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Was Facebook ever called the Facebook?

Was Facebook ever called the Facebook?

No, Facebook was never officially called “the Facebook”. The company was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and originally called just “Facebook”.

The History of the Facebook Name

When Facebook first launched in 2004, it was only available to Harvard students. The original website was located at The full original name was “TheFacebook”.

So in the very beginning, there was a “the” at the start of the name. However, it was never styled as “The Facebook” – it was just “TheFacebook”.

Here is a brief history of the Facebook name:

  • Launched in 2004 as
  • Shortened to in 2005
  • Officially incorporated as Facebook in 2005

So by 2005, just a year after launch, the company had dropped “The” from the name and settled on just “Facebook”.

Why Drop “The” From the Name?

There are a few reasons why Facebook likely decided to shorten the name to just “Facebook” in 2005:

  • The name was more catchy and memorable without the “The” prefix
  • Removing “The” made the name broader and more inclusive
  • “TheFacebook” sounded awkward when spoken aloud

Mark Zuckerberg has never directly explained the reason for dropping “The” from the name. However, those are some likely factors that contributed to the decision.

Has the Name Ever Changed Again?

No, since 2005, the company has remained Facebook. There have been no other name changes.

There were rumors in 2019 that Facebook might change its name to be more inclusive of all their platforms and apps, like Instagram and WhatsApp. However, that potential rebranding never happened.

As of 2023, the corporate name is still just Facebook.

What Was Facebook Called Before 2004?

Facebook did not exist prior to 2004. However, there were some early prototype versions Zuckerberg created before launching

  • Facemash – Created by Zuckerberg in 2003, this site compared student photos side-by-side.
  • HarvardConnection – An early version Zuckerberg coded in late 2003, but never launched.

So in summary, here is the timeline:

  • 2003 – Facemash and early HarvardConnection prototypes
  • 2004 – launches
  • 2005 – Shortened to

Facebook as we know it today did not exist before 2004. was the first iteration of the social media platform that took off and became the giant it is today.

Does Facebook Have Any Other Official Brand Names?

Yes, Facebook the company actually owns and operates several other platforms and apps:

  • Instagram
  • WhatsApp
  • Oculus
  • Messenger

However, each of those services uses its own brand name. The only official company name is still just “Facebook”.


In summary, Facebook has always officially been called just “Facebook” since the name was shortened from TheFacebook in 2005. There was never a time when the company was formally known as “The Facebook”. The original Harvard-only site was called, but the company quickly shortened it within the first year.

Since 2005, the official corporate entity has been named Facebook. Despite acquiring other platforms like Instagram and Oculus, the parent company name has remained unchanged.

So in answer to the original question – no, Facebook has never in its history been formally known as or changed its name to “The Facebook”. From 2005 onwards, it has been simply Facebook.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was it originally called TheFacebook?

When launching the site for Harvard students in 2004, adding “The” to the name made it clear it was a directory of profiles – The Facebook. This was likely influenced by printed student directories commonly called “The Freshman Register” or “The Face Book”.

When did Facebook drop the The?

TheFacebook shortened its name to Facebook in mid-to-late 2005, shortly after opening the site to high school and international students. There was no formal announcement, they simply started referring to it as Facebook rather than TheFacebook.

Does Facebook have an official brand name?

Yes, the official corporate entity is named Facebook, Inc. with the website Their official branding includes the lowercase “facebook” wordmark and blue logo.

Has Facebook ever rebranded or changed its name?

No, Facebook has always been called Facebook since 2005 when they shortened the name from TheFacebook. There have been no major rebrands or name changes since then.

Why didn’t Facebook change its name to include Instagram?

After acquiring Instagram in 2012, some speculated Facebook may rebrand to reflect its other apps and platforms. However, Facebook ultimately decided to keep their corporate name and brand distinct from acquired properties like Instagram.

Facebook Name in Other Languages

Here is how to say “Facebook” in some other major languages:

Language Facebook Translation
Spanish Facebook
French Facebook
Italian Facebook
German Facebook
Portuguese Facebook
Arabic ????????????
Russian Facebook
Japanese Facebook
Korean ????????????
Chinese (Simplified) Facebook

In most major languages, Facebook is referred to by its English name written in the native characters. This global brand recognition reflects the worldwide ubiquity of Facebook.

Cultural Influence of the Facebook Name

While technically just a proper noun referring to the company and platform, “Facebook” has taken on deeper cultural meaning and significance:

  • For a generation it defines social media, connecting with friends online.
  • “Facebooking” has become a verb meaning to browse the platform.
  • Critics see it as representing privacy concerns, social media addiction, and more.
  • The cultural influence extends so deeply that movies reference Facebook norms like relationship statuses and friend counts.

In many ways Facebook the name now embodies a whole cultural experience and set of meanings. Despite its humble beginnings as just TheFacebook, the name Facebook now implies much more than just a website or company. It represents an entire generation’s way of life and social norms.

Facebook Statistics and Growth

Here are some key statistics showing Facebook’s impressive growth since its 2004 founding under the name TheFacebook:

Year MAUs (Monthly Active Users)
2004 1 million
2005 5.5 million
2006 12 million
2007 50 million
2008 100 million
2009 200 million
2010 400 million
2011 600 million
2012 1 billion
2013 1.19 billion
2014 1.3 billion
2015 1.44 billion
2016 1.79 billion
2017 2.05 billion
2018 2.23 billion
2019 2.4 billion
2020 2.6 billion
2021 2.85 billion

Despite some periods of stagnation, Facebook’s growth has been incredibly impressive over the past two decades. What started as a simple college network called TheFacebook has become one of the largest social platforms in human history under the name Facebook.

Reasons for Facebook’s Success

There are a few key factors that helped Facebook grow from its college-only roots to one of the biggest companies and social networks on the planet:

  • Allowing networks beyond just colleges like high schools and workplaces.
  • Opening the platform beyond the US to international users.
  • Simple, user-friendly interface and features.
  • Integrating multimedia like photos and videos.
  • Acquiring competitors like Instagram.
  • Monetizing with targeted advertising.

By broadening its scope beyond just an inter-college network, as well as making strategic moves like acquiring Instagram, Facebook was able to capture a massive mainstream user base and cement itself as a pillar of social networking.

The Future of the Facebook Name

It does not appear that Facebook plans to change its corporate name or branding anytime soon. They have weathered controversies and adapted the platform without ever indicating a rebrand may be imminent.

However, Facebook is still a relatively young company, so there is always the possibility of a name change down the road. With their focus expanding into areas like virtual reality and the metaverse, a broader parent company name that goes beyond just Facebook is not out of the question someday.

That said, given the immense brand recognition of the Facebook name globally, any name change would come with major risks and challenges. For now, the iconic Facebook brand remains intact.

More Facts About TheFacebook and Facebook Early Days

  • Mark Zuckerberg created Facemash, the Facebook predecessor, in just a few hours while drunk.
  • was initially hosted using Harvard’s student web hosting service.
  • “She’s hot” was one of the first ever Facebook wall posts.
  • Only users with a .edu email address could join at first.
  • Facebook was originally inspired by the paper “face books” of student photos some colleges handed out.
  • The initial code was written quickly in two weeks.
  • Early funders included co-founder Eduardo Saverin, Peter Thiel, and former PayPal employees.
  • Musician Bono from U2 was one of Facebook’s earliest celebrity users.
  • Scrabulous, a Scrabble clone, was one of the first popular Facebook games.

Facebook has certainly come a long way from its dorm room coding origins as TheFacebook at Harvard in 2004! Their rise from college project to global tech titan is truly remarkable.