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What are the most active Facebook groups?

What are the most active Facebook groups?

Facebook groups have become an increasingly popular way for people to connect over shared interests. With over 1.8 billion monthly active users on Facebook, groups provide a platform for users to interact in niche communities. But with millions of groups on Facebook, which ones have the most engaged members?

To determine the most active Facebook groups, there are a few key factors to look at:

  • Total membership – Groups with more members tend to have higher potential for engagement and interaction.
  • Post frequency – How often new posts are shared can indicate how lively and active discussions are.
  • Comment frequency – The number and depth of comments on posts reflects member participation.
  • Administrator engagement – Active admins help facilitate conversations and moderate content.

Groups with millions of members and multiple posts per day that garner thousands of comments apiece tend to represent the most active communities on Facebook. Additionally, groups that facilitate in-person meetups between local members in cities around the world drive active engagement.

Groups for Parents

Parenting groups are amongst the most active on Facebook, as moms and dads frequently access Facebook groups to connect with other parents for advice and support on family topics. Here are some of the largest parenting communities:

Breastfeeding Support Group

With over 130,000 members, the Breastfeeding Support Group provides advice and encouragement for breastfeeding mothers. There are often several new topics started per day ranging from tips for handling sore nipples to dealing with unsupportive families. Comments frequently number in the hundreds on popular posts.

Car Seats for the Littles (CSFTL)

CSFTL is run by certified child passenger safety technicians and has over 100,000 members. It is a very active community, with multiple new posts daily about choosing, using, and installing car seats properly. Moderators frequently chime in to answer questions and provide guidance.


BabyCenter is one of the largest parenting communities on Facebook with over 1.5 million members. Topics cover everything from pregnancy and birth to potty training and parenting hacks. With new posts every few minutes, this group sees high daily engagement.

Hobby and Interest Groups

Facebook groups focused around specific hobbies, activities, and interests also boast very high engagement. These include:

Gardening and DIY

The Gardner’s Path Community has over 1.5 million members discussing gardening tips, plant care, landscaping ideas, DIY projects, recipes, and more. New posts come in constantly, with some garnering hundreds of replies.

Marvel Fans

With over 100,000 comic book lovers, the Marvel Fan Page shares the latest Marvel news, theories, memes, and more around-the-clock. Popular posts easily receive 500-1000 comments of fans enthusiastically discussing Marvel universe topics.

Vinyl Collectors

Vinyl collectors group together in the Vinyl Revolution Community which has around 200,000 members. They share photos of vinyl collections, make recommendations, and debate everything from the best record cleaning methods to pressing quality. Posts have high engagement, especially on featured vinyl LPs.

Location-Based Groups

Local Facebook groups organized by city/region also see a lot of active participation, as neighbors discuss local happenings and issues. Some examples include:

Seattle, Washington

The Seattle Chat Facebook group has over 18,000 members who discuss Seattle news, events, restaurants, recommendations, and general chit chat relating to the city. There are multiple new posts daily with dozens or hundreds of replies on hot topics.

Chicago, Illinois

The Chicago Community group is home to over 23,000 Windy City residents who stay connected on local Chicago interests, questions, and events. Post engagement is very high, especially around current happenings in Chicago.

Perth, Australia

Perth & Western Australia Chat has 47,000 members discussing day-to-day life in Perth. Engagement is constant, with posts on moving to Perth, looking for recommendations, and finding upcoming events being especially popular.

Most Active Facebook Groups

Taking into account membership size, posting frequency, commenting levels, and administrator involvement, the table below summarizes some of the most active communities across Facebook currently:

Group Members Post Frequency Comment Frequency
Breastfeeding Support Group 130,000+ Multiple per day 100s of comments
CSFTL – Car Seats for the Littles 100,000+ Multiple per day 100s of comments
BabyCenter 1,500,000+ Multiple per hour 100s of comments
Gardner’s Path Community 1,500,000+ Multiple per hour 100s of comments
Marvel Fan Page 100,000+ Multiple per day 500-1000 comments
Vinyl Revolution Community 200,000+ Multiple per day 100s of comments
Seattle Chat 18,000+ Multiple per day Dozens or 100s of comments
Chicago Community 23,000+ Multiple per day Dozens or 100s of comments
Perth & Western Australia Chat 47,000+ Multiple per day Dozens or 100s of comments

Types of Highly Active Groups

While the specific interests vary greatly, the most active Facebook groups tend to fall into a few general categories:

Parenting and Family

Parent-focused groups see high engagement as mothers, fathers, and grandparents frequently seek advice and discuss family issues. Topics span pregnancy, babies, kids, parenting hacks, adoption, and more.

Hobbies and Interests

Groups centered around hobbies like gardening, books, sports teams, vinyl records, and pop culture have extremely active discussions as passionate members share their deep interests. Niche subgroups under broader topics thrive.

Local City and Region Groups

Neighbors connecting over city- and region-specific topics drive constant engagement in local groups. Members discuss events, restaurants, news, recommendations, and general happenings in their town or area.

Health Conditions

Support groups for chronic illnesses, diseases, disorders see continuous interaction as people share experiences, information, tips, and encouragement around medical conditions affecting daily life.

Best Practices for Engagement

For group administrators and members looking to increase activity within their communities, here are some best practices:

  • Add new members regularly to bring in fresh participants
  • Post consistently – at least once a day, more for large groups
  • Pose questions and post interesting content to prompt discussions
  • Share photos, videos, links, polls, and other media
  • Respond and react to comments to further conversations
  • Highlight top contributors and popular posts
  • Send digest emails with top group activity
  • Organize in-person meetups for local groups as able


Facebook groups continue to gain popularity as meaningful communities where people can connect deeply around shared interests, life experiences, locations, passions, and more. Groups with millions of engaged members focused on parenting, hobbies, local topics, health conditions, and specific interests represent some of the most active forums on Facebook currently. By posting frequently, interacting consistently, and utilizing features like polls, events, and digest emails, group administrators can cultivate highly participatory communities on Facebook.