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What are info labels in Facebook ads?

What are info labels in Facebook ads?

Info labels in Facebook ads provide additional information about your ad to give users more context. They can help increase transparency, trust, and performance. There are several types of info labels you may see in Facebook ads.

Types of Info Labels

Here are some common info labels used in Facebook ads and what they mean:

Paid for by

This shows who paid for the ad. You’ll see “Paid for by [Page name]” for ads paid for by Pages. For ads paid for by advertisers directly, you’ll see “Paid for by [Ad account name]”.


This label indicates the post is a paid ad rather than organic content. All Facebook ads are marked as “Sponsored”.

Political Ad

Ads about social issues, elections, politics or politicians will get the “Political Ad” label. This includes ads run by political figures, political parties, PACs, and non-politicians discussing politics.

Confirmed Page Owner

This verifies that the Page running the ad is the authentic representation for that entity. It helps build trust and transparency.

Ad Topics

These show the topics your ad is about based on the content. For example, an ad may be labeled with “Education” if it’s promoting educational products or services.

Product Title

For ads promoting a specific product, the product name will be shown. This gives clarity on exactly what’s being advertised.

Advertiser Details

This provides info on the advertiser behind the ad, like phone number, address, and website URL. It’s used for transparency.

Why Are Info Labels Used?

Facebook uses info labels on ads for a few key reasons:


Info labels increase transparency by showing users extra details like who paid for an ad or what it’s about. This builds understanding.


Labels like “Confirmed Page Owner” help boost trust and credibility in an ad by verifying authenticity.


Providing context through labels like “Political Ad” or “Ad Topics” gives users more information to understand an ad’s intent.


For regulated ad categories like housing, employment, or politics, labels ensure ads comply with disclosure requirements.


Labels indicating what a product or ad is about (like “Ad Topics”) helps users gauge relevance to them.

Common Info Label Requirements

Certain types of ads require specific info labels by law or Facebook policy. Common requirements include:

Ad Type Required Info Label(s)
Political ads Paid for by, Political Ad
Housing, employment, and credit ads Advertiser Details
Ads from Pages Confirmed Page Owner

Political Ads

In most countries, ads about political figures, parties, issues, or elections require the “Political Ad” and “Paid for by” labels.

Regulated Ad Categories

Ads for housing, jobs, loans, and other regulated categories must show advertiser contact info like address, phone, email, and website.

Page Ads

Any ad run from a Facebook Page must display the Page name under “Paid for by” and show “Confirmed Page Owner.”

Customizing Info Labels

Advertisers have some options for customizing info labels in their Facebook ads:

Paid for by

You can request alteration to the “Paid for by” label if your Page name isn’t suitable. Just contact Facebook support.

Advertiser Details

For required advertiser info, you can select what contact details to show, like phone, email, address, etc.

Ad Topics

You can choose up to 3 ad topics to display from Facebook’s categorized list. Select topics clearly relevant to your ad content.

Product Title

If your ad promotes a product, you can specify the exact product name to show rather than Facebook’s auto-generated label.

Optimizing Info Labels

Certain best practices can help optimize use of info labels in your Facebook ads:

Select Relevant Ad Topics

Choose ad topics that clearly reflect your ad’s content, products, services, or industry. Don’t use irrelevant topics just to populate labels.

Highlight Product Benefits

For product ads, you may want to customize the title to highlight key benefits or features rather than just listing the product name.

Use Consistent Details

Keep your chosen advertiser contact info consistent across your Facebook ad account and website to build familiarity.

Test Label Variations

Try A/B testing different ad topics, product titles, or advertiser details to see what optimizes performance.

Check Label Lengths

If using maximum label length, check how it appears in-feed. Shorten details if text overflows or gets cut off.

Do Info Labels Impact Performance?

In general, info labels either have a neutral effect or boost performance for Facebook ads. Specific impacts can include:

Increased Trust

Labels verifying identity and showing advertiser details build familiarity and trust, improving engagement and conversion rates.

Higher Relevance

Labels that explain an ad’s content make it resonate more with people interested in those topics or products.

Lower CPMs

Relevant info labels may improve your ad’s Quality Rank, lowering your ad costs through better CPMs.

More Link Clicks

Labels providing extra context could get more interested users to click through to your site to learn more.

Potential Drawbacks

While usually beneficial, info labels do have some potential downsides in certain cases:

Cluttered Appearance

Too many info labels can make an ad look busy or overwhelming, especially in compact formats.

Obscured Messages

If not designed well, labels could distract from your ad’s key brand or product messages.

Extra Compliance Work

Maintaining label and advertiser info compliance takes additional work beyond just creating ads.


You don’t have full control over label content, especially for regulated ads like political or employment.

Key Takeaways

Here are some top things to keep in mind about Facebook ad info labels:

Provide Transparency

Info labels give users context on who’s behind an ad and what it’s about.

Build Trust

Verified details establish credibility and familiarity with an advertiser.

Comply with Regulations

Certain ad categories legally require specific info labels.

Be Relevant

Select labels that clearly reflect an ad’s actual content and purpose.

Test Performance

Try different label optimization tactics to improve engagement and costs.