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What are the different types of engagement in Facebook?

What are the different types of engagement in Facebook?

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of the third quarter of 2022. On Facebook, there are many different ways for brands to engage with their target audience and drive actions such as likes, comments, shares, and more. Understanding the different types of engagement on Facebook is crucial for developing an effective Facebook marketing strategy.


The like button is likely the most recognizable form of engagement on Facebook. It is the easiest way for users to interact with posts and pages on the platform. When a user likes a post or page, it will show up in the news feeds of their friends, which helps increase visibility and reach for brands. Likes also serve as a simple metric for measuring engagement and response to content.

There are several key things to know about Facebook likes:

  • Likes are public actions visible to a user’s friends in their news feeds.
  • Users can like Facebook pages, posts, comments, photos, and other content.
  • Pages with more likes tend to appear higher in news feeds and search results.
  • The number of likes on a post can influence how many people end up seeing it.
  • Likes do not necessarily equal sales or conversions. They measure interest and awareness.

Overall, likes are a good baseline metric for engagement that can help expand reach. Brands should also track more meaningful actions like clicks, shares, and conversions.


Commenting allows users to share thoughts, opinions, and responses to posts on Facebook. For brands, comments can provide valuable feedback and testimonials on content and products. Monitoring comments and responding to them helps facilitate conversations and connections with your audience.

Here are some key tips for making the most of commenting as engagement:

  • Posts with comments tend to gain more overall engagement due to social proof.
  • Pose questions or prompts in posts to encourage users to comment.
  • Respond to any comments from followers in a timely manner to build relationships.
  • Monitor comments for any customer service issues that need resolution.
  • Delete offensive or inappropriate comments when necessary.

Quality conversations in post comments can help drive brand loyalty and satisfaction. But brands should have some moderation strategy in place if discussion gets out of hand.


When users share content to their own timelines or in groups, it can help that content go viral and expose it to new audiences organically. Creating highly shareable content should be a priority for brands on Facebook.

Some tips for driving more shares include:

  • Produce entertaining or inspirational videos and visuals that get an emotional response.
  • Write informative, useful articles and blog posts that readers want to pass on.
  • Use incentives like contests and giveaways to encourage sharing.
  • Promote recent shares by highlighting them in future posts.
  • Make share buttons highly visible along with relevant messaging.

The number of shares per post can give valuable insight into what types of content best resonates with your target audience on Facebook. These insights can then inform future content strategy.


Facebook reactions allow users to react to posts with a wider range of emotions beyond just liking. The available reactions include Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, and Angry. Reactions give deeper sentiment data and context than likes alone.

Here are some tips for making use of reactions:

  • Monitor top reactions on each post to see what content gets the strongest emotional response.
  • A high number of “love” or “haha” reactions indicates positive sentiment towards a post.
  • A high number of “angry” reactions may signal controversy or issues that need addressing.
  • Use reactions mentions in comments or shares to encourage them from followers.
  • Compare different formats or creative approaches and see which earn the most positive reactions.

While reactions have less overall impact on algorithms than likes and shares, the sentiment data they provide is very useful for honing an effective, emotion-driven Facebook strategy.


When users click on links within Facebook posts, these clicks can be tracked as post engagements. Clicks signal that content is intriguing enough that users want to learn or see more by visiting the site.

Some tips for driving more link clicks include:

  • Write compelling captions and preview text that make users curious to click.
  • Only include links where users will find relevant, valuable information.
  • Use strong calls-to-action on links to encourage clicks.
  • Place links early in copy and highlight in bold/colors for visibility.
  • Bitly or other URL shorteners can improve click-through rates.

Clicks that lead to meaningful actions like purchases, sign-ups, and downloads are most valuable. Optimizing Facebook posts for high-quality link clicks should be a priority.

Page/Profile Views

When users visit your Facebook page or profile, these page views count as engagement. Increased page views signal growing awareness and interest in your brand.

Ways to boost page views include:

  • Driving traffic through posts, ads, and other channels.
  • Posting consistently to give users a reason to keep returning.
  • Responding to all messages and comments to keep users engaged.
  • Analyzing best posting times to reach fans when most active.
  • Optimizing page layout, content, and calls-to-action.

While page views have lower viral impact than some other actions, higher numbers reflect growing reach and authority for your brand’s presence.

Live Video

Facebook Live allows brands to stream real-time video to their followers and connect in an authentic, engaging way. Live video delivers a more intimate experience than traditional video posts.

Best practices for Facebook Live include:

  • Go live consistently on a planned schedule to build an audience.
  • Choose interesting topics and formats tailored for video.
  • Promote upcoming live streams in other posts and ads.
  • Interact with commenters during the broadcast to foster connections.
  • Repurpose popular live videos as standalone posts later.

The real-time, raw nature of live video can be very compelling when done right. But brands should carefully plan streams and presentation style to avoid any issues.


Facebook check-ins allow users to share their current location and tag businesses. Check-ins mainly apply to brick-and-mortar businesses with a Facebook page.

Check-ins can provide value through:

  • Increased brand visibility within the Facebook app and news feeds.
  • Driving foot traffic by highlighting your physical location.
  • Special deals, coupons, or offers for checking in.
  • User-generated content of customers enjoying your business.
  • Tagging your business as a way to show patronage or loyalty.

Check-ins work best when part of broader campaigns driving people to your stores. The social word-of-mouth and visibility benefits can make check-ins worth promoting.


Facebook messaging allows users to communicate directly with businesses through Facebook Messenger. Messaging facilitates personalized conversations and quick responses to inquiries.

