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What are the requirements for Facebook ads?

What are the requirements for Facebook ads?

Facebook ads have become an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides an unparalleled opportunity to reach a huge audience. However, in order to run successful Facebook ad campaigns, there are certain requirements that must be met.

Image and Text Requirements

Facebook has strict requirements for the images and text used in ads. These requirements are in place to ensure ads are high-quality and provide a good user experience.

Image Requirements

Images used in Facebook ads must meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 600 x 315 pixels
  • Be under 5MB in size
  • Be in JPG, PNG, or GIF format
  • Have a ratio of 1.91:1
  • Contain minimal text (less than 20% text overlay)

Images with people in them must adhere to Facebook’s Branded Content Policies. Images cannot contain more than 20% text overlay. This includes watermarks, logos, and text added to the image. Facebook recommends using high-quality, eye-catching images that will capture attention.

Text Requirements

The text used in Facebook ads must follow these guidelines:

  • Ad headline must be 25 characters or less
  • Ad description can be up to 90 characters
  • Use compelling, concise text that engages users
  • No embellished or sensationalized language
  • No spammy, false, or misleading claims

Facebook’s text requirements aim to prevent clickbait and create transparency about what users will experience if they click on the ad.

Targeting Requirements

One of the major advantages of Facebook advertising is the ability to target specific demographics and audiences. However, there are rules about how narrow or broad your targeting can be.

Audience Size Requirements

Facebook requires advertisers to target a minimum audience size. The minimum depends on the country you are targeting:

Country Minimum Audience Size
US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand 1,000 people
UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain 500 people
All other countries 100 people

This requirement prevents ads from being too narrowly targeted. However, Facebook does allow creating Custom Audiences from your customer lists, which can include fewer than the minimum number.

Restricted Targeting

Certain types of targeting are restricted or prohibited by Facebook. This includes targeting based on:

  • Race or ethnic origin
  • Religious beliefs or affiliation
  • Sexual orientation
  • Disability or medical conditions
  • Financial status
  • Membership in a trade union

Facebook blocks targeting categories that could lead to discrimination or exclusion. Advertisers should steer clear of targeting any sensitive personal attributes.

Ad Format Specifications

Facebook allows a variety of different ad formats, each with their own specifications and requirements:

Photo Ads

  • Single image uploaded, minimum 600 x 315 pixels
  • Option to include a headline, text, call-to-action button
  • Ideal for showcasing products visually

Video Ads

  • Up to 240 minutes long
  • First 3 seconds are auto-played without sound
  • Aspect ratio between 1.2:1 and 9:16
  • Resolution of at least 720p preferred

Carousel Ads

  • 2-10 images or videos
  • Square 1:1 ratio recommended for images
  • Option to add link, headline and description per carousel card

Collection Ads

  • Showcase up to eight products in one ad unit
  • Products pulled dynamically from product catalog
  • Ideal for ecommerce brands and retailers

Understanding the requirements for each ad format allows you to create ads optimized for how they will be displayed to users.

Ad Placement Requirements

Where and how your ads appear on Facebook and Instagram is subject to certain requirements:

Facebook Feed Ads

  • Appear in the middle of user feeds
  • Automatic placement by Facebook based on relevance
  • Ads load asynchronously so as not to disrupt experience

Facebook Stories Ads

  • Full-screen vertical format
  • Up to 15 seconds long
  • Skippable after first 3 seconds

Instagram Stories Ads

  • Same requirements as Facebook Stories
  • But only up to 10 seconds long

In-Stream Video Ads

  • Auto-play before, during or after other videos
  • Can skip after 5 seconds
  • 15 or 30 seconds long

Optimizing creative assets for each placement can improve performance significantly.

Ad Text Requirements

In addition to the actual ad creative, the text used in Facebook ads must adhere to certain policies:

Ad Text Policies

  • No false, misleading or exaggerating claims
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation
  • No adult content or profanity
  • No text about prohibited products or services
  • No sensationalized language or clickbait

Facebook prohibits text that is likely to shock or scare users. The text should accurately represent the content users will find if they click on the ad.

Call-to-Action Button Policies

  • Relevant to the ad’s content
  • Accurately indicate the landing page experience
  • No violent, offensive or inappropriate language
  • No buttons with X’s, checkboxes, etc.

Buttons should encourage clicking and clearly convey what action will be taken. Advertisers should test different button language to optimize.

Countdown and Scarcity Text

  • Countdown timers over 30 days need robust proof of validity
  • Avoid claims like “almost full” that can’t be substantiated
  • No language implying unrealistic urgency

While countdowns and scarcity claims can be effective, Facebook scrutinizes their validity to prevent misleading users.

