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What are Facebook ads?

What are Facebook ads?

Facebook ads are paid advertisements that businesses can run on Facebook to promote their products, services, or causes. They allow advertisers to display ad creative to specific audiences based on location, demographics, interests, behaviors, and connections on Facebook and Instagram.

How do Facebook ads work?

Facebook ads work by using the vast amount of data Facebook has on its users to target ads to specific audiences. When creating a Facebook ad, advertisers choose their objective (conversions, traffic, etc.), set a budget, define their target audience based on location, demographics, interests, behaviors, and connections, create compelling ad creative including images/video, headlines, body text, and calls-to-action, place their order, and monitor results in Ads Manager.

Once an ad is live, the Facebook ad auction system determines when and how often to display the ad to relevant audiences when they are on Facebook or Instagram. The ad appears in users’ feeds, stories, or other ad placements. Users can click on the ad which may direct them to the advertiser’s website, Facebook page or ad landing page, install the advertiser’s app, watch a video, or engage in other ways.

Facebook charges advertisers based on the actions users take (clicks, conversions, etc.) and the budget they’ve set. Advertisers only pay when users engage with their ads.

What are the benefits of Facebook ads?

Some key benefits of Facebook ads include:

  • Large audience reach – With nearly 3 billion monthly active users on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Audience Network, Facebook ads allow you to reach a massive, targeted audience where they already spend significant time.
  • Detailed targeting options – Target your ads by location, demographics, interests, behaviors, connections, and more to reach your ideal customers.
  • Lower cost-per-click than other networks – Facebook ads tend to have lower CPCs which helps stretch your budget.
  • Retargeting capabilities – Remarket to people who have already engaged with your business with custom audiences and lookalike audiences.
  • Powerful analytics – The Ads Manager dashboard provides robust analytics on your ad performance including impressions, reach, clicks, CTR, conversions and more.
  • Seamless ad buying – Facebook streamlines ad buying making it easy to create, launch, iterate, and analyze ad campaigns.
  • Support across devices – Facebook ads appear on desktop and mobile allowing you to engage users no matter where they are.

What are the different types of Facebook ads?

There are several core Facebook ad formats and placements available:

Feed ads

Feed ads appear in the Facebook news feed on desktop and mobile. They generally include image/video creative, headline, text, and a call-to-action button. Feed ads allow engagement in the form of likes, comments, and shares.

Stories ads

Stories ads appear in Facebook and Instagram stories. They full bleed vertical creative optimized for mobile. Stories ads are skippable after a few seconds. They are perfect for reaching audiences when they are distracted scrolling stories.

Marketplace ads

Marketplace ads appear alongside listings in the Facebook marketplace. They help you promote your listings to buyer audiences searching for similar items in Marketplace.

Messenger ads

Messenger ads appear in the Messenger app and as Messenger comments on Facebook. They allow you to drive messaging conversations to facilitate sales, appointment booking, lead gen, and more.

Audience Network ads

Audience Network ads display your ads beyond Facebook on partner websites and apps to help find more customers. Great for lower-funnel actions outside Facebook’s properties.

In addition to these placement types, Facebook offers image ads, video ads, carousel ads, slideshow ads, collections ads, lead ads, dynamic ads, and more ad formats.

What are the key Facebook ad specs and requirements?

Here are some key ad specs and requirements to keep in mind:

  • Image ads require at least 600 x 315 pixels for best quality
  • 4:5 aspect ratio works for both mobile and desktop feed placements
  • 1200 x 628 pixels recommended for landscape images
  • 1080 x 1920 pixels recommended for vertical/portrait images
  • Text limit of 125 characters in headline and 90 characters in body
  • Videos should be under 240 minutes, less than 4GB in size, and follow aspect ratio guidelines
  • Carousel ads can have 2-10 images/videos and need square 1:1 images
  • Limit text to 20% of image area
  • Text should be readable on all backgrounds and have good contrast

In addition, Facebook has policies around acceptable ad content and placement. Make sure to review their Advertising Policies to ensure compliance.

