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What are the audience targeting options in Facebook?

What are the audience targeting options in Facebook?

Facebook offers a wide range of options for targeting specific audiences with ads. Here is an overview of the main ways to target ads on Facebook:

Location Targeting

You can target ads geographically based on countries, regions, cities, zip codes, and more. This allows you to showcase your ads to people located in areas where your business operates or where your ideal customers are likely to be located. Some location targeting options include:

  • Countries
  • States/provinces
  • Cities
  • Zip codes
  • Radius targeting around a specific location

Location targeting is useful for businesses with a physical presence or those targeting customers in specific areas. For example, a restaurant can advertise to people within 5 miles of its location.

Age Targeting

You can target different age ranges on Facebook. This allows you to tailor messaging to specific demographics.

Some common age targeting options include:

  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44
  • 45-54
  • 55-64
  • 65+

For example, a clothing brand appealing to teenagers could target ages 13-17. Age targeting works best for products or services relevant to specific age groups.

Gender Targeting

You can target ads by gender, choosing to show your ads to all genders, just men, or just women. This allows tailored messaging for gender-specific products or services.

Gender targeting is commonly used for:

  • Clothing/fashion brands
  • Beauty/grooming products
  • Parenting and family products
  • Health products targeted to biological sex

However, keep in mind that not all users share their gender data publicly on their profiles.

Language Targeting

Ads can be targeted to people based on the primary language set on their Facebook profile. This allows you to reach people in their native language.

Some examples of language targeting options include:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • German
  • Portuguese
  • Arabic
  • Hindi
  • Chinese (simplified and traditional)

Language targeting is useful for localized messaging and campaigns targeted to expats or immigrants.

Interest Targeting

You can target users based on interests listed on their Facebook profiles. Interest categories include topics like:

  • Hobbies and activities
  • Entertainment
  • Food and dining
  • Shopping and fashion
  • Sports and outdoors
  • Technology
  • Travel
  • Automotive
  • Family and relationships
  • Education
  • Home and garden

Interest targeting helps align your ads with users who have demonstrated interest in relevant topics. For example, a clothing brand could target people interested in fashion or a restaurant could target foodies.

Behavior Targeting

You can target ads to people exhibiting certain online behaviors across Facebook products. Some behavior targeting options include:

  • Purchase behavior – Target people who have made online purchases or purchases in certain categories
  • Travelers – Target people researching travel online or who have visited specific destinations
  • Expatriates – Target people who have recently moved to another country
  • New parents – Target people who have recently had a baby or adopted a child
  • Home movers – Target people searching for homes or who have recently moved
  • Small business owners – Target people who have expressed interest in starting a business

Behavior targeting helps you connect with users at relevant moments based on actions they’ve taken.

Custom Audiences

You can create custom audiences by uploading lists of specific people you want to target, such as:

  • Email lists
  • Phone numbers
  • App user IDs
  • Website traffic

This allows you to target ads to specific groups such as past customers, website visitors, or people who have already shown interest in your business.

Lookalike Audiences

Lookalike audiences allow you to target new potential customers who are similar to your existing customers. To create a lookalike audience, you provide a custom audience (such as an email list). Facebook then identifies common qualities of this audience to find new people with similar attributes to show your ads to.

Detailed Targeting

Detailed targeting provides additional filters to target niche audiences and interests. Options include:

  • Relationship status
  • Workplace
  • Field of study
  • School attendance
  • Homeownership
  • Frequent activities

For example, you could target married homeowners interested in DIY projects. Detailed targeting works best for specialized products and services.

Facebook Pixel

The Facebook pixel allows you to track visits and actions people take on your website. You can then create custom audiences and lookalike audiences from this pool of visitors to target your ads. This helps you remarket to people who have already shown interest.

Third-Party Data

Facebook allows third-party data providers to offer targeting segments that are layered on top of its own data. This expanded data can include information on purchase history, search history, browsing behavior, and more from sources across the web. Targeting people using third-party data may increase reach, but can lack transparency.

Flexibility in Combining Options

A key advantage of Facebook is the flexibility to combine multiple targeting options for highly specific audiences. You can target by location, age, gender, interests, behaviors, and more. The more targeting options added, the more niche the audience becomes. However, an overly narrow audience risks limiting reach and scale.

Testing and Optimization

It’s important to test different audience segments to see what works best. Many advertisers A/B test different targeting combinations and analyze performance data to optimize targeting over time. Evaluation metrics like cost per result or purchase help determine what audiences provide the best ROI.

Audience Insights

Facebook’s Audience Insights tool provides data to help you identify and understand your target audiences. It gives information such as audience size estimates, top demographics, page likes, location, purchase behavior, and more. These insights can inform your targeting strategy.

Staying Up-To-Date

Facebook’s targeting options are constantly evolving. New options are added while some older ones are removed. It’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest developments. Facebook provides resources like blueprints, blogs, and advertising events to help you navigate changes.


When using audience targeting, it’s essential to comply with Facebook’s policies and applicable laws. Restrictions apply to targeting based on personal attributes like race, health, sexual orientation, and political beliefs. Regular policy reviews and training help ensure compliant use of targeting tools.


In summary, Facebook provides a wide array of audience targeting options including location, demographics, interests, behaviors, custom and lookalike audiences, and more. Flexible combinations of targeting criteria allow advertisers to hone in on their ideal customers. Testing different segments and analyzing performance helps optimize budget spend. Staying up-to-date and complying with policies allows you to effectively leverage Facebook’s targeting capabilities.