Transparency Requirements

Facebook values ad transparency – making sure users know when they are looking at paid advertising content. There are several requirements around ad transparency:

“Sponsored” Label

  • All ads must be labeled as “Sponsored”
  • Appears at top left corner of sponsored posts
  • Indicates brand/business paid for the ad placement

Facebook Page Transparency

  • Show page transparency info on any ads or posts leading users to your Facebook Page
  • Disclose any affiliation between you and the thing being advertised

Ad Library

  • Archive of all active and inactive ads for 7 years
  • Includes ads about social issues, elections and politics
  • Promotes accountability and transparency

By following Facebook’s standards around transparency, advertisers foster an atmosphere of openness and trust with users.

Relevancy Requirements

Facebook wants ads to be relevant to the users who will see them. There are requirements regarding ad relevancy:

Ad Topic Targeting

  • Ads are shown to users based on topics selected during ad creation
  • Topics should closely match the ad’s content and landing page
  • Prevents irrelevant or misleading ads from being delivered

Detailed Targeting

  • Interests, behaviors, and connections used to target ads should be highly relevant
  • Avoid vague or extremely broad targeting parameters
  • Improves experience by only showing ads users are likely to care about

Landing Page Alignment

  • Landing page content must align with the targeting specified
  • Ads get disapproved if landing page content doesn’t match ad targeting
  • Ensures users get what they expect when clicking on an ad

Creating relevant ads earns user trust and improves campaign outcomes. Advertisers should take the time to fine-tune targeting and align ad creatives.

Ad Placement Guidelines

Where ads appear on Facebook and Instagram impacts the user experience. Facebook provides these ad placement guidelines:

Automatic Placements

  • Facebook algorithm controls automatic placements to balance relevance and value
  • Set a max bid and let Facebook optimize placements
  • May appear alongside newsfeed posts or on the right column of desktop

Specific Placements

  • Option to self-select placements like Instagram Stories or Messenger
  • Control ad positioning but requires more testing and optimization
  • Manage costs, impressions, reach etc. for each placement

Avoiding Ad Fatigue

  • Limit frequency to avoid over-saturating users
  • Facebook adjusts reach automatically to prevent excessive impressions
  • Rotate creatives to keep ads fresh and engaging

Strategic placement guidelines prevent irrelevant, disruptive and repetitive ads to create a better user experience.

Adherence to Facebook’s Policies

All Facebook ads must adhere to Facebook’s Advertising Policies. Some key policies include:

Prohibited Content

  • No false, misleading or deceptive claims
  • No sensationalized health claims or “miracle” products
  • No adult products or services
  • No offensive, objectionable or dangerous content
  • No banned or regulated products

Restricted Content

  • Alcohol and healthcare products require authorization
  • Dating, gambling and financial products have restrictions
  • Political and issue-based ads require verification
  • Housing, employment and credit ads prohibited from targeting by race or other factors

Intellectual Property

  • Must have rights to use any copyrights, trademarks or other IP
  • Prohibited from using anyone’s IP without permission
  • Report trademark or copyright infringement

Violating any of Facebook’s policies can lead to ad disapproval or account suspension. Advertisers should carefully review policies.

Advertiser Authenticity

Facebook wants to help users identify authentic and legitimate advertisers. They enforce several requirements around advertiser legitimacy:

Page Authenticity

  • Facebook Pages must represent real organizations and follow the Real Name policy
  • Pages violating policy may be unpublished
  • Helps users identify valid brand pages and business pages

Ad Transparency

  • “Paid For By” disclaimer shows advertiser details
  • Clicking goes to ad details in the Facebook Ad Library
  • Allows investigating who is behind an ad

Advertiser Verification

  • Key pages must go through identity verification
  • Confirm business legitimacy with business registration docs, IDs, etc.
  • Provides confidence that advertisers are who they claim to be

Facebook’s requirements help prevent fake accounts, impersonation and deceptive business practices.

Staying Compliant

Here are some tips to make sure your Facebook ads remain compliant with all requirements:

  • Carefully review all Facebook policies and guidelines
  • Use high-quality creative assets optimized for Facebook
  • Have a strong understanding of your target audience
  • Only make claims you can backup with evidence
  • Ensure ad alignment between targeting, creative, landing page and call-to-action
  • Test within ad policies before launching broadly
  • Monitor campaign results and optimize based on learning

By keeping Facebook’s requirements in mind throughout the advertising process, you can launch effective campaigns that reach the right users and achieve results while staying policy-compliant.


Facebook’s advertising policies and guidelines exist to protect users, promote fairness and transparency, and prevent abuse. While the requirements may seem restrictive, they help create trust in advertising on Facebook platforms. Responsible advertisers have nothing to fear. Focusing on great creative, strategic targeting and strong results will allow you to improve lives and grow your business within Facebook’s rules.