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What are the Facebook like symbols?

What are the Facebook like symbols?

Facebook Like symbols are small icons that appear next to posts, comments, photos, and other content on Facebook. When you click the Like button on Facebook, a symbol appears showing you and others that you appreciate or enjoy that content. There are several different Like symbols used on Facebook, each with a different meaning.

Types of Facebook Like Symbols

There are five main types of Like symbols used on Facebook:

Thumbs Up Like

The thumbs up Like is the most common and well-known Facebook Like symbol. It appears as a small blue thumb pointing up. When you click the Like button on a post, photo, or comment, the thumbs up Like appears.

This shows you appreciate or enjoy that content and supports the person who posted it. Friends and followers can see the thumbs up Like on content you interact with. It’s a simple way to engage and validate others on Facebook.

Heart Like

The heart Like represents love and care for a post or piece of content. It looks like a red heart icon. You may see friends using the heart Like for content posted by family members, significant others, close friends, inspirational posts, or cute animals.

The heart Like shows a deeper level of meaning and connection to that post than a thumbs up Like. It conveys love and emotional support.

Laughing Face Like

The laughing face Like shows you find a post funny or entertaining. It appears as a small laughing emoji face. Friends use this Like for funny stories, amusing videos, witty comments, or laugh-out-loud humor on Facebook.

The laughing face Like lets others know you appreciate the humor and it gave you a good laugh. It’s a way to validate funny content you enjoy.

Sad Face Like

The sad face Like expresses sympathy and compassion. It looks like a small crying emoji face. People often use this Like when someone shares bad news, a tragic story, or a difficult life update.

The sad face Like shows you acknowledge the sadness and pain in the post. It conveys emotional support and caring in a difficult time.

Angry Face Like

The angry face Like represents outrage, frustration, or disgust. It appears as a small angry emoji face. People use this when someone shares an offensive story, political post, or social issue that makes them mad.

The angry face Like validates that post provoked an emotional reaction in you. It shows you stand in outrage with the person posting.

Where Facebook Like Symbols Appear

You’ll see Facebook Like symbols in several places when interacting with content:

  • On posts in your News Feed or profile posts
  • In Facebook Groups below discussions
  • On photos and videos
  • In comments on posts
  • On Facebook Marketplace listings
  • On ads
  • On Facebook Pages for businesses, brands, celebrities, and organizations

Anywhere you can click Like on Facebook, one of these symbols will appear. The number shows how many Likes the content has received.

Who Can See Your Facebook Like Symbols

When you Like content on Facebook, your friends and the broader public may see it:

  • On posts and comments, friends and public can see your Like.
  • On photos or videos, customized audience plus public can see.
  • In private Groups, members who can see post can see your Like.
  • On Pages, public followers can see Likes.

You have some control over the audience. You can unlike content or adjust privacy settings if desired. But in general, the Like symbols you use on Facebook are visible to friends and/or the public viewing that content.

Why Facebook Added Like Symbols

Facebook rolled out Like symbols as part of the Like button to:

  • Let you quickly show support for posts without commenting
  • Express emotions and connections using icons
  • Quantify engagement by counting Likes
  • Spread positivity and validation on Facebook
  • Understand user preferences through reactions

People were already commenting and engaging with text responses. The Like button and symbols streamlined the ability to interact and provided metrics for engagement.

Over time, Facebook expanded the options from just a thumbs up to include other icons. This let users convey wider and more nuanced emotions and reactions.

Controversies Around Facebook Likes

Facebook Likes have generated some controversies and concerns over the years, including:

  • Potential for envy or social comparison from seeing Likes
  • Possibility of manipulating Likes using bots or purchased fakes
  • Likes being used to measure self-worth or popularity
  • Questions around Facebook’s motivations and use of Like data

In response, Facebook introduced the option to hide Likes on posts. They want to promote meaningful interactions with less focus on validation through Likes.

Are Facebook Likes Good or Bad?

There are reasonable arguments on both sides:

Potential Benefits of Likes

  • Quick way to validate others at scale
  • Provides dopamine hit of positive feedback
  • High Like counts can increase influence and reach
  • Let’s you easily support causes and issues you care about
  • Quantifiable metric for engagement and reactions

Potential Downsides of Likes

  • May cause negative social comparison if Likes are low
  • Too much focus on vanity metrics vs meaningful interaction
  • Potential for buying fake Likes or bots manipulating
  • People may post just to get Likes, rather than authenticity

Overall, Likes seem useful in moderation. They provide quick feedback signals and validation. But too much focus on Likes can be unhealthy.


Facebook’s Like symbols allow simple interactions to show support across the platform. The variety of icons convey different emotions and meanings with one click. While Likes can have pros and cons, they enable efficient engagement between Facebook users. Understanding the different types of Like symbols can help you communicate and connect better using these quick reaction buttons.