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What are Facebook contest rules?

What are Facebook contest rules?

Facebook contests have become a popular marketing tactic for brands looking to increase engagement and awareness. But running a successful Facebook contest requires following the platform’s strict rules and guidelines. This article will provide an overview of Facebook’s contest policies, including contest types, entry requirements, restrictions, and other important details to keep in mind.

Facebook Contest Types

There are three main types of contests allowed on Facebook:

  • Photo contests
  • Video contests
  • Content contests

Photo contests allow entrants to submit photo entries via Facebook, while video contests accept video submissions. Content contests encompass a broader range of entries, including text, images, videos, and more.

When running any type of contest on Facebook, businesses should clearly outline the type of content entrants are required to submit to be eligible to win.

Photo Contests

For photo contests, entrants must submit photo entries via Facebook. Some of the most common examples include:

  • Photo caption contests
  • Photo filter contests
  • Themed photo contests (i.e. holiday photos)

Photos submitted for contests must comply with Facebook’s community standards and content policies. Businesses running photo contests are responsible for proactively monitoring and removing any obscene, offensive, or inappropriate photos.

Video Contests

Video contests, similarly, require entrants to submit video entries via Facebook. Some video contest ideas include:

  • Brand storytelling contests
  • Product demo contests
  • Behind-the-scenes contests

As with photos, businesses are responsible for ensuring all video content meets Facebook’s standards and contest rules. Prizes awarded should comply with contest laws and regulations.

Content Contests

Content contests allow for the most flexibility in terms of entries. These contests may include submissions like:

  • Writing contests
  • Recipe contests
  • Meme contests
  • Caption contests

The key is clearly specifying the types of content submissions that will be accepted. This allows entrants to get creative within the contest guidelines.

Facebook Contest Rules and Restrictions

All Facebook contests must follow the platform’s promotions guidelines. Key rules and restrictions to keep in mind include:

  • Contests must be administered completely on Facebook, using apps on the Facebook platform.
  • Contests cannot require participants to take any actions off of Facebook, such as visiting an external website.
  • Proper disclosures must be included about contest terms, eligibility, and more.
  • Contests cannot contain illegal, unsafe, dangerous or ill-advised content.

Review Facebook’s promotions guidelines closely before launching any contest. Failure to follow the rules could result in contests being shut down.

Administering Contests on Facebook

Contests on Facebook must be administered completely within Facebook, using apps on the Facebook platform. Requiring contest entrants to visit external websites or take actions outside of Facebook is prohibited.

Pages can use apps such as Promote Inform, Woobox, Wishpond, and Rafflecopter to create contests within Facebook.

Required Disclosures

Facebook contests must clearly disclose:

  • Official contest rules
  • Eligibility requirements
  • Entry period dates
  • Judging criteria
  • Prizes
  • Any other legally required information

These disclosures help protect businesses running contests and inform participants.

Prohibited Content

Facebook prohibits contests that include:

  • Dangerous stunts
  • Illegal activities
  • Violations of privacy
  • Hate speech
  • Bullying or harassment

Monitoring contest entries and removing prohibited content is the responsibility of the business administering the contest.

Facebook Contest Ideas

Creative Facebook contest ideas can help attract high engagement and increase brand awareness. Here are some popular examples of contests businesses can run on Facebook:

Contest Type Ideas
Photo Contests
  • Submit a photo of you using our product
  • Recreate this historical photo
  • Caption this photo
Video Contests
  • Create a brand story video
  • Show us your behind-the-scenes footage
  • Demo one of our products
Content Contests
  • Write a poem, short story, or essay on a theme
  • Create a meme using our brand
  • Share your favorite recipe using our product

Businesses can get creative with different contest formats to align with their brand style and audience. The key is following Facebook requirements.

Facebook Contest Best Practices

Following best practices can help ensure Facebook contests are successful:

  • Create clear, detailed rules. Be explicit about contest type, entries, eligibility, judging criteria, prizes, and restrictions.
  • Promote extensively. Market contests through ads, organic posts, email, and other channels.
  • Make entering simple. Keep required steps and fields to enter as minimal as possible.
  • Set a defined timeline. Include specific start and end dates for entry periods.
  • Remind participants to share. Encourage social sharing for more visibility.
  • Give great prizes. Offer prizes that genuinely excite target audiences.
  • Announce winners. Let everyone know who won and how prizes will be awarded.

