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What aspect ratio are Facebook banners?

What aspect ratio are Facebook banners?

When designing banners for Facebook ads, it’s important to understand the recommended aspect ratios for different placement types. The aspect ratio refers to the ratio of width to height of an image or video. Following Facebook’s guidelines for banner sizes and aspect ratios helps ensure your ads will render properly across devices and placements.

Recommended Aspect Ratios for Facebook Banners

Here are the recommended aspect ratios for the main Facebook banner ad formats:

Ad Format Aspect Ratio
Single Image Ad 1.91:1
Carousel Ad 1.91:1 (for each image)
Collection Ad 1:1 to 4:5
Slideshow Video Ad 9:16 to 16:9
Canvas Ad 1.91:1

Let’s go through each of these ad formats and aspect ratios in more detail:

Single Image Ads

The standard image banner ad on Facebook has an aspect ratio of 1.91:1. This means the image should be roughly twice as wide as it is tall. Common banner sizes that match this ratio are:

  • 1200 x 628 pixels
  • 1080 x 560 pixels
  • 1000 x 520 pixels

This elongated, rectangular shape allows your banner to fully utilize the available news feed space on both desktop and mobile. Sticking to the 1.91:1 ratio ensures the image won’t be distorted or cropped oddly when displayed.

Carousel Ads

Carousel ads feature multiple images that users can horizontally swipe or click through. Each individual image in the carousel should follow the same wide 1.91:1 aspect ratio as single image ads. This allows for a consistent, uniform look as images swap out.

Collection Ads

Collection ads showcase a product catalog using a grid of square product images. The individual images can range from perfect squares (1:1 ratio) up to rectangular shapes like 4:5. This provides some flexibility to highlight portrait-oriented products or brands.

Collection ads work best when the product images are consistent in their aspect ratio and framing. Avoid mixing a wide range of aspect ratios that give the ad a disjointed look.

Slideshow Video Ads

Slideshow video ads play a series of videos in sequence. Facebook recommends using square or vertical videos for this format. Some ideal aspect ratios are:

  • 1:1 (perfect square)
  • 4:5 (vertical portrait)
  • 9:16 (vertical portrait)
  • 16:9 (widescreen)

Having video slides with the same aspect ratio keeps the ad looking consistent as it cycles through each video. The vertical 9:16 or 4:5 ratios also take advantage of the taller orientations of phone screens when viewed in mobile feeds.

Canvas Ads

Canvas ads combine multiple elements like images, videos, and text in a full-width display unit. The core image for a canvas ad should use the standard 1.91:1 banner ratio. This central visual will have supporting components layered around it in the canvas layout.

Maintaining the wide aspect ratio for the main image ensures the different elements of a canvas ad all hold together cohesively and don’t appear disjointed. The supplementary videos and images around it can utilize other aspect ratios as design elements.

Why Aspect Ratio Matters for Facebook Ads

Following Facebook’s recommended specifications for aspect ratios improves the visibility, engagement, and performance of your ads in several ways:

Prevents Distortion and Cropping

The right aspect ratio means your banner won’t get distorted, stretched, or cropped awkwardly in different placements. Square ads can become pancaked on desktop news feeds. Vertical ads can get cropped into ribbons on mobile. Using Facebook’s ratios ensures you present creatives the way they are intended to be seen.

Optimizes for All Devices

Facebook’s ad formats and aspect ratios are designed to work seamlessly across device types. Desktop and laptop users see the news feed differently than mobile users. The proper banner dimensions mean your ads transition cleanly from feed to feed without device-specific compromises in layout or visibility.

Matches Audience Activity Patterns

People engage with Facebook differently on desktop and mobile – more lean-back and browsing behavior on computers versus more active scrolling on phones. Facebook’s data-driven aspect ratios reflect these behavioral patterns so ads are adapted to how audiences actually use each device.

Boosts Feed Visibility

Following the recommended specifications for your ad type means Facebook can dynamically optimize and serve it in the best sizes and placements to maximize visibility. Images and videos sized wrong for their placements can underperform simply due to poor feed fit. Locking in the right aspect ratio gives Facebook the flexibility to get your ad seen in the most relevant spaces.

Creates a Consistent Brand Experience

Consistent aspect ratios across your Facebook ads, profile images, cover photos, and link posts helps strengthen brand recognition. When all visual assets follow a unified proportion system tailored for Facebook’s platforms, it drives impact and continuity in your brand’s presence as users scroll through their feeds.

Best Practices for Facebook Banner Aspect Ratios

Here are some top tips to leverage Facebook’s aspect ratio guidance to make better ads:

Design Images to Proper Ratios

Build your ad creatives to match Facebook’s specified dimensions from the very start. Designing right in 1.91:1 or 9:16 ratios means you have perfectly sized assets ready for ad creation.

Maintain Ratios When Editing

Be careful not to inadvertently throw off aspect ratios when editing or resizing images. Cropping to non-standard dimensions can ruin banner proportions.

Use Recommended Sizes

When uploading images for Facebook ads, choose the closest option from their recommended pixel sizes like 1200 x 628 or 1080 x 560. Don’t rely on manual resizing.

Check On Multiple Devices

Preview your ads on both desktop and mobile to confirm the images and videos render correctly on all formats. Zoom and scroll to check for any warping.

Align Other Assets

Apply Facebook’s key aspect ratios across your other brand images and videos as well. Profile, cover, and link post images should align for design consistency.

Test Different Options

Experiment with different approved ratios if a format like square or vertical looks better for your specific creative content and brand.

Use Tools to Manage

Leverage free tools like Canva’s pre-sized templates, Creator Studio’s guides, or PicMonkey’s canvas sizes to build correctly proportioned assets.


Following Facebook’s established aspect ratio best practices for your banner ads, images, and videos is one of the easiest yet most impactful optimizations you can make. Taking advantage of Facebook’s carefully engineered proportions for each placement ensures your content will look as intended across devices. This improves brand consistency, visibility, engagement, and ultimately performance. Stick to the recommended aspect ratios and your Facebook ads will render beautifully everywhere they are seen.