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What are good membership questions for a Facebook group?

What are good membership questions for a Facebook group?

When creating a Facebook group, it’s important to have membership questions that help filter potential members and ensure only interested and relevant people join the community. The membership questions you choose will depend on the purpose and focus of your Facebook group.

Why Have Membership Questions?

Here are some key reasons to use membership questions for your Facebook group:

  • Vet new members – Membership questions allow you to screen potential members to ensure they meet the criteria to join your group. This helps keep your community focused.
  • Understand member intent – Getting answers to a few strategic questions gives you insights into why people are interested in your group and what they hope to get out of it.
  • Set expectations – The membership questions lay the groundwork for the rules and norms of your group. They help communicate what the group is about and what members can expect.
  • Trigger engagement – When new members answer questions to join, it primes them to be more engaged once approved rather than just passive members.
  • Collect key information – You can use membership questions to gather relevant details about members such as location, industry, role, interests, etc.

In short, thoughtful membership questions are a valuable part of establishing a quality Facebook group that attracts engaged members.

Types of Membership Questions

The membership questions you choose will depend on your Facebook group’s purpose, but most questions fall into a few main categories:

Qualifying Questions

These questions determine if a potential member meets your criteria to join the group. Qualifying questions help ensure applicants are a good fit and filter out those who aren’t.


  • Do you currently work in the healthcare industry? (Yes/No)
  • What is your current job title or role? (Open response)
  • Do you have at least 2 years of experience in social media marketing? (Yes/No)

Intent Questions

These questions reveal why the person wants to join your Facebook group and what they aim to contribute or get out of it.


  • Why do you want to join our group? (Open response)
  • What value do you hope to gain from this group? (Open response)
  • How active do you intend to be in this group? (Multiple choice)

Profile Questions

These questions collect relevant details about members such as location, interests, skills, etc. This info helps you understand your members.


  • Which city and state/province do you live in? (Open response)
  • What photography skills or knowledge can you share with the community? (Open response)
  • What are your main business interests and goals? (Open response)

Culture Questions

These questions set expectations around group rules, norms, and conduct standards to cultivate the desired culture.


  • This group has strict rules against self-promotion and spam. Do you agree not to post promotional content? (Yes/No)
  • We aim to be an inclusive, supportive community. Do you agree to treat fellow members with courtesy and respect? (Yes/No)

Best Practices for Membership Questions

Here are some best practices to create effective Facebook group membership questions:

  • Limit to 2-5 questions max – Keep it short and focused.
  • Make required vs optional clear – Use “(Required)” or asterisks to indicate required questions.
  • Put key questions first – Front-load with your most important screening questions.
  • Use a mix of question types – Include a blend of multiple choice, yes/no, and open response.
  • Be specific – Ask clear, direct questions that elicit focused answers.
  • Avoid duplicates – Don’t ask for info you can already get from their profile.
  • Provide context – Give a short background before open response questions.
  • Allow pre-approval – Have admins approve responses before admitting members.

Examples of Good Membership Questions

Here are examples of effective membership questions for different types of Facebook groups:

Local Community Group

  • In which neighborhood do you live? (Required)
  • What interests you most about our community? (Required)
  • What local issues would you like to discuss in this group? (Optional)

Small Business Group

  • Are you a current small business owner? (Required)
  • What type of business do you own? (Required)
  • What are your most pressing business challenges? (Optional)

Career Networking Group

  • What is your current job title or industry? (Required)
  • Why do you want to join our career networking group? (Required)
  • What skills or knowledge could you share with other members? (Optional)

New Moms Group

  • When is your due date or baby’s DOB? (Required)
  • Do you agree to keep all member discussions private and confidential? (Required)
  • What topics, tips, or advice would you find most helpful? (Optional)

Book Club

  • Have you read our current book club selection? (Required)
  • Why do you want to join our book club community? (Required)
  • What are your favorite fiction genres or book topics? (Optional)

Tips for Crafting Good Membership Questions

Follow these tips to develop strong membership questions for your Facebook group:

  • Align questions with group purpose – Tailor questions specific to your focus and goals.
  • Askqualifier questions upfront – Put key screening questions first before info questions.
  • Make required questions count – Reserve required status for your most critical 1-2 questions.
  • Use open response judiciously – Limit to 2 open response questions max to control volume.
  • Make questions clear and concise – Use simple phrasing that is easy to understand.
  • Check Facebook group rules – Avoid questions prohibited by Facebook’s terms and policies.
  • Test questionswith co-admins – Have other admins review questions before activating them.
  • Iterate based on results – Tweak questions as needed to tighten up the screening process.

Best Practices for Reviewing Responses

To leverage your membership questions, you need a process to thoroughly review responses and approve or deny applicants accordingly. Here are some best practices:

  • Designate admins to review – Assign 2-3 admins to collaborate on vetting new members.
  • Check profiles in tandem – Cross-reference applicant profiles with their question responses.
  • Move quickly – Complete reviews in 24-48 hours to admit members in a timely manner.
  • Notify denied members – Send a kind message explaining why they were not approved.
  • Store responses – Keep a record of applicant responses for reference if needed.
  • Watch for red flags – Deny members who show signs they may disrupt the community.
  • Request more info if unsure – Follow up with applicants to request clarification or additional details if needed.
  • Update questions as needed – Revise any unclear questions resulting in ambiguous responses.


Well-crafted membership questions are crucial to building a strong, focused Facebook group community. Use a strategic mix of qualifying, intent, profile, and culture questions tailored to your goals. Collaborate with co-admins to quickly review responses and approve applicants who will contribute positively. Update your questions periodically to fine-tune the screening process. With thoughtful membership questions and vetting procedures, you can attract engaged members who will help your Facebook group thrive.