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What advertising works best on Facebook?

What advertising works best on Facebook?

Facebook advertising can be an extremely effective way for businesses to reach potential customers. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides a massive potential audience. However, with so many options and formats for Facebook ads, it can be overwhelming for businesses to know where to start.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the types of Facebook ads available, best practices for creating effective ads, and recommendations for what advertising formats tend to perform better on Facebook.

Types of Facebook Ads

Facebook offers a variety of ad formats that can meet different marketing objectives. Here are the main types of Facebook ads available:

  • Photo Ads: Single image or collection of images, ideal for promoting products/services
  • Video Ads: Short video clips, great for storytelling and demonstrations
  • Carousel Ads: Multiple images or videos that users can swipe through
  • Stories Ads: Full-screen vertical ads in Facebook Stories format
  • Collection Ads: Promote multiple products in one ad unit
  • Slideshow Ads: Combine images and text across multiple slides

In addition to these main formats, there are also more specialized options like lead generation ads, dynamic product ads, augmented reality ads, and more.

How to Create Effective Facebook Ads

When designing Facebook ads, there are some key best practices you should follow for better results:

  • Strong visuals – Eye-catching, high-quality images and video will have the biggest visual impact.
  • Clear messaging – Communicate your key message or offer clearly and succinctly.
  • Relevant targeting – Use Facebook’s detailed targeting options to reach your ideal audience.
  • Compelling text – Use catchy headlines and description text that captures attention.
  • Clear call-to-action – Include a CTA button or link that guides the next steps.

Keeping these principles in mind when designing your ads will help drive more clicks, conversions, and return on your ad spend.

Most Effective Ad Types on Facebook

When it comes to the best performing ad formats on Facebook, research and expert recommendations point to these options:

Video Ads

Video ads are considered one of the most impactful ad formats on Facebook. Here are some key benefits:

  • Gain attention and drive engagement with motion and sound
  • Convey more information and emotion through storytelling
  • Higher click-through rates compared to static image ads
  • Videos play automatically without sound in the News Feed

Videos under 15 seconds tend to see better overall results. Video ads also work across Facebook platforms like Instagram and Audience Network.

Carousel Ads

Carousel ads let you showcase multiple images/videos and swipe through them:

  • Display up to 10 images or videos in one ad unit
  • Ideal for showcasing products, features, customer testimonials, or revealing a story over slides
  • Higher engagement than single static image ads

You can include CTA buttons on each slide or one at the end. Use high-quality visual content for each slide to maximize impact.

Image Ads

While single image ads are more straightforward, they are still very effective when done right:

  • Typically the most affordable ad format
  • Allows clear communication of your message in one static image
  • Can feature products, promotions, offers, or branding
  • Ideal for driving conversions or traffic to your site

The image you select will make or break your ad, so choose eye-catching, high-quality visuals.

Collection Ads

Collection ads allow you to showcase a grouping of products:

  • Highlight multiple product images in one ad unit
  • Products can link directly to online store or website
  • Works well for category or seasonal promotions

This format combines the storytelling of a carousel ad with clear product promotion. Use compelling lifestyle imagery for each product.

Lead Generation Ads

Lead gen ads make it easy to collect lead information directly within the ad:

  • Ad unit contains lead form for capturing contact info
  • Great for promotions that require registration or email sign-up
  • Streamlined lead capture without leaving Facebook

This format removes friction from the lead process. Be sure to provide motivation and value in exchange for lead information.

Tips for Optimizing Your Facebook Ads

Once you’ve created your ads, here are some tips for improving their performance:

  • A/B test your ad variations – Test different headlines, images, copy, layouts, etc. to see what resonates best.
  • Retarget engaged users – Create ads specifically for those who have previously engaged with your content or brand.
  • Test placement combinations – Try different mixes of News Feed, Instagram, Stories, Audience Network, etc.
  • Analyze and optimize for conversions – Continuously refine based on the goal results you care most about.
  • Update creative frequently – Add new fresh ads regularly to keep campaigns from going stale.

Optimization is key to getting the most from your ad spend. Take advantage of Facebook’s detailed targeting, analytics, and A/B testing capabilities.


Facebook’s diverse ad formats provide a variety of options for reaching customers where they are already active online. No matter your industry, audience, or marketing objectives, there are Facebook ad solutions that can be tailored to your specific needs.

By focusing on high-quality creative, strategic targeting, and continual optimization, Facebook ads can deliver a significant return on ad spend. Video, carousel, and image ads tend to see strong results across objectives from engagement to conversions.

Use this guide to inform your Facebook advertising strategy going into 2023 and drive more business value from your investment. With smart planning and execution, Facebook ads can become an invaluable part of your digital marketing success.