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What are luxury interests on Facebook ads?

What are luxury interests on Facebook ads?

Facebook ads allow advertisers to target users based on their interests and demographics. Luxury interests refer to interests related to high-end and aspirational brands, products, and services. Targeting luxury interests allows advertisers to reach audiences likely to be interested in and able to afford luxury items.

Why target luxury interests?

There are several key reasons advertisers may choose to target luxury interests on Facebook:

  • Reach high-value customers: People interested in luxury brands tend to have high disposable incomes. Targeting luxury interests allows advertisers to put their ads in front of potential customers who can afford high-ticket items.
  • Increase awareness & interest: Luxury shoppers are often looking to discover new products and brands. Targeting relevant interests can help raise awareness and interest in a luxury brand.
  • Drive conversions: Those interested in luxury items are more likely to make purchases. Targeting luxury interests makes it easier for advertisers to find and convert potential high-value customers.
  • Build brand affinity: Luxury shoppers care about brand image and status. Targeting luxury interests allows brands to associate themselves with aspirational lifestyles and users.
  • Remarket to website visitors: If a user has visited a luxury brand’s website, re-targeting them based on a luxury interest can remind them to complete a purchase.

What are some examples of luxury interests to target?

Some examples of popular luxury interests advertisers may choose to target include:

Fashion & clothing

  • High-end designers (Gucci, Prada, Versace, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, etc.)
  • Luxury jewelry brands (Tiffany & Co., Cartier, Bulgari, etc.)
  • Upscale clothing stores (Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, etc.)
  • Handbags
  • Shoes
  • Watches
  • Eyewear
  • Fashion magazines (Vogue, Elle, etc.)
  • Haute couture


  • First class flights
  • Private jets
  • Luxury hotels (Four Seasons, Ritz-Carlton, etc.)
  • Cruises
  • Island vacations


  • Luxury cars (Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, etc.)
  • Sports cars
  • Supercars (Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc.)
  • Luxury SUVs
  • Car magazines
  • Auto shows

Real estate

  • Million dollar homes
  • Penthouses
  • Vacation homes
  • Waterfront property
  • Home decor

Finance & investing

  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Commodities
  • Forex trading
  • Wealth management
  • Financial news


  • Luxury consumer electronics (Bang & Olufsen, Leica cameras, etc.)
  • Smart home technology
  • Drones
  • Tech events (CES, etc.)

Yachts & boats

  • Yachts
  • Sailing
  • Boating
  • Marinas
  • Yacht clubs

Wine & spirits

  • Fine wine
  • Champagne
  • Whiskey
  • Cognac
  • Wine tasting
  • Wineries
  • Breweries
  • Distilleries

Dining & nightlife

  • Michelin-star restaurants
  • Celebrity chefs
  • Fine dining
  • Luxury cuisine (caviar, truffles, etc.)
  • Mixology
  • Cigars
  • Nightclubs

Art & culture

  • Theater (Broadway, West End, etc.)
  • Museums
  • Art galleries
  • Classical music
  • Opera
  • Ballet
  • Auctions (Christie’s, Sotheby’s, etc.)

Health & beauty

  • Cosmetic procedures
  • Medical spas
  • Organic & natural skincare
  • Anti-aging treatments
  • Gyms & fitness studios
  • Wellness retreats

How to research and refine luxury interest targeting

To maximize results, advertisers should research and refine their targeting to reach the most relevant high-value audiences interested in luxury. Here are some tips:

  • Leverage Facebook’s audience insights tool to discover new interest targets based on current audiences and ads.
  • Research interest trends using Google Trends and industry reports to find rising luxury interests.
  • Analyze competitor Facebook ads to see what interests they are targeting successfully.
  • Test and iterate – try narrowing down broad interests into more niche sub-interests.
  • Monitor performance – interests with strong results warrant additional investment.
  • Remove interests that are underperforming or reaching irrelevant audiences.
  • Layer interests on top of core demographics like income and net worth.
  • Use interests to create custom audiences and lookalike audiences.

Best practices for targeting luxury interests

To get the most out of targeting luxury interests, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Precision over reach – luxury shoppers are a niche audience, so precision should be emphasized over volume.
  • Layer interests – combine multiple granular interests together to reach users interested in luxury themes.
  • Consider cross-over interests – those interested in luxury cars may also be interested in watches, for example.
  • Test different match types – try tightening match types from broad to narrow to refine targeting.
  • Monitor frequency – keep an eye on frequency caps to avoid overexposing users.
  • Track conversions – ensure the interests being targeted are driving the desired actions and ROIs.
  • Review excluded audiences – check what audiences are being excluded and if they should be left out.

Creative considerations for luxury ads

In addition to targeting the right users, luxury ads also require a high-end creative approach. Some tips for luxury ad creative:

  • Showcase premium imagery – high-quality photos/videos that reflect the brand’s sophistication.
  • Focus on prestige and exclusivity – emphasize the brand’s heritage, craftsmanship, and exclusivity.
  • Highlight superior quality – explain what makes the products/services extraordinary.
  • Use minimalist, elegant designs – clean layouts and plenty of white space feel refined and polished.
  • Feature subtle yet aspirational lifestyle imagery – beautiful people, locations, etc. that users aspire to.
  • Make offers feel exclusive – i.e. limited availability, access to VIP experiences, etc.
  • Avoid discounts or sales – they may cheapen brand image for luxury market.


Luxury interest targeting provides a powerful way for brands to connect with high-income audiences relevant to expensive, aspirational purchases. Researching the most fitting interest targets, refining them based on performance, and combining targeting with compelling creative provides a blueprint to effectively reach and convert luxury buyers on Facebook.