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Should I put my real last name on Facebook?

Should I put my real last name on Facebook?

This is a common question many people have when setting up a Facebook profile. There are pros and cons to using your real last name versus a pseudonym. In the opening paragraphs, we’ll provide a quick overview of the key considerations.

Pros of using your real name

Some of the potential benefits of using your real full name on Facebook include:

  • It allows friends and family to easily find you and connect
  • It builds trust and accountability since you are standing behind your true identity
  • It keeps your profile consistent with other social media accounts or professional networks that use your real name
  • You don’t have to remember or manage a separate pseudonym

Cons of using your real name

Some of the potential downsides of using your real full name on Facebook include:

  • Loss of privacy and anonymity, since your profile is linked to your real identity
  • Safety concerns if strangers or unwanted contacts can look you up
  • Employers, colleagues, or clients may form judgments based on your non-professional posts and information
  • You cannot easily switch to a pseudonym later if desired

Key Factors to Consider

When deciding whether to use your real name or a pseudonym, here are some key factors to consider:

Your comfort level with privacy

If you are very private and want to strictly separate professional and personal life, a pseudonym may be better. If you are open about sharing details online, your real name is fine.

Your friend and family situation

If you want to connect with close friends and relatives, using your real name can make it easier to find each other and link up.

Your career situation

If you have a public-facing job where social media profiles are visible, using your real name fosters consistency. If you want to keep work and personal life very separate, a pseudonym may be better.

Your concerns about safety/harassment

If you have worries about stalkers or online harassment, a pseudonym provides more anonymity. If you feel comfortable with the public visibility, your real name is fine.

Your plans to change names in the future

If you intend to change your last name after marriage or for other reasons, starting with a pseudonym allows an easier transition later.

Best Practices for Real Name Use

If you decide to use your real full name on Facebook, here are some tips to maximize privacy and safety:

  • Carefully review and limit privacy settings on your profile and posts
  • Decline friend requests from people you do not know
  • Unfriend or block unwanted contacts
  • Use privacy lists to limit access to certain posts
  • Turn off location tagging and be cautious about sharing current locations publicly

Best Practices for Pseudonyms

If you decide to use a pseudonym on Facebook, here are some tips to make it work smoothly:

  • Make sure it is a name you will remember and respond to
  • Do not impersonate a real person
  • Be consistent across social media platforms
  • Develop some background details in case asked about it
  • Consider letting close family know your account name

How to Change from Real Name to Pseudonym

If you already signed up with your real name but want to switch to a pseudonym, here is the process:

  1. Add your preferred new name in the Nickname field in your Facebook profile
  2. Gradually begin transitioning friends and contacts to your new name
  3. Once fully transitioned, edit your profile name fields to show just the pseudonym
  4. Review past posts and photos and limit access or remove as needed

Pros and Cons Comparison Table

Here is a table summarizing the key pros and cons of using a real name versus a pseudonym on Facebook:

Real Name Pseudonym
Privacy Lower Higher
Finding friends/family Easier Harder
Harassment risks Higher Lower
Consistency with other accounts Higher Lower
Professional reputation Linked directly More separate
Ease of name change Harder Easier


The choice between using your real name or a pseudonym on Facebook comes down to personal priorities. There are benefits to both options. Consider factors like connecting with friends, career impact, privacy, safety, and ease of name changes. Weigh the pros and cons carefully as you make the decision. Be sure to use best practices around privacy settings and limiting access to posts if you do opt for your real identity. With forethought, you can maximize the positives while minimizing the risks when establishing your Facebook profile.