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What are the restrictions for Facebook Reels?

What are the restrictions for Facebook Reels?

Facebook Reels are short, entertaining videos that can be created and shared directly within the Facebook app. Reels allow users to record multi-clip videos, add effects, filters, text overlays, soundtrack them with music, and more. Since launching Reels in 2020, Facebook has been working to build the product into a strong competitor to other short-form video apps like TikTok and Instagram Reels.

However, as with any social media platform, there are certain rules and restrictions users must follow when creating and sharing Reels on Facebook. Understanding these guidelines is important for ensuring your Reels comply with Facebook’s policies. This prevents your content from being removed and helps create an enjoyable experience for all users.

Length Requirements

Facebook currently requires Reels to be between 15 seconds and 60 seconds long. This length restriction aligns with competitor apps like TikTok and Instagram Reels which also limit videos to 60 seconds or less.

Short form vertical video content that can be quickly created and consumed has proven extremely popular. Facebook determined this 1 minute maximum length strikes the right balance for its Reels product.

It provides adequate time to convey an entertaining or informative message while retaining the engaging, snackable feel this style of video is known for.

Minimum Length

While you can technically record Reels shorter than 15 seconds, Facebook will not allow you to post any that are under this minimum duration. If you try sharing a Reel less than 15 seconds long, you’ll receive an error message instructing you to extend the length.

Facebook instituted a 15 second minimum in part to differentiate Reels from its other short video options like Stories and Live Videos. Reels are intended as a unique content format, so Facebook wants to ensure they are not too similar to other products.

Maximum Length

Any Reel over 60 seconds will be automatically truncated when you post it. Facebook will trim off any footage after the 1 minute mark without warning.

You cannot extend the maximum duration no matter what – Facebook’s systems will simply ignore any extra footage exceeding 60 seconds when processing your Reel.

Music Usage

One of Reels’ most popular features is the ability to add music to your videos. Facebook provides a library of licensed music clips and songs you can use in your Reels. However, there are rules around how this music can be incorporated.

Music Length

The music you add to a Reel can be up to 30 seconds long, regardless of whether your video itself is a full 60 seconds. Therefore, longer Reels may require you to use multiple music clips to soundtrack the entire video.

You cannot use a single music track longer than 30 seconds. If you attempt to, the portion exceeding 30 seconds will be automatically trimmed.

Unlicensed Music

Facebook only permits using music from its official licensed library. Uploading your own music files or background audio is prohibited. Your Reel will be blocked from posting if you try adding unlicensed music.

This music restriction is due to Facebook complying with copyright requirements. Just like YouTube and TikTok, they must adhere to guidelines around legally using songs, clips, and recordings.

Volume Levels

When adding a music track, you must ensure the audio levels are balanced appropriately with your Reel’s visuals and any other captured sounds. Music or background noise that is too loud and drowns out primary audio is prohibited.

Take care not to boost music volume to extreme levels compared to a Reel’s other audio components. Excessively loud music can create a jarring, disruptive viewing experience. Moderately even audio levels are recommended.

Effects and Overlays

Reels allow applying various digital effects and overlays during editing to enhance your videos. However, some types of effects and text elements are restricted.

Excessive Text Overlays

You can customize Reels with text captions, stickers, annotations, subtitles, and other text overlays. However, these should be used in moderation. Facebook advises not going overboard with on-screen text.

Too many dense, excessive overlays that dominate the screen can make Reels cluttered, overstimulating, and difficult to parse. Aim for clean, readable text that complements your video rather than overwhelming it.

Flashing Images/Lights

Effects or imagery containing strobe-like flashing lights and colors that could trigger seizures are prohibited. This includes filters with a strobing, pulsing effect along with editing tools creating rapid flickering.

If you are unsure whether a effect or visual element could cause issues for viewers sensitive to flashing lights, it’s best to exclude it. Facebook aims to provide an inclusive, safe environment for all users when viewing Reels.

Disorienting Effects

Any effects that could excessively disorient viewers or cause motion sickness are also restricted. This includes filters or edits with spinning, twisting, zooming, shaking, or otherwise jarring distortions.

Use effects judiciously and assess whether they could cause major visual discomfort. Consider your audience and susceptibility for vertigo, nausea, headaches, etc. when evaluating effects.

Violent, Graphic, or Dangerous Content

To maintain a safe, friendly environment on the platform, Facebook prohibits Reels containing violent, graphic, dangerous, or otherwise disturbing content.


Depictions of physical violence – even if staged or dramatized – are not allowed. Any visuals showing violent physical contact, assault, or the aftermath of violent acts will lead to the removal of your Reel.

Exceptions may be made for comedic slapstick or fictional movie/TV scenes depending on context. But in most cases displaying genuine violence breaches Facebook’s content guidelines.

