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What are the different icons on Messenger sent?

What are the different icons on Messenger sent?

Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps available, with over 1 billion monthly active users. When you send a message on Messenger, you may notice different icons appear under the message to indicate the status of the message. These icons provide useful information about whether your message has been successfully sent, delivered, read by the recipient, and more. In this article, we will walk through the main icons you may see in Messenger and explain what each one means.

Sent Icon

The most basic icon you will see is the sent icon, which appears as a plain text message bubble. This simply indicates that your message has been sent from your device. However, it does not necessarily mean the recipient has received it yet. The sent icon will appear instantly after you hit send on your message.

Some key points about the sent icon:

  • Appears immediately after sending a message
  • Indicates your message has left your device
  • Does not confirm delivery to the recipient yet

Delivered Icon

The delivered icon depicts a text message bubble with a single check mark below it. This check mark confirms that your message has successfully been delivered to the recipient’s device. However, it does not indicate they have read it yet.

Some key points about the delivered icon:

  • Appears when your message reaches the recipient’s device
  • Confirms the message was delivered successfully
  • Does not indicate the message has been read

There can sometimes be a delay before the delivered icon appears, depending on factors like the recipient’s network connection. But once it shows up, you can be sure your message has been transmitted to their device.

Read Icon

The read icon shows a text bubble with two check marks below it. This lets you know that your message has been successfully delivered and opened by the recipient. It provides a confirmation that they have actually read your message.

Some key points about the read icon:

  • Appears after the recipient opens your message
  • Confirms the message has been delivered and read
  • Provides a definitive confirmation your message was seen

The exact timing of the read icon can vary depending on how long it takes the recipient to view the message. But once those two check marks appear, you’ll know your message has been received and read.

Reply Icon

In some cases, you may also see a reply icon after sending your initial message. The reply icon depicts two curved arrows pointing left and right. This indicates the recipient has not only read your message, but also replied back to you.

Some key points about the reply icon:

  • Appears after the recipient replies to your message
  • Confirms your message was read and responded to
  • Shows you the conversation is active two-way communication

The reply icon is useful in ongoing conversations on Messenger so you can see when new responses come in from the other person. It provides a quick visual confirmation that the conversation is two-way.

Airplane Icon

If you see an airplane icon below your message, it means your message is currently unsent or undelivered due to one of the recipient’s devices being in airplane mode. Airplane mode disables all wireless transmission, so messages cannot be delivered.

Some key points about the airplane icon:

  • Indicates the recipient has a device in airplane mode
  • Means your message is stuck in an unsent state
  • Will clear once airplane mode is disabled

The airplane icon is designed to explain why your message may be delayed in cases where the recipient’s phone is in airplane mode at the time you send it. Once they reconnect, the message can be delivered and the icon will disappear.

Timed Message Icon

In addition to the basic message status icons, you may also see a timed icon appear if you send a message with a timed expiration. Messenger allows you to set messages to expire after a preset duration. The timed message icon appears as a small stopwatch.

Some key points about timed message icons:

  • Appears when you send a disappearing message
  • Indicates the message has a set expiration time
  • Reminds recipients the message is ephemeral

When you see the timed icon, it signals that the message will be automatically deleted from the conversation after the expiration passes. It’s a useful visual reminder for both senders and recipients.

Important Message Icon

Another optional icon you may encounter is the important message icon, which looks like an exclamation point in a chat bubble. This allows you to mark specific messages as important to notify recipients.

Some key points about the important message icon:

  • Lets you flag messages as important
  • Surfaces key messages for recipients
  • Useful for time-sensitive info or critical updates

The important icon is helpful to highlight messages you really need the recipient to see right away. It catches their eye and indicates they should read that message first.

Seen Icon

In group conversations, an additional icon called the seen icon may appear. The seen icon shows the number of people who have read the message in a group chat.

Some key points about the seen icon:

  • Appears in group conversations
  • Displays the number of people who have read the message
  • Helpful for understanding how many people have seen your message in a group

This provides a quick overview of how many people out of the group have opened the particular message. You can see at a glance how widely your message has been viewed.

Failed Icon

Finally, you may sometimes see a failed icon appear, which looks like an exclamation point in a triangle. As you might expect, this icon indicates your message could not be sent successfully and has failed.

Some key points about the failed icon:

  • Appears when a message fails to send
  • Usually due to connectivity issues like no internet
  • The message can be re-sent once issues are resolved

A failed message typically requires re-sending the message once you have an internet connection again or resolve whatever issue prevented the original delivery.

Summary Table of Icons

To summarize the key Messenger icons and what they signify:

Icon Name Meaning
Plain text bubble Sent Message has been sent from your device
Text bubble with 1 check Delivered Message has been delivered to recipient’s device
Text bubble with 2 checks Read Message has been read by recipient
2 curved arrows Reply Recipient has replied to your message
Airplane symbol Airplane mode Recipient has a device in airplane mode
Stopwatch symbol Timed/expiring message Message has set expiration time
Exclamation point in chat bubble Important Message has been flagged as important
Number in chat bubble Seen Number of people who have read message (group chats)
Exclamation point in triangle Failed Message failed to send

Why Message Icons Matter

Understanding Messenger’s icons helps you better communicate on the platform. The icons provide valuable insight into the status of your messages.

Some key reasons message icons are useful:

  • Confirms when recipients have received your messages
  • Allows you to see when messages require resending
  • Helps avoid duplicate messages if status is unclear
  • Lets you know if recipients are unavailable or unable to receive messages for any reason
  • Gives recipients important context on ephemeral messages
  • Surfaces priority messages that need immediate attention

Without these visual indicators, you’d be sending messages blindly with no way to tell if recipients got them. The icons add important visibility into the messaging process.

Troubleshooting Tips Based on Icons

The icons can also help troubleshoot issues if messages are not sending properly. Some troubleshooting tips include:

  • If you see the sent icon stuck for a long time, check for connectivity issues on your or the recipient’s device.
  • If the delivered icon never appears, the recipient may have connectivity problems or other service issues.
  • An airplane icon that persists could mean the recipient needs to disable airplane mode to receive messages.
  • For a failed message, resend once you have internet access again or move locations.

The icons provide insight into exactly where communication is breaking down. By recognizing the specific icon displayed, you can pinpoint how to get your messages through reliably.

Customizing Notification Settings

Finally, it’s worth customizing notification settings based on your priorities regarding these icons. You can control notifications to:

  • Mute conversations if delivered/read icons aren’t important to you
  • Turn on notifications to be alerted when a recipient has read your message
  • Enable sound/vibration for priority messages you flag as important

Customizing notifications allows you to focus on the status icons that matter most for your usage. Adjust settings appropriately so you remain informed without becoming overloaded.


Messenger’s sent message icons play an important role in understanding the status of your messages. Icons like delivered, read, failed, and airplane mode help paint a picture of what is happening with your communications in real time. By learning what each icon means, you can better troubleshoot issues, customize notifications, and ensure your messages are reaching recipients successfully. With over 1 billion active Messenger users, mastering these icons helps facilitate effective messaging at scale.