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What are the best dimensions for a Facebook banner?

What are the best dimensions for a Facebook banner?

When creating banner ads for Facebook, choosing the right dimensions is crucial for getting your ad seen by your target audience. Facebook offers several banner ad formats, each with recommended dimensions for desktop and mobile. Selecting the appropriate size will help your ad look polished and professional.

What are the Facebook banner ad dimensions?

Facebook offers the following banner ad sizes:

Ad Format Desktop Size Mobile Size
Single Image 1200 x 628 pixels 1200 x 628 pixels
Carousel 1200 x 628 pixels 1200 x 628 pixels
Collection 1200 x 628 pixels 1200 x 628 pixels
Slideshow 1200 x 628 pixels 1200 x 628 pixels
Video 1200 x 628 pixels 1200 x 628 pixels
Lead Ad 1200 x 628 pixels 1200 x 628 pixels

As you can see, the standard ad dimensions on desktop and mobile are 1200 x 628 pixels. This size provides enough space to showcase your brand and messaging while fitting cleanly into the Facebook interface.

What’s the ideal banner size for brand awareness campaigns?

For brand awareness campaigns, the 1200 x 628 size works very well. This standard rectangle format gives you a large enough canvas to make a visual impact and get your brand noticed. Key advantages of the 1200 x 628 banner:

  • Fits perfectly into the desktop and mobile News Feed without awkward cropping or scrolling
  • Large enough for attractive imagery and clear branding
  • Vertical height draws the eye down the ad naturally
  • Works for both product or lifestyle imagery
  • Leaves room for a strong headline, text, logo, and call to action

Sticking to the standard dimensions ensures your ad will render properly across platforms. The 1200 x 628 banner is versatile enough to convey brand stories in a captivating way. For brand awareness, its balance of size and shape makes it a reliable choice.

Tips for designing 1200 x 628 brand awareness banners

Here are some tips for optimizing 1200 x 628 Facebook banners for brand awareness:

  • Use high-quality, eye-catching images that convey your brand identity
  • Keep branding elements like logos and color schemes clear and consistent
  • Highlight inspirational lifestyle moments that align with your brand values
  • Consider bright, contrasting colors that grab attention
  • Balance text and negative space – don’t overcrowd the banner
  • Use fonts and icons that enhance brand recognition
  • Include a motivated call-to-action that encourages clicks

What size works best for conversion campaigns?

When your goal is conversions, the best practice is to create multiple ad sets with different banner sizes. This allows you to test what resonates most with your audience. Some top sizes to consider for conversion campaigns:

1. 1200 x 628

This standard desktop banner size still performs well for conversions, especially if you optimize the creative. Make sure to highlight your value proposition, include benefit-driven copy, and use action-oriented imagery.

2. 1080 x 1080

Square 1080 x 1080 banners stand out in the vertical News Feed on mobile. Use this size to showcase your product or service and include a clear CTA. The equal height and width helps draw attention.

3. 1920 x 1080

This long, rectangular format offers more real estate to convey details. It works on desktop and mobile. Use it when you have a more complicated product or service to showcase. The wide canvas leaves plenty of room for descriptive visuals and text.

Banner Size Best Use Case
1200 x 628 Proven performer for conversions across devices
1080 x 1080 Square ad optimized for mobile feeds
1920 x 1080 Landscape ad ideal for product details

By testing multiple banner sizes, you can discover which ones trigger the most conversions from your target audience. The right dimensions could help boost your Facebook ad performance.

How do I create banners for mobile vs. desktop?

It’s important to design Facebook banners with both desktop and mobile in mind. Here are some tips for each platform:

Optimizing for Desktop

  • Use the standard 1200 x 628 size
  • Include detailed product images or lifestyle photography
  • Feel free to use more text for descriptions, features and benefits
  • Make fonts large enough to read on large monitors
  • Link to a landing page tailored for desktop

Optimizing for Mobile

  • Stick to standard 1200 x 628 or square 1080 x 1080
  • Simplify messaging to key value propositions
  • Use visually striking imagery that conveys emotions
  • Limit text and use short, scannable sentences
  • Make buttons and CTAs very prominent for fat fingers
  • Link to a mobile-optimized landing page

Keep these guidelines in mind when designing versions of your banner for desktop versus mobile. Test both to see which ones drive the optimal results across platforms.

What are the key elements to include in a Facebook banner?

To create effective Facebook banners, be sure to include these key elements:

Engaging imagery

Visuals are critical for catching attention and conveying emotions. Use photos or illustrations that appeal to your target audience and align with your message.


Feature your brand logo, fonts, and color scheme prominently. This triggers brand recognition which drives clicks and conversions.

Value proposition

Summarize your key benefits in a compelling headline or tagline. This convinces people your product is worth clicking.

Product/service details

For certain campaigns, use captions, overlays and callouts to highlight specific features or details about what you offer.


Every banner needs a solid CTA like “Shop Now” or “Sign Up” to provide a clear path forward. Place it prominently to spur clicks.


Customize the banner’s look, feel and messaging for the specific audience and placement. Context improves engagement.

Prioritize these elements in your banner designs so they work together to capture attention and drive the desired actions from viewers.

Banner design best practices

Here are some top tips for optimizing your overall banner design:

  • Use high resolution images for crisp quality
  • Make your branding clear but don’t overwhelm the design
  • Include only the most important text
  • Use contrasting colors for elements to stand out
  • Make sure text is easy to read at small sizes
  • Add whitespace around elements and text
  • Create a logical visual hierarchy on the banner
  • Keep the design consistent with your brand style
  • Balance imagery, text, logos and CTAs
  • Test different layouts and visual treatments
  • Preview on both desktop and mobile to fine-tune

By following banner ad best practices in your designs, you can help amplify results and deliver a more polished user experience.

How can I split test different banner sizes and designs?

Facebook offers powerful split testing capabilities to optimize your banners. Here are some tips for testing sizes and creatives:

Test different banner dimensions

  • Create 3+ ad sets, each with a different size (1200×628, 1080×1080, etc)
  • Target each set to the same audience for a fair test
  • Run them simultaneously with the same budget and duration
  • See which size delivers the best CTR and lowest CPC

Test banner design variations

  • Design 2-3 banner layouts or visual styles
  • Set up identical ad sets but assign a different banner creative to each
  • Run them head-to-head for the same timeframe
  • Check which creative gets more clicks or conversions

Facebook will rotate your different creative variations evenly to find the optimal performer. Monitor daily to see which size and design is resonating best with your goals. Killing underperformers and duplicating the winners can help refine your ads over time.

What tools and templates make banner design easier?

Taking advantage of banner design tools and resources can simplify the creation process:

Facebook Ad Manager

Build ads directly in Facebook’s free tool. Provides pre-defined templates, sizes, and automatic image cropping.


Drag-and-drop graphic design tool with templates and easy customization options.


Online design platform with banner templates and branding capabilities.

Adobe Spark

Create stunning banners in minutes by customizing professional templates.


Intuitive graphic design program with banner templates and free images/icons.

Creative Market

Marketplace offering pre-made Facebook banner templates and graphics for purchase.

Leveraging these user-friendly design tools can help you quickly test different banner options and get higher quality ads created.


In summary, the standard 1200 x 628 size works well for most Facebook banner goal – but testing different dimensions and creatives is key for optimizing results. Focus on compelling imagery, clear branding, scannable text, and a motivated CTA. Design for both desktop and mobile experiences. Take advantage of Facebook’s split testing tools and resources like Canva to streamline creation. With thoughtful banner design tailored to your objectives, you can capture user attention and turn it into clicks and conversions.