Best practices for Facebook messaging include:

  • Setting up automatic replies to common questions for fast response.
  • Providing messaging support during all business hours.
  • Following up on conversations with promotions or satisfaction questions.
  • Integrating messaging with your CRM system.
  • Using messaging to collect customer feedback and ideas.

Seamless Facebook messaging experiences can drive greater customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Make sure to provide adequate staffing and response management.


Hashtags on Facebook allow users to click on a hashtagged word or phrase in a post to see other public posts using the same hashtag. Hashtags help increase discoverability.

Strategic hashtag use entails:

  • Researching popular hashtags in your industry to join larger conversations.
  • Using branded hashtags consistently across campaigns and channels.
  • Creating original hashtags for promotions, events, or user-generated content.
  • Placing hashtags in copy naturally where relevant.
  • Monitoring hashtags for feedback and responses to your posts.

Hashtags must add value rather than just clutter post copy. But used strategically, they can expand reach to new audiences.

Photo/Video Views

When users view photos or videos on Facebook, these content views count as engagement. Photos and videos often gain the highest visibility and response compared to other post formats.

Tips for driving more photo and video views include:

  • Posting visually striking, high-quality images.
  • Publishing user-generated visual content with permissions.
  • Producing engaging native video in square 1:1 format.
  • Boosting posts with photos or video targeting relevant audiences.
  • Experimenting with carousels, slideshows, lives photos, and albums.

Visual content tends to perform best on Facebook, so focus strategy on driving actions like views, clicks, and shares for photos and videos.

Event Responses

Users can engage with Facebook events by responding that they are “interested” or “going”. These responses provide valuable data on demand and engagement for online or offline events.

Tactics to boost event engagement include:

  • Using eye-catching visuals and vivid descriptions in the event page and updates.
  • Promoting the event frequently leading up to the date with posts and ads.
  • Making the event public to increase visibility.
  • Following up with those showing interest to confirm participation.
  • Offering incentives or exclusive perks for attending.

The more users engage with the event beforehand, the more likely they will ultimately show up. Track responses to assess marketing efforts and predict turnout.

Ad Engagement

Running paid Facebook ads allows driving and measuring additional engagement beyond what organic posting provides. You can tailor ads to target specific demographics and interests, and track metrics like clicks, views, conversions, and cost per result.

Best practices for driving ad engagement include:

  • Frequently A/B testing ad variations to improve performance.
  • Optimizing ads for different objectives like video views, conversions, or reach.
  • Using detailed targeting options to show ads to your ideal audience.
  • Retargeting users who have already engaged to drive more actions.
  • Monitoring analytics to identify best-performing targeting and creative.

Well-managed Facebook ads provide the most campaign control and ability to amplify engagement. But they require diligent monitoring, testing, and optimization.


Facebook users can tag or mention brands within their own posts or comments. This engagement provides user-generated exposure and word-of-mouth benefits.

Strategies to gain more tags and mentions include:

  • Running contests encouraging users to tag your brand in their posts for a chance to win.
  • Sharing user-generated content tagged with your brand to increase visibility.
  • Responding quickly and positively to users who mention your brand.
  • Prompting happy customers to tag you when sharing their experience.
  • Analyzing when and why people mention you for marketing insights.

Tags and mentions in organic user content help expand visibility. Look for opportunities to gain positive references and testimonials through them.


Facebook users may post questions on your page timeline or in comments looking for help or information. Responding quickly and helpfully builds trust and satisfaction.

Best practices for addressing questions include:

  • Monitoring page closely to answer questions within 24 hours whenever possible.
  • Providing personal assistance and details rather than just quick answers.
  • Following up to confirm question was fully resolved to the user’s satisfaction.
  • Using positive tone even when addressing challenging or critical questions.
  • Esculating complex product or service issues to proper department.

Questions present an opportunity to provide special care and valuable education or support. Brands that offer helpful, responsive assistance can gain loyal followers.

Engaged Users

Facebook provides metrics on your most engaged followers over given time frames. These include people who engage most frequently, comment the most, react the most, etc.

Leveraging highly engaged users with tactics like:

  • Featuring them in advertising or other promotional content.
  • Giving them exclusive early access to new products, content, etc.
  • Asking them to produce original content like reviews or unboxings.
  • Promoting their advocacy to incentivize others.
  • Recognizing them as brand ambassadors and insiders.

Identifying and rewarding your most engaged fans can inspire greater loyalty, referral, and continued participation in your brand community.

Other Engagement Opportunities

In addition to all of the major engagement methods covered above, here are a few other options brands can leverage:

  • Groups – Interacting in relevant Facebook Groups based around interests, demographics, etc. related to your brand.
  • Reviews – Encouraging customers to leave reviews of your business on Facebook that friends can see.
  • Subscriptions – Having users subscribe to your page so they see more of your content in their News Feed.
  • Suggestions – Leveraging Facebook’s Suggested Replies feature to provide helpful responses.
  • Jobs – Posting open job listings on your Facebook Page for engagement from candidates.


Driving quality engagement across these various types of actions, responses, and formats is key to Facebook success. Brands should analyze performance data through Facebook Insights to identity what content and tactics perform best. Testing different approaches for improving engagement and optimizing based on learnings is advised. While chasing vanity metrics like raw reactions or shares may be tempting, the most valuable actions are those that truly connect with audiences and drive business goals. A multi-faceted strategy across diverse engagement touchpoints yields the best results.