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What can I do if I get scammed on Facebook pay?

What can I do if I get scammed on Facebook pay?

Facebook pay is a convenient way to send and receive money through Facebook’s messaging platform. Unfortunately, scams on Facebook pay are becoming more common as more people use this payment feature. If you fall victim to a scam on Facebook pay, there are some steps you can take to try to get your money back and prevent further losses.

Recognize the signs of a Facebook pay scam

The first thing to do is learn how to spot red flags that may indicate a Facebook pay scam. Here are some common techniques scammers use:

  • A stranger sends you an unsolicited message asking for money. This is one of the most common Facebook pay scams.
  • Someone claims you’ve won a contest or lottery but requests you to send money first before receiving your “winnings.” This is a fake prize scam.
  • A buyer insists you send money through Facebook pay for an item instead of a more secure payment platform. The buyer may be using a stolen Facebook account.
  • You receive a message from a friend’s account asking to borrow money, but it seems out of character. Their account may be hacked.

Only send money to people you know and trust over Facebook pay. Be very wary of any messages requesting money from strangers or friends acting unusual.

Report the scam to Facebook

If you realize you’ve been tricked by a scam, the first thing to do is report it to Facebook. This can help prevent the scammer from victimizing others.

To report a Facebook pay scam:

  1. Open the message with the fraudulent request or transaction details.
  2. Click on the three dots in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Report.”
  4. Choose “Report message” and follow the prompts to provide details about the scam.

Facebook reviews all scam reports and takes action to disable accounts, pages, groups or apps engaged in fraudulent activities. Reporting quickly can help Facebook identify and stop scams faster.

Contact your bank

If you authorized a payment through Facebook pay that you now believe to be fraudulent, contact your bank or credit card company immediately. Let them know you think you have been scammed.

Provide details like:

  • The date of the transactions
  • The amounts sent
  • Who received the funds

Your bank may be able to reverse fraudulent charges or payments if you act quickly. They can also monitor your account for further suspicious activity.

Ask the scammer to refund your money

This likely won’t work, but it’s worth a try. Send the scammer a message demanding they refund your money due to their fraudulent behavior. Explain that you have reported them to Facebook and that you will be pursuing legal action if the payment is not returned.

Make it clear you recognize their scam and will not be sending any additional money. Scammers usually move onto easier targets quickly once their scheme fails.

Use Facebook’s purchase protection

Facebook offers purchase protection for goods and services purchased directly through Messenger. To be eligible, you must:

  • Use Facebook pay to pay a business account for goods or services
  • Not receive what you paid for and be unable to resolve the issue with the seller
  • File a claim within 180 days of payment

If approved, Facebook will refund your money. This protection does not apply to payments to friends and family or donations.

To file a purchase protection claim:

  1. Open your Facebook pay activity
  2. Find the payment made to the business account
  3. Select “Report issue”
  4. Choose “Item or service issue”
  5. Select the option that best describes your issue and follow the prompts

File a complaint with the FTC

If you lost money in a scam, you can report it to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC collects scam reports which can lead to investigations and enforcement actions.

To file a complaint, provide:

  • Your contact information
  • Details about how you were scammed
  • Info about the scammer like usernames or profiles

You can report on the FTC website at or call 1-877-FTC-HELP.

Report fraudulent accounts to Facebook

If the scammer used a fake or duplicate Facebook profile, page or group, you can report the account for pretending to be someone else, which violates Facebook’s policies.

To report an account impersonating someone:

  1. Go to the profile, page or group
  2. Click the three dots in the top right corner
  3. Select “Find support or report profile”
  4. Choose “Pretending to be someone”
  5. Follow the steps to report the account

Facebook will review the account and take action if it violates their rules. Getting scam accounts removed can prevent the scammer from defrauding more people.

Spread awareness about the scam

Post about your experience with the scam to warn others. You can share details on your own Facebook profile, in relevant Facebook groups or on sites like Reddit to publicize scams.

Make your post informative by including:

  • How the scam worked
  • Red flags to watch out for
  • What steps you’ve taken
  • Advice for others to protect themselves

Spreading the word about a scam can help prevent the scammer from victimizing more people. You may even find other victims who can help build a case to recover lost funds.

Consult with an attorney

If you lost a significant amount of money in a Facebook pay scam, you may want to consult an attorney. They can review the details of your case and options that may be available to recover your funds.

An attorney can also help you file complaints with relevant agencies, pursue legal action if appropriate and provide guidance to avoid being scammed again. Keep records like scam messages and statements showing unauthorized payments or transfers.

How to protect yourself from Facebook pay scams

Learning how to avoid Facebook pay scams is essential to keep your account secure:

  • Never send money to strangers who message you out of the blue
  • Be wary of any requests to pay outside Facebook’s official channels
  • Don’t trust investment opportunities or other “deals” sent via Facebook
  • Use purchase protection when buying goods/services directly in Messenger
  • Report suspicious interactions or accounts
  • Set up login alerts to detect unauthorized access

Stay vigilant about scams targeting Facebook pay and only send money to trusted recipients you know in real life. If in doubt, don’t send the payment.

How Facebook protects your payments

Facebook utilizes multiple safeguards to keep your payments secure:

  • Encryption: Your card details and financial information are encrypted
  • Protection: Payments are monitored for fraud and abuse patterns
  • Reminders: You get reminders to only pay people you know and trust
  • Notifications: Alerts are sent for payments received and sent
  • Support: You can contact Facebook for help with issues

However, scammers are still able to slip through the cracks. Stay alert and report any suspicious behavior immediately.

Recover from Facebook pay scams

Here are key steps to take if you’ve fallen victim to a Facebook pay scam:

  1. Report it to Facebook – File a scam report so they can investigate
  2. Contact your bank – Your bank may be able to reverse fraudulent transactions
  3. Ask for a refund – Message the scammer requesting they return your money
  4. File complaints – Submit reports to agencies like the FTC
  5. Report fake accounts – Flag impersonating profiles or pages to Facebook

The sooner you act, the better your chances of stopping the scam and getting money returned. Be vigilant against scams targeting Facebook pay in the future.

Facebook pay scams are on the rise

Scams taking advantage of Facebook pay are proliferating as more users adopt this payment method. According to Facebook’s records, complaints of scams on its platforms more than doubled from 2019 to 2020. Some notable statistics:

Type Increase in Reports
Prize/lottery scams +40%
Romance scams +50%
Business/sales scams +60%
Unexpected friend requests +45%

As scammers get more sophisticated, they are better able to take advantage of Facebook’s connectivity and digital payments integration. Everyone needs to be extra vigilant when receiving requests for money or high-pressure sales tactics via Facebook pay.

Tips to avoid getting scammed

You can steer clear of most Facebook pay scams by taking these precautions:

  • Never send money to strangers who message you out of nowhere
  • Watch for friends suddenly asking you to send money in odd ways
  • Don’t click suspicious links in Facebook messages
  • Reject investment “opportunities” sent via Facebook
  • Only make purchases directly through Messenger when covered by purchase protection

The most important rule is to only send money to recipients you personally know and trust. Report any suspicious behavior to Facebook right away.


Scams on Facebook pay can be disheartening and financially damaging if you fall victim to them. But there are ways to spot shady behavior, report it, and potentially get your money back. The most crucial thing is to never send payments to strangers who message you out of the blue asking for money.

Facebook does have safeguards in place to thwart scammers, but new tactics are constantly emerging. Stay vigilant, use common sense when sending/receiving money, and take action quickly if you suspect a scam. Spreading awareness about the latest schemes can also help protect other Facebook users.