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What are the 4 main Facebook ad formats?

What are the 4 main Facebook ad formats?

Facebook offers advertisers 4 main ad formats to choose from when creating campaigns on the platform. These ad formats each have their own unique features and advantages, allowing advertisers to select the type that will work best for their campaign goals and target audience.

The 4 primary Facebook ad formats are:

Photo Ads

Photo ads are visually focused ads that primarily use eye-catching imagery to capture attention. This ad format allows for an image that takes up the majority of the ad space, with a small amount of supporting text overlaying the image.

Some key features of Facebook photo ads include:

  • Image focused – The image takes up 80% of ad space
  • Overlay text – Up to 20% of the image can be covered with text
  • Square and landscape – Images work best in 1:1 and 1.9:1 aspect ratios
  • Attention grabbing – Vibrant imagery captures interest
  • Evokes emotion – Photos can connect on an emotional level

Photo ads work well for campaigns wanting to:

  • Build brand awareness
  • Increase post engagement
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Promote products visually

Video Ads

Video ads utilize motion graphics and audio to deliver engaging video content to capture audience attention. They allow you to tell a story and convey emotion through sight, sound and motion.

Key features of Facebook video ads include:

  • Motion and sound – Combines animation, audio and video clips
  • Up to 240 minutes long – But 15-30 seconds recommended
  • Landscape and square – 1.91:1 and 1:1 aspect ratios
  • Autoplay without sound – Video begins silently until clicked
  • Closed captions – Option to add text captions

Video ads excel at:

  • Brand storytelling
  • Boosting video views
  • Increasing ad recall
  • Driving conversions

Carousel Ads

Carousel ads allow advertisers to showcase multiple images and videos in one ad unit. Viewers can swipe through the carousel cards at their own pace.

Notable features of Facebook carousel ads include:

  • 2-10 images/videos – Swipeable cards in one ad
  • Individual links – Each card can have its own link
  • Customizable design – Add logos, text and calls-to-action
  • Flexible objectives – Works for multiple goals
  • Storytelling – Conveys engaging narratives

Carousel ads are ideal for:

  • Promoting products
  • Highlighting services
  • Showcasing content
  • Creating interactive stories

Collection Ads

Collection ads allow showcasing of product catalogs by pulling in existing product listings from the advertiser’s Facebook Business Manager. Multiple products are displayed in a scrollable carousel format.

Key attributes of Facebook collection ads are:

  • Product catalogs – Auto-populates products from Business Manager
  • Customizable – Control product order and filters
  • Automated reporting – Tracks product performance
  • Optimized for mobile – Vertical scrollable carousel
  • Promotes sales – Highlights products

Collection ads excel at:

  • Driving product sales
  • Increasing conversion value
  • Promoting catalogs
  • Retargeting visitors

When to Use Each Ad Format

Choosing the right Facebook ad format depends largely on your campaign objectives and target audience. Here is an overview of ideal campaign types for each ad format:

Ad Format Ideal Campaign Objectives
Photo Ads Brand awareness, post engagement, website traffic, reach
Video Ads Brand storytelling, video views, ad recall, conversions
Carousel Ads Product/service promotions, content showcasing, interactive storytelling
Collection Ads Product catalog promotion, re-targeting, driving sales

Some best practices for selecting the right Facebook ad format include:

  • Consider campaign goals – Optimize for objectives like traffic or conversions
  • Factor in audience preferences – Align with content formats they favor
  • Test different options – See which ad types perform best
  • Use all ad formats – Variety can expand campaign reach
  • Combine ad formats – Leverage strengths of each in one campaign

Designing Effective Ads in Each Format

While the ad format is important, crafting compelling ad creative also greatly impacts performance. Here are some tips for designing effective ads in each of the main Facebook formats:

Photo Ads

  • Use high-quality, eye-catching photographs
  • Ensure images look good at small sizes
  • Use minimal overlay text
  • Convey emotions and lifestyle through images
  • Include logos and branding subtly
  • Write captions and headlines that capture attention

Video Ads

  • Hook viewers in the first 3-5 seconds
  • Use captions and keep sound off initially
  • Optimize videos for silent autoplay
  • Tell a compelling story
  • Use dynamic motion graphics and visuals
  • Include a clear call-to-action overlay

Carousel Ads

  • Use 2-5 cards for best results
  • Make the first card attention-grabbing
  • Keep card imagery consistent
  • Write engaging captions for each card
  • Use action buttons to drive clicks
  • Link cards to relevant landing pages

Collection Ads

  • Curate a focused product set
  • Arrange products strategically
  • Use lifestyle imagery
  • Highlight any promotions
  • Include calls-to-action like “Shop Now”
  • Drive traffic to a related landing page

Optimizing Ad Performance

Properly optimizing and testing your Facebook ads is crucial for driving better campaign results. Here are some key tips for optimizing each ad format:

Photo Ads

  • Test multiple images
  • Try different captions
  • Adjust image cropping and overlay text placement
  • Re-target engaged users

Video Ads

  • Experiment with video lengths
  • Refine thumbnail images
  • Try captions on and off
  • Compare aspect ratios
  • Re-target video viewers

Carousel Ads

  • Test card quantity
  • Rearrange card order
  • Refine card design and messaging
  • Analyze results by card
  • Retarget people who engaged with cards

Collection Ads

  • Adjust which products are shown
  • Change product order and priority
  • Test alternate category filters
  • Analyze results by product
  • Re-target people who viewed products

Consistently monitoring performance and iterating will help drive improved ad results over time.


Knowing when and how to effectively leverage Facebook’s main ad formats – Photo, Video, Carousel and Collection ads – is key to ad success. Each format has unique strengths that make them ideal for different campaign goals and audiences. Focus on your objectives, creativity, and ongoing optimization to get the most out of your investment in these essential Facebook ad types.