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What are the new Facebook jail rules?

What are the new Facebook jail rules?

Facebook has implemented new rules and restrictions regarding actions that can result in an account being temporarily suspended or restricted, commonly referred to as being placed in “Facebook jail.” These new measures are intended to curb harmful behavior and misinformation on the platform. Some key questions around the new Facebook jail rules include:

What types of actions can now result in Facebook jail?

Under the new rules, Facebook has expanded the types of actions that can result in account suspensions or restrictions. Some of the main violations that may now lead to Facebook jail include:

  • Spreading harmful misinformation, especially related to COVID-19, vaccines, or public health
  • Engaging in hate speech or making threats of violence
  • Harassing private individuals through unwanted messaging or sharing private information without consent
  • Coordinating harm on the platform, such as planning events that intend to intimidate or silence other individuals
  • Creating multiple accounts to get around restrictions, also known as “ban evasion”

Essentially, any actions that go against Facebook’s Community Standards may result in account restrictions. This includes both on-platform activities and off-platform behaviors that get reported to Facebook.

How long do Facebook jail sentences last?

The length of Facebook jail sentences varies depending on the severity of the violation. Some guidelines around Facebook jail duration include:

Violation Type Typical Suspension Duration
First-time policy violation 24 hours
Second violation within 90-day period 3 days
Third violation within 90-day period 7 days
Fourth or more violations 30 days or permanent
Severely harmful misinformation or violations 30 days or permanent immediately

As the table shows, suspensions typically escalate if additional violations occur within a 90-day window. Especially harmful content may result in an immediate minimum 30-day suspension, even for first-time offenses. However, Facebook reviews each case individually, so duration may vary.

How can you appeal a Facebook jail sentence?

If an account holder feels their restriction was unwarranted, they can submit an appeal through Facebook’s Help Center. Steps to appeal include:

  1. Clicking “Submit an Appeal” on the suspension notification or going to the Help Center
  2. Selecting the reason for the appeal from the options
  3. Providing additional context about why the account should not have been suspended

Facebook’s reviewers will then re-examine the account and content in question. If they determine the restriction was made in error, they may lift or reduce the suspension. However, if they uphold their original decision, the account holder will need to wait out the remainder of the suspension period.

What happens to your Facebook page and data during a suspension?

While an account is suspended, the user will be unable to access their Facebook account. Specifically:

  • The account holder will be logged out of Facebook and unable to log back in
  • Their profile and pages will remain visible to others, but the holder cannot post, comment, or interact
  • Existing posts and data will remain intact, but can only be viewed once the suspension is over
  • Facebook messenger access will be revoked, but messages remain visible once the account suspension ends

So in summary, the account and all its data stays in a read-only state that prevents any additional activity during the duration of the jail sentence. The account holder simply regains full access once the suspension period completes.

What are some tips to avoid Facebook jail moving forward?

Some best practices to keep in mind going forward include:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s Community Standards to understand what types of content are prohibited
  • Avoid posting or sharing misinformation, especially related to public health or civic matters
  • Fact-check information before sharing to confirm it is accurate and avoid spreading falsehoods
  • Be respectful to others and do not engage in harassment, defamation, or threats
  • Report rule-breaking content to Facebook instead of sharing or engaging with it
  • Be thoughtful about your posts and comments to avoid inadvertently violating policies
  • Adjust privacy settings to limit your audience for sensitive discussions
  • Do not create multiple accounts to circumvent restrictions

Following Facebook’s guidelines closely and being considerate to others in your posts is the best way to avoid further issues or restrictions. Being put in “Facebook jail” is never a desirable outcome, but understanding the new rules can help prevent it happening again.


Facebook has ramped up enforcement of policies against harmful behavior, expanding the types of activities that may result in account suspensions or bans. Repeated or especially egregious violations can lead to lengthy restrictions of 30 days or more in duration. However, by knowing the rules, filing appeals if needed, and thoughtful posting going forward, users can avoid lengthy stays in the proverbial “Facebook jail.” With care and caution, account holders can steer clear of restrictions and keep accessing Facebook’s services responsibly.

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