Graphic/Disturbing Imagery

Visuals featuring blood, gore, bodily fluids, cruelty, graphic accidents, etc. are not permitted in Reels. Even if not explicitly violent, gruesome shocking content can distress viewers and is incompatible with Facebook’s standards.

Take care to avoid capturing or sharing footage involving seriously injured people, dead bodies, horrific disasters, surgeries/medical procedures, abuse, etc.

Dangerous Acts/Stunts

Depicting irresponsibly hazardous behavior just for excitement, views, or laughter is prohibited. Footage showing activities like jackass-style stunts, daredevil feats, handling weapons, dangerous driving, trespassing, vandalism etc. will be removed.

Do not engage in or glorify potentially deadly challenges, tricks, consumptions, or other reckless acts – especially emulating online trends. Encouraging harm or criminality is unacceptable.

Sexual, Offensive, or Illegal Content

To foster an inclusive environment, Reels must avoid sexual content, profanity, slurs, or illegal activities. Videos violating Facebook’s policies in these areas are prohibited.

Nudity/Sexual Content

Reels may not contain nudity, pornographic material, or overtly sexual themes. Provocative dancing is also disallowed. Maintain a PG-13 standard – consider whether your content could make viewers uncomfortable if shared unexpectedly.

Sexual topics can be explored but should remain non-explicit. Educational content is permitted when presented in a thoughtful, responsible manner. Overtly sexualized Reels will be removed.

Offensive Language/Slurs

While profanity is not blanket prohibited, take care using offensive words or language that could be perceived as hate speech. Derogatory terms, racial/gender/sexual slurs, and excessive profanity could get your Reel taken down.

If strong language is contextually appropriate or comedically used in small doses, exceptions may be made depending on the case. But in general avoid gratuitous, inflammatory, bigoted, or abusive speech.

Drug Use

Depicting manufacture/consumption of illegal recreational drugs and substances will lead to Reel removal. While sober, responsible educational discussions are permitted, glorifying, normalizing, instructing, or encouraging drug use and abuse is prohibited.

Marijuana use may be acceptable depending on local legal regulations. But illicit drug promotion clashes with Facebook’s community standards and is never allowed.

Illegal Activities

Footage featuring or promoting any criminal behavior will be prohibited. This includes depictions of theft, fraud, vandalism, hacking, smuggling, counterfeiting, trespassing, human/animal abuse etc.

Do not provide how-to instructions detailing illegal acts in your Reels. Avoid showcasing products of unlawful activity like poached animal materials or pirated merchandise as well.


Facebook aims to limit the spread of false information on its platforms. Reels containing deliberate misinformation or manipulated media may be removed.

Fake News

Do not create or share Reels promoting conspiracy theories, false claims about current events/public figures, dubious scientific/medical advice, etc. Stick to factual information from reputable sources.

Blatant misrepresentation of the truth harms Facebook’s community. Fact-checking standards for education, journalism, politics, science, and other topics must be upheld.


Reels attempting to impersonate or deceptively mimic official establishments, brands, celebrities etc. are prohibited. Get verified if representing a known entity.

Additionally, content spreading scams, clickbait lies, miracle products, or get-rich-quick schemes will be removed. Defrauding the community damages trust and safety.

Manipulated Media

Do not share synthetically generated, altered, or deceptively edited media meant to mislead viewers. Deepfakes, cheapfakes, distorted imagery/video, and out-of-context clips can qualify as manipulated media.

While humorous parody and benign tweaking are permitted, significantly deceiving audiences through altered Reels undermines authentic communication.

Harassment and Privacy

Respecting people’s privacy and refraining from harassment is critical on Facebook. Reels violating personal boundaries or safety will be removed.

Unauthorized Use

Do not share identifiable videos, images, or recordings of people without their consent. You must have permission before featuring someone prominently in your Reel.

Removing bystanders/background strangers through editing or blurring is recommended. Individual privacy takes priority over capturing interesting content.

Harassing Content

Maliciously using Reels to demean, shame, provoke, or torment identified individuals is prohibited. Content deliberately mocking, baiting, attacking, or inciting harassment towards a person will be removed.

Persistent, unwanted contact or recording also qualifies as harassment. Do not aggressively target or disrupt people’s lives and privacy.


Making violent threats and inciting harm against others is prohibited even if not acted upon. Reels that encourage dangerous or predatory behavior or expose vulnerable individuals to risks also violate policy.

Never endanger or exploit people for entertainment. Creating a safe, respectful environment is crucial. Report concerning threats and troubling content depicting predators/unwitting participants.

Non-Consensual Intimacy

Capturing and sharing intimate or sexually implicit media without consent from parties involved is never permitted. Respect people’s boundaries, relationships, and private spaces.

