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What are the eligibility requirements for Facebook Marketplace?

What are the eligibility requirements for Facebook Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace is a convenient platform that allows Facebook users to buy and sell items locally. With over 1 billion monthly active users on Facebook, Marketplace provides a huge potential audience for buyers and sellers.

However, not all Facebook users are eligible to access and use Marketplace. Facebook has set certain requirements that users must meet to be able to participate as buyers or sellers on Marketplace.

General Eligibility Requirements

Here are the basic eligibility requirements for accessing Facebook Marketplace:

  • You must have a Facebook account in good standing. Your account should not have any active restrictions or blocks.
  • Your Facebook account must be registered under your real name as per your government ID. Fake or business accounts are not allowed.
  • You must be at least 18 years old to buy and sell on Marketplace.
  • Your account must be confirmed via mobile phone number or email verification.
  • You must have an active Facebook profile. Accounts that are inactive for over a year cannot access Marketplace.
  • Your account must not have a history of commerce policy violations. Prior infractions can restrict Marketplace access.

These prerequisites apply to all Facebook users looking to use Marketplace in any capacity. Meeting these criteria makes your account eligible but does not guarantee full access to Marketplace.

Additional Requirements for Sellers

If you want to sell items on Facebook Marketplace, there are some additional requirements you must meet:

  • You should have established presence on Facebook. Accounts with scarce activity are subject to restrictions.
  • Your account must have a history of compliance with Facebook’s commerce policies.
  • You must provide a valid payment method to cover any applicable selling fees.
  • New sellers have limits on the number of items they can list.

These criteria aim to prevent fraudulent and dubious activity on Marketplace. Sellers must demonstrate good standing and a clean track record to gain full Marketplace selling privileges.

Location Restrictions

Facebook Marketplace availability also depends on your location. While Marketplace is active in most countries, some regions have access restrictions. For instance:

  • Marketplace is not available in China.
  • Some countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh only allow buying on Marketplace.
  • In certain countries, Marketplace only permits selling new items.
  • Certain product categories like vehicles, real estate are region-restricted.

So your geographic location and local regulations also play a role in determining your Marketplace eligibility.

Prohibited Items

Even if you meet all the above Marketplace requirements, you still cannot sell certain prohibited items on Facebook. Restricted items include:

  • Illegal drugs, narcotics, and controlled substances
  • Weapons, ammunition, and explosives
  • Live animals
  • Adult products and services
  • Endangered species
  • Stolen property
  • Alcohol and tobacco

Selling any of these items on Facebook is strictly against the commerce policies and can lead to permanent account bans. So make sure your product or service does not fall under the prohibited categories.

Maintaining Your Marketplace Access

Once granted, Marketplace eligibility may be revoked at any time if Facebook finds policy violations. To maintain your access:

  • Abide by all commerce policies when buying and selling.
  • Use real photos and accurate descriptions in your listings.
  • Do not post prohibited, dangerous, or illegal items.
  • Promptly ship sold items and provide valid tracking info.
  • Avoid transaction issues and conflicts with other users.

Violating Marketplace guidelines can quickly deactivate your selling abilities or restrict your account. Continued policy breaches can even result in permanent Facebook account disablement.

Appealing Ineligibility

If your account gets restricted from accessing Facebook Marketplace, you can appeal the decision by:

  • Checking and resolving any active restrictions on your account.
  • Contacting Facebook support and explaining your situation.
  • Providing valid ID verification if requested by Facebook.
  • Demonstrating you meet all commerce policy requirements.

However, certain policy violations like prohibited content, fraudulent activity, hate speech etc. can lead to ineligibility that cannot be appealed. So make sure to follow all Facebook rules to avoid a permanent Marketplace ban.

Using a Facebook Business Account

Users looking to buy and sell frequently on Marketplace are recommended to create a Facebook business account. Business accounts provide:

  • Increased selling limits for higher volume sellers.
  • Dedicated Facebook support for account issues.
  • More marketing tools to promote listings.
  • The option to create a Facebook Shop.

Business accounts follow the same eligibility criteria. But the additional transparency and capabilities make them ideal for active Marketplace merchants.


Facebook Marketplace provides an accessible peer-to-peer shopping platform to over a billion users globally. But Facebook regulates Marketplace activity through eligibility requirements based on account history, location, and compliance record. While the exact criteria may evolve over time, the main prerequisites involve having a real, active account in good standing with no past violations. Additionally, sellers must have an established presence with commerce compliance and valid payment methods. Proactively meeting these standards and selling allowed products is key to gaining and maintaining Facebook Marketplace privileges.