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What are the strongest privacy settings on Facebook?

What are the strongest privacy settings on Facebook?

Facebook offers users numerous privacy settings to control how much of their information is visible to others. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook contains vast amounts of personal data. Understanding and properly configuring Facebook’s privacy settings is crucial for protecting your information.

How does Facebook use your personal data?

Facebook collects a tremendous amount of data about its users including:

  • Basic profile information such as name, email, phone number, gender, relationship status
  • Profile photos and videos
  • Location data
  • IP address and device information
  • Posts, photos, videos, and other content users upload
  • Information about a user’s friends and connections
  • Pages, groups, and events users interact with
  • Posts and content users interact with such as likes, shares, and comments
  • Purchase history and shopping activity
  • Search history on Facebook

Facebook uses this data for advertising purposes. They analyze your activity and interests to serve you targeted ads. They also provide aggregate data to advertisers to allow more precise ad targeting without revealing individual user identities.

How does Facebook share your data?

In addition to using it themselves, Facebook shares user data with:

  • Advertisers
  • App developers
  • Data brokers
  • Government entities

Facebook states that they do not sell individual user data. However, many privacy advocates argue that Facebook does effectively sell access to user data through its advertising model and partnerships. Giving third parties access to detailed personal information provides great value.

What are the risks of weak Facebook privacy settings?

Having weak privacy settings on Facebook can expose users to several types of risks including:

  • Identity theft – Basic personal info like your name, email, and birthdate can be used to steal your identity.
  • Phishing – Data about your contacts and connections can be used to make phishing scams appear more credible.
  • Stalking and harassment – Location data, photos, posts, and contacts can help physical stalkers track you. Harassers can also use your info and connections.
  • Reputational damage – Photos, posts, profile info, and tags can potentially be embarrassing if seen by unintended audiences like employers.
  • Discrimination – Details about your gender, age, and interests could be used to discriminate against you.
  • Manipulation – Data about your personality, beliefs, and interests can be used to craft personalized disinformation or advertising.

How do Facebook’s privacy settings work?

Facebook provides users with various privacy settings spread across different sections of their account. These settings control what data is visible to whom.

The main categories of Facebook privacy settings include:

  • Profile privacy – Controls who can view your profile info like bio, photos, posts, etc.
  • Ad privacy – Controls what data is used for ads targeting you.
  • App privacy – Controls what information apps you use can access.
  • News feed privacy – Controls who can see your posts and interactions in their feed.

Within each category are options like Public, Friends, Only Me, Customized lists, etc. You can dial in privacy settings for each data type and audience.

What are the strongest Facebook privacy settings?

Here are the strongest privacy settings you can enable for maximum security on Facebook:

Privacy Setting Maximum Privacy Option
Profile privacy Only Me
Posts privacy Friends
Past posts Limit old posts
Photos and videos Friends
Background info Only Me
Friends list Only Me
Birthdate Only Me
Ad preferences Disabled
Apps and websites Disabled
News feed privacy Friends

This maximizes privacy by making all profile and background information hidden from public view. Posts are limited to friends only. Photos, videos and news feed interactions are also limited to friends. Access by apps is disabled. And crucially, ad preferences are disabled so your activity is not used for targeted advertising.

How to change your Facebook privacy settings

You can update your Facebook privacy settings by following these steps:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right and go to “Settings”.
  2. In the left menu click “Privacy”.
  3. Open the “Privacy Checkup” option.
  4. Follow the walkthrough, selecting the most private setting for each type of information.
  5. For finer control, click “See More Settings” and update individual privacy options.
  6. Click “Limit Past Posts” and change past posts to “Friends” to update old posts.

Facebook may periodically reset some privacy settings or change available options. It’s a good idea to review your key privacy settings regularly to make sure they are still active.

Other Facebook privacy tips

In addition to using strict privacy settings, here are some other tips for keeping your Facebook information private:

  • Remove old posts and photos you don’t want public anymore.
  • Delete facial recognition templates under Face Recognition settings.
  • Disable location services for Facebook on your mobile devices.
  • Don’t take or upload questionable photos/videos.
  • Don’t post sensitive personal information like address, phone number, etc.
  • Ignore messages and friend requests from suspicious accounts.
  • Use a complex and unique password for your account.
  • Turn on login alerts to watch for unauthorized access.
  • Avoid connecting to third-party apps that ask for expansive permissions.
  • Stay vigilant for privacy policy changes or new features impacting your data.


Facebook provides extensive options for controlling your privacy settings. The strongest Facebook privacy is achieved by making all personal profile information viewable by only yourself. Limiting access to posts, photos, contacts, and news feed interactions to friends only also improves privacy.

Additionally, disabling data usage for advertising prevents Facebook from monetizing your information. Checking and adjusting your privacy settings regularly is key to maintaining control over your Facebook activity and profile.