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What are login alerts on Facebook?

What are login alerts on Facebook?

Facebook login alerts are notifications that Facebook sends to users when there is suspicious or unusual activity detected on their account. These alerts are an important part of Facebook’s security features and can help users identify potential hacking attempts or other unauthorized access to their accounts.

When do users get login alerts?

There are several circumstances when Facebook will send a login alert to users:

  • Logins from new devices – If your Facebook account is accessed from a device you haven’t used before to log in, you will get a login alert.
  • Logins from new locations – If your account is accessed from a new city, state, or country that you don’t commonly log in from, Facebook will send an alert.
  • Multiple logins – If multiple logins occur on your account within a short time period, particularly from different locations, you will get an alert.
  • Suspicious activity – If Facebook detects any suspicious or unusual behavior, like a high number of friending requests sent from your account, you will get a login alert.

So in summary, any time your Facebook account is accessed from a new or uncommon device or location, as well as any time suspicious activity is detected, Facebook will trigger a login alert to notify you.

What information is included in login alerts?

Login alerts contain several key details to help you identify if the login activity is legitimate or unauthorized. Alerts typically include:

  • Location – The city, state/province, and country the login originated from.
  • Device – The type of device (mobile, computer, tablet) and browser used to access your account.
  • Date and time – The exact date and time the login occurred.
  • IP address – The IP address associated with the device used to log in.

Examining these details enables you to determine if you have actually accessed your account from that location or device recently. If not, it likely signals an unauthorized person is attempting to gain entry.

Why are login alerts important?

Login alerts play a critical role in Facebook’s security measures for several reasons:

  • They notify users about suspicious logins in real time – You get the alerts immediately, enabling quick action if needed.
  • They help users identify hacking attempts – Unauthorized logins often signal someone trying to access your account.
  • They indicate compromised devices/locations – If you get alerts from your own familiar device or location, it may signal that device or network has been compromised.
  • They allow users to secure accounts – Login alerts let you take steps like changing your password to further protect your account.

Overall, the timely notifications provided by login alerts give users the chance to stop hackers and others from fully gaining access to their accounts. The alerts also create a record of unauthorized activity that can be useful in recovering compromised accounts.

How do I view Facebook login alerts?

There are two primary ways to view and manage login alerts on Facebook:

  1. Notification Center – Login alerts appear in your notifications alongside friend requests, messages, and other updates. On desktop, you can access notifications by clicking the globe icon in the top right. On mobile, tap the bell icon.
  2. Security and Login Settings – In your Facebook account settings, go to the Security and Login section. Here you can view recent logins and any associated alerts. You can also toggle login approvals on/off.

Tip: Even if you dismiss a login alert notification, it will remain viewable in your Security and Login settings for up to 90 days. So you can always revisit alerts if you need to gather more details.

What should I do when I receive a login alert?

If you get an alert about an unrecognized login, here are some recommended steps:

  1. Check the details – Compare the location and device info against your recent activity. If you don’t recall logging in from that area on that device, it’s likely unauthorized.
  2. Change your password – Always change your password immediately after suspicious activity. Use a strong, new password that you don’t reuse anywhere else.
  3. Enable two-factor authentication – Adding an extra layer of security via an authenticator app or text codes helps prevent unauthorized logins.
  4. Check other accounts – If your Facebook was accessed by hackers, they may have your password for other sites. Change these as well.
  5. Look for other unusual activity – Check recent posts, friends, messages, etc. for anything suspicious that may have been done by hackers.
  6. Report it to Facebook – File a report about the unauthorized login via Facebook’s reporting tools.

Taking quick action as soon as you get an alert gives you the best chance of securing your account before any significant damage can be done.

How can I enable login approvals?

Login approvals, also known as two-factor or multi-factor authentication, is a highly recommended extra security step you can take. It requires you to confirm your identity via a code each time you log in.

To enable login approvals:

  1. Go to Security and Login settings
  2. Select Use two-factor authentication
  3. Choose authentication method – text, authenticator app, backup codes, etc.
  4. Follow on-screen instructions to finish setup

With approvals enabled, logging into your Facebook account will require an extra entry of a dynamically generated code. This prevents hackers from accessing your account even if they have your username and password.

Should I be worried about every login alert?

While most login alerts do signal potentially unauthorized access, there are some cases where alerts happen for legitimate reasons. For example:

  • Using a new device while traveling
  • Moving to a new location
  • Using a new WiFi network or VPN
  • Clearing your browser cookies and cache

As long as you recognize the login and can confirm you or someone you trust accessed your account, you likely do not need to take action beyond dismissing the notification. But when in doubt, it never hurts to change your password and enable two-factor authentication.

Can I turn off login alerts?

Facebook does not provide an option to fully disable login alerts. The alerts play an important security role, notifying users when their accounts may be targeted. According to Facebook, “These notifications are mandatory and cannot be turned off.”

However, you can manage notifications from Facebook in your device settings. On an iPhone, go to Settings > Notifications > Facebook to alter alerts. On Android, go to Settings > Apps & Notifications > Facebook. Turn off or mute notifications if desired. Just know you will no longer get real-time alerts.

Are login alerts new?

Facebook has provided login notifications and alerts for many years now. The feature originally rolled out in 2011 to boost security and reduce account hijacking. Since then, the alerts have become more sophisticated as Facebook incorporates new data signals to better identify suspicious logins.

Some key milestones for Facebook login alerts include:

  • 2011 – Introduced first basic login notifications
  • 2013 – Added alerts for logins from multiple unrecognized devices
  • 2015 – Added notifications for logins from new devices
  • 2016 – Started providing info on location and device for logins
  • 2019 – Introduced Support Inbox for account security issues

Facebook continues improving its login alerts today, using machine learning and other advanced techniques to recognize high-risk logins that are out of the ordinary for a given user.

What are some best practices for Facebook security?

In addition to promptly responding to login alerts, here are some other tips to keep your Facebook account secure:

  • Strong password – Use a long, complex, unique password that would be difficult to guess.
  • Two-factor authentication – Enable login approvals for an extra layer of protection.
  • Logout when done – Fully logout after using Facebook, don’t just close the tab or app.
  • Review privacy settings – Adjust who can see your posts, profile info, and contacts.
  • Monitor your activity – Periodically check your posts, friends, messages, etc. for anything unusual.
  • Avoid clicking suspicious links – Even from friends’ accounts, as these can be warning signs of hacking.

Practicing safe security habits while also taking advantage of Facebook’s tools like login alerts helps minimize your risk of being hacked.

What security measures does Facebook take?

In addition to login alerts, Facebook utilizes a wide array of security protections behind the scenes, including:

  • Site encryption – Facebook uses HTTPS encryption to keep data secure in transit.
  • Security teams – Facebook employs dedicated security engineers, analysts, and specialists to protect their network.
  • Bug bounties – Ethical hackers are rewarded for finding and reporting vulnerabilities.
  • AI monitoring – Advanced AI systems monitor activity on Facebook to catch threats.
  • Employee education – Facebook staff undergo rigorous security awareness training.

Facebook spends billions of dollars annually to strengthen their security posture and prevent threats like hacking, fake accounts, misinformation and other abuse on their platforms.


Login alerts are an important line of defense against unauthorized access to Facebook accounts. Being aware of when and why you may receive alerts enables you to spot potential trouble and take quick action to secure accounts. Using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and monitoring account activity also helps keep Facebook accounts safe from hackers and hijacking attempts.