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What are the different types of Facebook ads for engagement?

What are the different types of Facebook ads for engagement?

Facebook ads can be an extremely effective way for businesses and organizations to drive engagement with their target audiences. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides a massive platform to connect with potential customers. There are several main types of Facebook ads that can be utilized to increase engagement, depending on the goals and metrics you hope to achieve.

Photo Ads

Photo ads on Facebook allow you to use compelling imagery to capture attention and convey your messaging. Visual content tends to perform very well on Facebook, so utilizing photo ads can be an impactful approach. You can highlight products, tell a brand story, feature customers or employees, and more through Facebook photo ads. Images tend to get high levels of engagement in the form of reactions, comments, and shares. This makes photo ads a great choice if you want people to interact with your content.

Some best practices for Facebook photo ads include:

  • Use high-quality, eye-catching images
  • Focus on emotions and tell a story
  • Use minimal text overlays
  • Try multiple images for testing
  • Leverage formats like carousels

Video Ads

Video content is hugely popular on Facebook, so video ads can be a fantastic option to increase engagement. Facebook video ads automatically play without sound when scrolling through the News Feed, which grabs attention. If interested, the viewer can then tap to unmute and watch with sound. Videos allow you to demonstrate products, tell stories, introduce employees, provide tutorials, and more in a captivating format. Video ads see strong levels of comments, shares, reactions, and overall reach.

Some tips for effective Facebook video ads include:

  • Hook viewers in the first 3 seconds
  • Use captions and keep them short
  • Align to buyer journeys and intent
  • Test different formats like square and vertical
  • Use engaging thumbnails

Carousel Ads

Carousel ads allow you to create a “swipeable” gallery of 2-10 images or videos within a single ad unit. Viewers can swipe through your content horizontally to consume multiple pieces of media. The carousel format gives you more flexibility to tell a story, highlight different products, or showcase various video content within one ad. Carousel ads also have higher engagement rates, since people tend to take the time to scroll through all the images and videos.

Best practices for carousel ads include:

  • Use a cohesive theme throughout slides
  • Limit text and put key messages in the cover image
  • Use the Link button to drive conversions
  • Test different numbers of slides
  • Ensure strong visual consistency

Collection Ads

Collection ads enable you to showcase a group of products in one ad unit. You can include up to eight products or services within a collection. This ad format is extremely useful for promoting product categories, showcasing lineups or bundles, cross-selling complementary items, and more. Collection ads drive strong engagement by providing viewers with multiple options tailored to their interests in one place.

Here are some collection ad best practices:

  • Curate products based on trends or interests
  • Use descriptive and consistent naming
  • Include detailed product descriptions
  • Drive clicks to a dedicated landing page
  • Refresh and update collections regularly

Lead Ads

Lead ads make it easy to collect contact information from interested customers directly within the Facebook ad experience. Viewers can input details like their name, email address, phone number and more without leaving the Facebook app. This reduces friction in the conversion process compared to driving traffic off of Facebook. Collecting leads directly also enables you to retarget and remarket using Facebook’s advanced capabilities. Lead ad formats like carousels, videos and more can be used effectively.

Some lead ad tips include:

  • Offer a compelling incentive or discount
  • Make the lead form ultra short and simple
  • Minimize required fields to reduce drop-off
  • Only collect essential information
  • Thank users immediately upon submission

Instant Experience Ads

Instant experience ads allow people to engage with interactive content directly on Facebook, like shoppable product catalogs, listings, storefronts and more. Viewers can browse products, watch videos, scroll listings, make purchases and more without ever leaving the Facebook app. This creates a more seamless, engaging discovery experience. Instant experience ads perform well in driving results like catalog sales, conversions, and engagement.

