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Should you accept Facebook friend request from someone you don t know?

Should you accept Facebook friend request from someone you don t know?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become one of the main ways people connect online. It’s common to receive friend requests from people you don’t know, which can leave you wondering whether you should accept them.

The Risks of Accepting Stranger’s Friend Requests

There are a few potential risks to accepting Facebook friend requests from strangers:

  • They may be able to see more information about you than you want to share publicly on your profile.
  • It gives them a direct channel to contact you privately via Facebook messenger.
  • They could use your friendship to appear more legitimate to scam other people.
  • Accepting requests from fake accounts gives those accounts legitimacy.
  • Some fake accounts try to spread spam or malware links that could harm you or your computer.

So it’s understandable to be hesitant about accepting requests if you have no idea who the person is.

When to Accept Friend Requests from Strangers

However, there are some cases where accepting friend requests from people you don’t know may be appropriate:

  • If the request is from someone you have mutual friends with, they may be an acquaintance you’ve met before.
  • Some of your existing friends may have met new people and mentioned you, prompting a friend request.
  • The person may be interested in networking for professional reasons.
  • Accepting requests from close family members of your friends can help you stay connected.
  • It could be someone you have interacted with online before.

Use your judgment in these situations – if you think you know the person tangentially or have a reasonable connection, accepting the request may help you expand your network.

How to Evaluate Potentially Suspicious Friend Requests

When a complete stranger sends a friend request, proceed with caution. Here are some steps you can take to determine if the request is legitimate:

  1. Check if you have any mutual friends – this provides trust and context.
  2. Review their profile carefully – does it seem real, with a genuine history?
  3. Look for signs it’s a fake or bot account, like no posts or newly created.
  4. Do a Google search on their name and see what comes up.
  5. Don’t feel rushed to accept the request – take your time to vet them.

If anything seems suspicious, it’s perfectly reasonable to ignore or decline the request. Trust your instincts.

Best Practices for Managing Friend Requests

Here are some tips to manage Facebook friend requests properly:

  • Don’t accept requests just to be nice if you don’t know the person – be selective.
  • Consider adding acquaintances to a “Restricted” list so they can’t see all your info.
  • Periodically review your friends list and remove contacts you no longer interact with.
  • Use Facebook’s enhanced privacy settings to control what friends see.
  • Be wary of accepting requests right after posting something public – it may be spam.
  • Report suspicious accounts to Facebook after declining the request.

The Case for Rejecting All Stranger Requests

Given the risks, one approach is to reject any Facebook friend requests from people you don’t already know. Here’s the case for rejecting all stranger requests:

  • You maintain full control over who can contact and access your profile.
  • It prevents fake accounts from accessing your personal information.
  • You avoid unnecessary spam from strangers who friend you.
  • There’s little benefit to letting strangers into your social network.
  • You keep your friend list focused on people you actually know.
  • Rejecting requests takes little effort compared to vetting strangers.

For many people, the simplicity and safety of declining all stranger requests outweighs any potential value of accepting them. It’s a personal choice based on your comfort level.

Pros of Accepting Strangers’ Friend Requests

Although there are risks to accepting Facebook friend requests from people you don’t know, there are some potential benefits as well:

  • It allows you to make new social connections and expand your network.
  • You can discover new people who share common interests or backgrounds.
  • It provides an opportunity to practice social skills with new people.
  • You gain access to fresh perspectives, views, and knowledge.
  • New friends mean new opportunities for collaboration, events, and activities.
  • It exposes you to new ideas that your current friends may not discuss.

For outgoing, social butterfly types, these pros may be compelling reasons to accept friend requests more openly in order to meet new people. But again, proceed cautiously and use your best judgment when evaluating requests.

Cons of Accepting Strangers’ Friend Requests

On the flip side, here are some potential drawbacks of readily accepting Facebook friend requests from strangers:

  • You open yourself up to security and privacy risks from accounts you don’t know.
  • It clutters up your friend list and feeds with information from strangers.
  • You become more vulnerable to spam, unwanted messages, and harassment.
  • It takes time and effort to evaluate each unknown person who friends you.
  • You may alienate existing friends by connecting with strangers they don’t know or trust.
  • Your acceptance provides legitimacy to fake accounts that friend you.
  • Scammers can exploit new connections and trust to target you and friends.

For those who value privacy and security, these cons likely outweigh any benefits of friending strangers without vetting them first.

How to Politely Decline Unwanted Friend Requests

If you get a friend request from a stranger that you want to decline, you can do so politely and tactfully with these tips:

  • Use the “Decline” button to reject the request – do not just ignore it.
  • Consider sending them a private message politely explaining you only friend people you know.
  • Acknowledge it’s nice to meet them, but you’re not comfortable accepting requests from strangers.
  • Thank them for the request and wish them the best on the platform.
  • Do not criticize or make accusations – assume good intentions.
  • If needed, report fake accounts to Facebook after rejection.

Being courteous avoids hurting any feelings while still maintaining your boundaries. Most normal people will understand a thoughtful rejection.

Should You Accept Friend Requests from Family Members?

Receiving a friend request from a family member you don’t know well presents a unique scenario. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Do you have any mutual family connections on Facebook? If so, they can give context.
  • Have your closer family members accepted this person’s request? Their judgment can guide you.
  • Does this relative live near you or far away? Proximity can affect your familiarity.
  • What do you hope to gain from connecting online? How will they use your info?
  • Do you plan to eventually meet this family member in person? Friending them can open communication.
  • Are they using their real identity or an anonymous profile lacking info? Vet them first.

In many cases, accepting family member requests makes sense if you confirm they are who they claim to be. But as with all Facebook connections, protect your privacy until you truly trust them.

Should You Accept Friend Requests from Work Contacts?

Friend requests from professional connections or coworkers require careful thought as well. Here are some questions to ask:

  • Is there an existing offline work relationship or have you only interacted online? Real connections are better.
  • What level of work interaction do you have – same role, different department, leadership? Consider power dynamics.
  • How much personal vs. work content do you each post? Keep contexts separate.
  • Could declining affect your reputation or relationships at work? Weigh political concerns.
  • Are you comfortable with them seeing personal details about your life? Manage privacy settings.
  • Do you plan to stay at this job long-term? Longer tenure merits more openness.

In general, accept requests selectively from those you collaborate with regularly at work. But exercise caution about what personal details they can access on your profile.

Tips for Handling Friend Requests from Old Contacts

Receiving friend requests from people you knew years ago can be surprisingly common on Facebook. Here are some ways to approach these:

  • Do you have fond memories from your past interactions? Positive associations help.
  • Were they a peripheral or a close/important friend? Consider the strength of ties.
  • Look for clues on how they evolved since you knew them. People change.
  • Focus on what you may currently have in common like interests or friends. Find new connections.
  • Consider briefly catching up via messenger to re-establish familiarity.
  • If accepting, customize privacy settings to control what they see.
  • Use lists to group types of old contacts and manage interactions.

Reconnecting with old contacts can be rewarding. But take it slowly and keep your privacy protected until you truly reconnect.


Receiving Facebook friend requests from strangers is very common, but also comes with risks to your privacy and security. Evaluate all unknown contacts with a healthy skepticism – look for signs of legitimacy in their profile and connections before accepting. Accepting requests from family, coworkers, or old friends also requires careful consideration regarding boundaries and personal details. In general, be very selective about who you friend on Facebook, and don’t hesitate to ignore or politely decline unwanted requests.