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What are the 3 main components of entity relationship diagram?

What are the 3 main components of entity relationship diagram?

Entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) are an important tool for database and software design. They allow developers to visualize and document the entities, relationships, and attributes within a system. There are three key components that make up an ERD:


Entities represent objects or concepts within the system being modeled. For example, in a banking system, common entities might include Customer, Account, Transaction, etc. Entities are usually depicted as rectangles in ERD diagrams.

Each entity has attributes that describe its properties or characteristics. For example, a Customer entity might have attributes such as Customer ID, Name, Address, and Phone Number. Attributes provide details about an entity that users may want to store or reference.


Relationships illustrate how entities interact with each other. There are three types of relationships:

  • One-to-one – Each entity instance in one set is related to only one instance in the other set. For example, a person can only have one social security number.
  • One-to-many – Entities on one side of the relationship can be related to many instances on the other side. For example, a customer can have multiple accounts.
  • Many-to-many – Entities on both sides of the relationship can have multiple related instances. For example, a student can enroll in many courses, and a course can have many enrolled students.

In ERD diagrams, relationships are depicted as lines or arrows between entities. The nature of the relationship is conveyed through symbols at the ends of the lines.


Cardinality indicates the number of entity instances that can be involved in a given relationship. There are three main cardinality types:

  • One-to-one – Each entity instance can only relate to a single instance on the other side. Diagrammed as a line with a single bar on both ends.
  • One-to-many – Entities on one side can relate to multiple instances on the other. Diagrammed as a line with a single bar on one end, and a crow’s foot on the many end.
  • Many-to-many – Entities on both sides can relate to multiple instances on the other side. Diagrammed as a line with a crow’s foot on both ends.

By combining entities, relationships, and cardinality, an ERD provides a full model of the components and interactions within a system. This helps software developers understand the key elements they need to represent in code and databases.

Example ERD Diagram

Here is a simple example ERD diagram for a university system:

Entity Attributes
Student Student ID, Name, Major
Course Course ID, Title, Instructor
Enrollment Enrollment ID, Grade

This ERD shows three entities – Student, Course, and Enrollment. It also shows two relationships:

  • Enrollment has a many-to-one relationship with Student (shown by the crow’s foot on the Enrollment side)
  • Enrollment also has a many-to-one relationship with Course (again shown by the crow’s foot)

So in simple terms, this ERD conveys that:

  • A student can be enrolled in many courses
  • A course can have many enrolled students
  • But each enrollment is related to only one student and one course

This is a very basic example, but it demonstrates the core components of entities, relationships, and cardinality that form an entity relationship diagram.

Benefits of ERDs

There are several key benefits to developing an ERD as part of systems design:

  • Visualizes data relationships – ERDs allow developers to see how data entities are related at a glance
  • Documents assumptions – Documents important assumptions about how data will be stored and accessed
  • Facilitates communication – ERDs provide a standard graphical notation that can be understood by diverse stakeholders
  • Supports database design – ERDs are an important first step in designing optimal database schemas
  • Reduces mistakes – Thorough ERDs can help catch logical data inconsistencies early in the design process

ERD Development Process

Developing a useful, accurate ERD requires careful analysis and planning. Here are some key steps:

  1. Gather requirements – Work with business stakeholders to understand their goals and needs for the system.
  2. Identify entities – Determine the key objects or concepts that need to be represented.
  3. Define relationships – Identify how the entities interact with each other.
  4. Establish cardinality – Define the quantity of relationships between entities.
  5. Add attributes – Determine relevant attributes for each entity.
  6. Validate the model – Review the ERD with stakeholders to confirm it represents their understanding.
  7. Refine as needed – Iterate on the ERD throughout development to incorporate new findings.

Developing ERDs is often an iterative process. As understanding grows, the ERD may need revisions to more accurately reflect the system.

ERD Diagramming Tools

ERDs can be created using general drawing tools, but there are also specific ERD diagramming applications that provide added support:

  • Lucidchart – Web-based ERD tool with collaboration features
  • SmartDraw – Desktop ERD tool that integrates with Office
  • DbSchema – Specialized tool for database modeling
  • SQL Power Architect – Forward and reverse engineering for database design
  • Visual Paradigm – UML and ERD modeling suite

These tools can automate much of the ERD drawing process and some even support converting the ERD into a database schema. They provide extensive features for visualizing and communicating complex entity relationships.

Entity Relationship Modeling Standards

There are some standard methodologies and conventions for creating ERDs:

  • Crow’s Foot Notation – The most common modeling notation representing cardinality
  • Barker’s Notation – Alternative format using connecting letters to show cardinality
  • IER Model – Specific model for information engineering
  • UML Class Diagrams – Unified Modeling Language diagrams that can represent ERD concepts

The Crow’s Foot notation is the most widely used, but the various standards have only minor visual differences. The core components of entities, relationships, and cardinality are consistent.

Data Modeling Alternatives

While ERDs are a longstanding, common technique for data modeling, there are also some newer alternatives:

  • UML Diagrams – Expands beyond ERDs to represent additional system characteristics
  • Data Vault Modeling – Focused on history tracking in data warehouses
  • Data Flow Diagrams – Illustrate how data moves through systems
  • Object Role Modeling – Models complete data semantics and roles

Each approach has its own strengths for particular data modeling needs. But ERDs remain a simple, intuitive way to visualize core data entities and relationships.

When to Use an ERD

The development of an ERD is most valuable in these key situations:

  • Planning a new data system or database
  • Redesigning an existing database
  • Understanding complex data interactions
  • Communicating system design to stakeholders
  • Transitioning data storage technologies

ERDs help ensure optimal data storage and access and reduce future re-engineering efforts. They provide a stable model for understanding data that abstracts away temporary technologies.


Entity relationship diagrams provide a structured, graphical way to visualize the entities, relationships, and cardinalities that comprise a data system. Developing thorough ERDs early in the design process can reveal logical data inconsistencies, optimize future database schemas, and provide documentation for stakeholders. While newer data modeling paradigms exist, ERDs remain an essential, intuitive diagramming technique for effective database and software development.