicious pasta but very noisy.”
  • “Bought a Fitbit last week and I’m loving tracking my steps and sleep.”

Mini reviews let friends discover new things and get your unique take.

Express Yourself Through Quotes

Share inspiring, funny, or thought-provoking quotes. You can use quotes from famous figures that resonate with you. For example:

  • “‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.’ – Lao Tzu”
  • “‘You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.’ – Mae West”
  • “‘Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.’ – J.K. Rowling”

You can also use your own quotes if you’re feeling philosophical.

Quotes make great food for thought and discussion starters.

Ask Questions to Engage Your Friends

Pose questions to get your friends involved and spark conversation. Ask about their opinions, recommendations, or current activities. For example:

  • “What’s your favorite holiday tradition?”
  • “If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you pick?”
  • “Need a new book recommendation! What are you reading?”
  • “If you could be anywhere right now, where would you choose?”

Engaging questions help you connect with friends and get them posting responses.

Share Jokes or Memes

Post funny content like jokes, puns, comics, or memes to give friends a laugh. For example:

  • “What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter? An irrelephant.”
  • Post a meme about cats.
  • Share a Calvin and Hobbes comic strip.

Humor and internet inside jokes are always crowd-pleasers.

Upload Photos or Videos

Share photos or videos from your day for some visual storytelling. For example:

  • Post snapshots from a fun outing or trip.
  • Share a video of your kids being silly.
  • Upload that selfie you took during lunch.
  • Post photos of a meal you cooked, art you made, or other creations.

Photos and videos are engaging and help memories come alive.


Facebook statuses are a fun way to stay connected with friends near and far. Try sharing your mood, life updates, reviews, inspiring quotes, questions, humor, photos, and videos. Get creative and let your personality shine through. Most importantly, have fun with it and use statuses to spread positivity on your feed!

Status Type Example
Current mood/activity “Loving this gorgeous sunny day!”
Life events “We closed on our first house today! Dream come true.”
Reviews “Just finished reading Michelle Obama’s memoir Becoming. Inspiring and insightful.”
Quotes “‘You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.’ – Mae West”
Questions “What’s your favorite holiday tradition?”
Jokes/memes Post a funny meme
Photos/videos Post snapshots from a fun trip