How do you create and run Facebook ads?

Here is the basic process for creating and running Facebook ads:

  1. Build your ad audience – Research your target customer and define your ideal audience based on demographics, location, interests, behaviors, connections, etc.
  2. Set campaign goals and create ad sets – Determine campaign goals and create ad sets around specific products/services, audiences, or goals.
  3. Design compelling ad creative – Create effective, eye-catching, and relevant visuals, videos, and text.
  4. Write magnetic ad copy – Craft headlines and body text focused on what your audience cares about and include a clear call-to-action.
  5. Place Facebook ad order – Pick placement types, set daily budget and duration, schedule ads, enter payment details.
  6. Monitor and optimize performance – Analyze results in Ads Manager, adjust targeting and creative, increase performing ad sets, pause low performers.

Continually test and iterate your Facebook ads to improve results over time. Take advantage of split testing, conversion tracking, custom/lookalike audiences, and other optimization features.

How much do Facebook ads cost?

Some key factors that influence Facebook ad costs include:

  • Bidding and auction – Facebook runs an auction and your bid competes against others in the auction.
  • Your daily budget – The max you pay per day for your campaign.
  • Target CPA or bid strategy – How you optimize for conversions vs reach.
  • Audience targeting – Broader targeting is generally cheaper than narrow targeting.
  • Ad placement – Feed ads tend to be cheaper than Instagram stories ads for example.
  • Time of year – Prices fluctuate based on market and seasonal demand.
  • Quality score – Factors like expected CTR affect the price you pay.

Some typical costs for Facebook ads include:

  • CPC: $0.50 – $2+
  • CPM: $5 – $30+
  • CPE (cost per engagement): $1 – $3+
  • CPA (cost per conversion): Varies widely by industry
  • ROAS (return on ad spend): Aim for at least 2X-3X+

Test different targeting options, placements, budgets, and bid strategies to find an optimal cost per result for your goals.

What are Facebook ad policies and guidelines?

Facebook wants advertising to be safe, civil, and honest while having relevant, authentic ads create value for people. Key ad policies include:

  • Authenticity – Accurate ad content for real businesses, products, and services.
  • Prohibited Content – Restrictions on certain products, services and content.
  • Restricted Content – Policies around alcohol, dating, gambling, political ads, etc.
  • Limitations on Targeting – No negative attributes, sensitive topics, or illegal attributes.
  • Placement – Where different types of ads may appear.
  • Privacy – Adherence to applicable data and privacy laws.

Review Facebook’s full advertising policies to ensure compliance before running any ads. Policy violations can lead to disapproved or prohibited ads.

What are some Facebook ad best practices?

Some top tips for creating effective Facebook ads include:

  • Detailed audience targeting – Build laser-focused audiences that share interests related to your products/services.
  • Compelling and relevant creative – Dynamic visuals, video, and copy tailored to your audience.
  • Clear, strong calls-to-action – Easy for users to take the next step from your ad.
  • Thoughtful copywriting – Focus on benefits, not features, with descriptive ad text.
  • Mobile optimization – Ensure ads and landing pages work flawlessly on mobile.
  • Split test ad variations – Test different visuals, copy, placements to optimize performance.
  • Measure ROI and conversion values – Track meaningful metrics beyond clicks and impressions.
  • Monitor and optimize regularly – Check reports frequently and tweak targeting, bids, creative, etc.

Work to continually refine and improve your Facebook ads over time. Analyze results, learn from top-performing ads, and consistently test new variations.


Facebook ads offer a powerful way for businesses to reach massive targeted audiences where they are already engaged on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and beyond. By following best practices around audience targeting, compelling creative, thoughtful copywriting, comprehensive analytics, and regular optimization, advertisers can cost-effectively drive brand awareness, website traffic, conversions, app installs, and tangible return on ad spend.

Carefully considering your campaign objectives, ideal audience, calls-to-action, and metrics of success will help guide the optimal use of Facebook ads for your business. Consistent monitoring, testing, iterating, and improving your ads based on performance can help realize their full potential.