Optimizing the contest structure, promotion strategy, prizes, and announcement plan can drive better results.

Create Detailed Official Rules

The official contest rules provide the legal disclosures and guidelines for entering. Being as specific as possible reduces confusion. Key details to include:

  • Contest type (photo, video, etc)
  • Entry requirements and restrictions
  • Start and end dates for entry period
  • Eligibility specifics (location, age, etc)
  • Judging criteria
  • Number and details of prizes
  • How winners will be notified
  • Terms and conditions for prizes

Promote the Contest Extensively

Driving awareness is key to high contest entry numbers. Promote contests through:

  • Paid Facebook ads
  • Organic social posts
  • Email campaigns
  • Website and blog content
  • Influencer marketing
  • Offline marketing

Contests should be promoted across multiple channels for optimal reach.

Simplify the Entry Process

The easier it is to enter, the more entries a contest will receive. Best practices include:

  • Allow entering directly via a post or app
  • Limit required fields to essentials only
  • Avoid lengthy surveys or questionnaires
  • Use a conversation message flow if more info is needed

Frictionless entry keeps engagement high. Follow Facebook’s guidelines for required disclosures but avoid overcomplicating entry steps.

Complying with Facebook Contest Policies

To stay compliant with Facebook requirements, businesses must:

  • Administer contests only on Facebook, not external sites
  • Include proper disclosures and official contest rules
  • Abide by all platform content policies and standards
  • Assume full responsibility for monitoring and moderating contest entries and engagement
  • Award prizes in compliance with Facebook promotions guidelines and applicable laws

Reviewing Facebook’s promotions guidelines in full is highly recommended before launching any contest.

Staying On Facebook

One of the most important Facebook contest rules is that all contest administration and entries must occur on Facebook. Requiring participants to visit external websites is not allowed.

Pages must use tools like Promote Inform, Woobox, Wishpond, or Rafflecopter to build contests fully on the Facebook platform.

Required Disclosures

Proper disclosures include:

  • Official contest rules posted publicly
  • Eligibility details
  • Entry period dates and deadlines
  • Prizes and prize values
  • Any other legally mandated details for contests

Disclosures ensure contests are administered properly and legally.

Content Moderation

Pages launching contests are responsible for monitoring all content submitted to ensure it complies with Facebook’s rules and standards.

Obscene, offensive, dangerous, or inappropriate posts should be removed immediately.

Facebook Contest Legal Compliance

Facebook contests must comply with the platform’s rules as well as all applicable local laws and regulations. Some key areas to consider:

Area Description
Terms & Conditions Include proper terms and conditions when entrants submit contest entries.
Prize Awarding Abide by laws related to awarding prizes and prizes values.
Taxes Withhold and remit appropriate taxes on prizes and winnings.
Licensing & Registration Obtain any required licensing or bonding in your jurisdiction.
Record Keeping Maintain contest records as legally required.

Consulting local legal counsel is recommended when launching Facebook contests in order to remain compliant.

Contest Terms and Conditions

Including proper terms and conditions allows businesses to:

  • Set rules entrants must agree to
  • Outline rights to use entries
  • Limit liability
  • Require releases and consents as needed

Terms and conditions provide critical legal protections when running contests.

Awarding Prizes

Businesses must award prizes as promoted and comply with laws governing:

  • Prize values
  • Prize substitutions
  • Odds of winning
  • Restricted prizes

Failure to properly award prizes can result in legal issues.


Facebook contests allow businesses to drive engagement, increase brand awareness, and collect user-generated content. However, understanding and properly implementing Facebook’s strict contest rules and guidelines is critical.

Key best practices for successful contests include creating detailed rules, simplifying entry, promoting widely, offering compelling prizes, and announcing winners. Compliance with Facebook policies and contest laws is also essential.

With the right strategic approach, businesses can leverage Facebook contests to connect with current fans and reach new audiences.