Publicly posting intimate content for character assassination, coercion, or humiliation can constitute non-consensual intimate media and harassment. Take care to protect dignity and consent.

Impersonation and Intellectual Property

Misrepresenting your identity or posting unlicensed copyrighted material is restricted to protect creator rights and brand integrity.

Fake Accounts/Content Impersonation

Do not misleadingly impersonate official profiles, businesses, organizations, or other entities when sharing Reels. Parody and fan accounts are permitted but should be clearly labeled.

Impersonating others to deceive, manipulate, or distribute unauthorized commercial content violates Facebook’s policies. Make your account’s identity clear.

Copyright Violations

Sharing unmodified television clips, songs, films, sports broadcasts, branded logos, artwork, etc. you do not own is prohibited without appropriate licenses and permissions.

Avoid directly reposting proprietary content unless you have negotiated usage rights. Unauthorized usage can lead to legal issues or account termination. Credit creators and seek approvals.


Although not illegal, extensive plagiarism is discouraged. Reels should present unique content and credit any inspiration clearly.

Heavily repurposing others’ editing, concepts, audio, jokes, popular scripts/dialogue, etc. without attribution is unethical even if not infringing copyright law. Value creative integrity and originality.

Commerce Policies

Facebook places certain restrictions around monetization and commerce related to Reels. Review advertising, selling, and fundraising policies carefully before incorporation into your content.

Advertising Guidelines

Paid ads and sponsored content must adhere to Facebook’s advertising policies. Disclose affiliations transparently when featuring or reviewing products and services.

Commercial messaging should not be deceptive, misleading, or excessive. Follow FTC endorsement guidelines, including indicating paid partnerships. Avoid “hidden marketing”.

Facebook Commerce Policies

When directing users to shoppable links or external sales channels, ensure your commerce content complies with Facebook’s terms.

Review restrictions around promoting regulated goods, multi-level marketing, certain health/beauty claims, event ticket sales, and other covered products/services sales activities.


If raising money for organizations or causes, follow Facebook’s nonprofit fundraising rules and restrictions. Make fundraiser beneficiary details, organizer info, and donation uses clear.

Abide by regional solicitation laws and properly register your campaign. Fundraisers promoting misinformation or hatred will be banned. Vet beneficiaries thoroughly first.

Moderation and Appeals

Moderation Process

Facebook utilizes both human review and automation to moderate Reels for policy compliance. AI identifies potentially violating content for human reviewers to assess in proper context.

Moderators then make judgment calls accounting for nuance, intent, and cultural factors based on Reel specifics. This provides more accuracy than solely automated flagging algorithms.

Appealing Content Removal

If you believe your Reel was removed in error, you can appeal the decision within Facebook’s app. Provide additional context about your content to assist in re-review.

However, if your Reel clearly violated established policies, appeals are unlikely to lead to reinstatement. Thoroughly review regulations before posting to avoid needless appeals.

Account Deactivation

Repeated, severe violations may warrant account disabling or permanent deletion if problems persist after warnings. However, Facebook aims to educate users on improving compliance before bans.

Work collaboratively with moderators and limit violations through greater awareness. Significant reform showing understanding of policies may prevent eventual account deactivation in some cases.

Best Practices for Compliant Reels

– Carefully review Facebook’s public Community Standards document and Reels-specific guidelines. Seek clarification if any areas seem unclear.

– Check Reels against policies before posting, editing if needed for compliance. Err on the side of caution with potentially borderline content.

– Credit music properly using Facebook’s licensed library. Do not attempt to circumvent copyright rules.

– Avoid common pitfalls like overused memes, dangerous stunts, risque content and explicit language unless clearly justified by context.

– Obtain informed consent from any identifiable people appearing prominently in your Reel. Avoid unwanted invasions of privacy.

– Add appropriate warnings and disclaimers if Reel content could be sensitive, controversial, or distressing for some audiences.

– Fact-check information presented in Reels to avoid spreading misinformation or false claims. Cite credible sources.

– If submitting an appeal, be polite, constructive and thoughtful in communicating with moderators. Provide contextual details respectfully.

– Review any Reel rejections as learning opportunities for creating better compliant content in the future, not personal attacks.


Facebook Reels empowers users to express themselves creatively through entertaining short videos. However, with this ability also comes responsibility to post content ethically and legally. Understanding Facebook’s Reels guidelines helps ensure your videos comply with community standards, avoid removal, and remain visible for engaging audiences. If ever in doubt, reach out to Facebook’s support channels for guidance or clarification around restriction specifics. With knowledge and preparation, users can confidently share compliant Reels that spread joy and reflect Facebook’s brand values. The platform provides tools to create responsible content while maintaining your unique vision – it simply requires keeping the rules of the road in mind.