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What are page Insights?

What are page Insights?

Page Insights are an important feature provided by Facebook to give page owners and admins a detailed analysis of their Facebook page’s performance. With Page Insights, you can track your page’s growth, understand your audience, see what posts resonate best, and optimize your content strategy.

What can you see in Page Insights?

Page Insights allow you to analyze various metrics about your Facebook page, including:

  • Page likes and reach
  • Post reach, engagement and clicks
  • Video views and completion rate
  • Demographics and location of followers
  • When your followers are online
  • Traffic sources driving people to your page

Having access to all this data in one place makes it easy to identify trends and opportunities to improve your page’s performance.

Page Likes and Reach

The Overview section of Page Insights shows the total number of likes your page has, as well as how many new likes you’ve gained over a specific time period. This lets you track growth day-to-day, week-to-week, or month-to-month.

You can also view your page’s total reach, which is the number of unique people who saw any content from your page. This includes both followers and non-followers. Comparing your reach to your total page likes shows how well your content is spreading beyond just fans.

Metric Last 28 days
Page likes 1,250
New likes 187
Reach 4,530

Post Engagement

The Posts section provides detailed analytics on the performance of your individual posts. For each post, you can view metrics like:

  • Reach: how many people saw the post
  • Engagement: total reactions, comments, shares and clicks
  • Video views and completion rates for videos

Analyzing these metrics per post allows you to pinpoint your best and worst performing content. You can use these insights to create more of the types of posts your audience responds to best.

Post Reach Engagement
Infographic on eco tips 1,200 450 reactions, 38 shares
New product announcement 2,500 650 reactions, 125 shares, 150 comments
Behind the scenes video 1,800 250 reactions, 320 video views

Follower Demographics

The Followers section provides demographic data on the people following your page based on the information people provide in their user profiles. You can analyze stats like:

  • Gender split
  • Age range
  • Language
  • Country and city

These insights help you understand who your target audience is on Facebook so you can tailor content accordingly. For example, you may notice 70% of your fans are women between 25-34. This data informs the tone, visuals, and messaging you use.

When Followers Are Online

Page Insights shows you the days of the week and hours of the day when the people who like your page are most active on Facebook.

You can use this to determine the best times to post when your audience is most likely to see and engage with your content. Posting when followers are online improves reach and engagement.

Day/Hour Followers Online
Monday 9AM 15%
Tuesday 3PM 25%
Friday 6PM 40%

Traffic Sources

The Traffic section shows where visitors are coming from to land on your Facebook page. This can include:

  • Direct traffic
  • From your website
  • From posts, ads or other referrals
  • From Facebook search
  • Using a bookmark or typing your URL directly

Analyzing your traffic sources highlights opportunities to further promote your page and drive more relevant visitors. If a lot of traffic comes directly, you could focus more on search optimization. If traffic from your site is low, place more Facebook plugs on your content.

How to Access Page Insights

Page Insights are available to page admins from Facebook’s publishing tools. To access insights for your page:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click “Publishing Tools” in the top menu
  3. In the left sidebar menu, click “Insights”

This will bring you to the Overview dashboard for your page’s insights. You can navigate between the various sections using the left sidebar menu.

Requirements to See Insights

To access Page Insights, your page must:

  • Have at least 30 followers
  • Have been created more than 14 days ago
  • Have published at least 5 posts in the past month

These requirements prevent new and inactive pages from generating unreliable analytics. Brand new pages take time to accumulate enough data to make insights useful.

Insights User Roles

Access to Page Insights depends on your admin role:

  • Page admins can see complete analytics
  • Content creators can see analytics on their own posts only
  • Moderators cannot access insights

So be sure the appropriate team members are assigned an admin role to put insights to use.

How to Use Page Insights

Here are some tips to help you maximize the value of Facebook Page Insights:

Set Specific Goals

Having clear goals for your Facebook presence provides focus for interpreting insights. Are you driving website traffic? Building engagement? Growing followers? Goals inform what metrics you should prioritize.

Monitor Trends

Page Insights are most powerful for identifying trends over time, not just snapshots. Monitor weekly or monthly to see upward/downward patterns in likes, reach, engagement, demographics, etc. Trends reveal what’s working.

Compare Different Posts

Analyze insights across your different types of content – images, videos, links, polls, events, etc. See which post formats and topics resonate best with your audience. Then optimize your content accordingly.

Test and Analyze

Actively experiment with different posting strategies and creative approaches. Then check Insights to see which tests drive the best results. Let data guide your ongoing optimization.

Collaborate Across Teams

Share insights with colleagues involved in your Facebook strategy – social media, marketing, product, design, etc. Brainstorm ways to improve performance by leveraging team expertise.

Tip to Get More From Insights

Here are some pro tips for taking your use of Page Insights to the next level:

Export Data

For deeper analysis, click “Export Data” to download full Insights data into a CSV file. You can then manipulate data in spreadsheets.

Use Facebook Analytics

Connect your Facebook page to the Facebook Analytics app. This unlocks an interactive dashboard with data visualizations like charts.

Compare Multiple Pages

Analyze insights across your company’s different Facebook pages. See which pages do best and apply their lessons to improve other pages.

Set Up Reporting

Use the Scheduled Export feature to automatically export Insights data weekly or monthly. Useful for monitoring trends over time.

Integrate With Other Tools

Connect insights to your marketing analytics tools using the Graph API. This enables deeper cross-channel analysis.


Facebook Page Insights are an invaluable free tool for optimizing your social media marketing. Monitoring key metrics over time, testing content approaches, and collaborating with your team on the insights will help refine your Facebook strategy. Page Insights bring clarity to what is resonating with your audience so you can provide more of the content they love.