Best practices for instant experience ads include:

  • Use the multi-page format to showcase categories
  • Drive clicks to your website as well for remarketing
  • Ensure a streamlined mobile experience
  • Refresh product catalogs regularly
  • A/B test different layouts and elements

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic ads use Facebook’s artificial intelligence to automatically generate and optimize highly-targeted ads in real time tailored to individual viewers. The ads pull customized content like products, offers, listings, and more from your existing product catalogs based on each user’s profile and activity. The algorithmic approach optimizes which products are shown to whom for optimal relevance. Dynamic ads see strong engagement and conversion rates thanks to hyper-personalization.

Some tips for success with dynamic ads include:

  • Use detailed product catalogs
  • Focus on products with purchase intent signals
  • Frequently update catalogs to keep content fresh
  • Optimize keywords and creative assets
  • Take advantage of matching audiences

Messenger Ads

Messenger ads drive engagement through Facebook Messenger, allowing people to interact directly with businesses through private messaging. Viewers can start conversations and even make purchases without leaving Messenger. This provides a seamless, conversational commerce experience that consumers increasingly expect. Messenger ads perform well to generate leads, boost engagement, and drive sales through messaging.

Some best practices for Messenger ads include:

  • Use greetings to make a good first impression
  • Build trust by responding promptly
  • Guide conversations using bots or scripts
  • Make the transition to human reps seamless
  • Deliver consistent experiences across touchpoints


Playable ads let people experience simple interactive games and content without leaving Facebook. Viewers can tap to engage with mini-games, video elements, polls and more. This immersive experience grabs attention, while conveying brand messaging within the content. Playable ads work well for entertainment brands, app promotion, consumer packaged goods, and other industries. They drive strong engagement, brand awareness, and recall.

Some tips for success with playables include:

  • Align gameplay and content to your brand
  • Keep instructions clear and simple
  • Limit required gameplay time under 10 seconds
  • Showcase your brand throughout the content
  • Drive clicks to your website or app

Augmented Reality Ads

Augmented reality ads use AR technology to overlay digital objects, effects or enhancements over the real world, as viewed through a mobile camera. This immersive experience creates engagement as users interact directly with branded AR elements. From virtual try-ons to games and 3D content, the possibilities are vast. AR ads are still emerging on Facebook but offer huge potential for driving brand awareness and engagement.

Some augmented reality ad tips include:

  • Educate users on interacting with AR in ads
  • Match AR content tightly to products, positioning
  • Make effects shareable to extend reach
  • Keep file sizes small for quick loading
  • Incorporate strong calls-to-action

Polling Ads

Polling ads feature multiple-choice questions that viewers can respond to directly within the ad unit, driving engagement and conversations. This interactive format grabs attention with curiosity about the results, while giving brands quick feedback. Polling ads work well for consumer research, lead generation, and encouraging shares and comments based on reactions to the poll question. High answer rates make them impactful.

Some tips for creating compelling polling ads include:

  • Ask interesting questions relevant to your audience
  • Use the image/video to introduce the poll
  • Keep the poll question concise
  • Limit to 2-3 pre-defined answers
  • Complement polls with calls-to-action

Putting It All Together

In summary, Facebook offers an incredibly diverse range of ad formats to increase all types of engagement. Brands should test different options and utilize the formats that best achieve their specific goals. For example, lead generation lends itself well to lead ads, while branded content is ideal for carousel or video ads. The combinations are endless. Monitoring performance and engagement metrics closely will reveal which ad types resonate most with your target audiences. Testing is key, as Facebook’s advanced targeting makes it possible to fine-tune each format.


Driving engagement is crucial for modern brands and businesses in today’s crowded digital landscape. Facebook’s unmatched reach and advanced advertising platform make it one of the most effective channels for engaging relevant audiences. By leveraging different ad formats strategically and consistently measuring performance, brands can develop truly tailored Facebook engagement strategies. Photos, videos, carousels, collections and more should be tested diligently to determine what content resonates most with each unique target user base. With over 98% of Fortune 500 companies now advertising on Facebook, the platform’s engagement potential is immense.