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Should I put hashtags on Facebook reels?

Should I put hashtags on Facebook reels?

Hashtags have become an integral part of social media marketing in recent years. From Twitter to Instagram to TikTok, hashtags allow users to categorize content and make it more discoverable. With the rise of short-form video content on platforms like Facebook Reels, many marketers wonder if they should be using hashtags there as well.

In this article, we’ll examine the purpose of hashtags, their effectiveness on Facebook Reels specifically, tips for using them properly, and alternatives if hashtags don’t seem to be working for your brand on this channel. The goal is to provide a comprehensive look at hashtags on Facebook Reels so you can determine if they have a place in your marketing strategy.

What is the purpose of hashtags?

Hashtags originated on Twitter as a way for users to categorize tweets and follow topics of interest. By clicking on a hashtag, you could see all other tweets marked with that keyword. Since then, the purpose has expanded across platforms:

  • Categorize and group content
  • Make content more discoverable
  • Allow users to follow topics of interest
  • Drive engagement through clicks
  • Increase reach and impressions

On visual platforms like Instagram, hashtags became enormously popular as a way to increase visibility. If used strategically, hashtags can expose your content to new audiences and help accumulate likes and comments.

The same potential exists on Facebook Reels – but it is a newer platform and hashtag best practices are still emerging.

Are hashtags effective on Facebook Reels?

Early data on hashtag performance on Reels shows mixed results. Here are a few key considerations:

  • There is no Explore page yet – On Instagram, hashtags drive discovery through the Explore page where you can search and click on tags. This feature doesn’t exist yet on Reels.
  • Shorter videos may not benefit as much – Facebook Reels are limited to 60 seconds. Very short videos may not provide enough context for relevant hashtags.
  • It’s still a new platform – As more users join Reels and hashtags become commonplace, their impact may increase. But for now, the audience size is much smaller than Instagram.

So in summary – hashtags *can* be effective on Facebook Reels, but likely not to the same extent as Instagram currently. Their impact may grow over time as the platform develops. But focusing hashtags specifically on Reels may not pay off immediately.

Tips for using hashtags on Facebook Reels

If you do want to experiment with hashtags on Reels, here are some best practices to follow:

  • Place them in the caption – Putting hashtags in the first comment will be less visible than the main caption.
  • Use 2-4 max – Avoid overloading the caption with too many hashtags.
  • Mix niche and general tags – Strike a balance between broader (like #reels) and niche tags relevant to your content.
  • Prioritize engagement – Pick hashtags that align with getting engagement rather than just views.
  • Check performance – Analyze hashtag use over time and drop ones that don’t drive results.

The most important guideline is to focus on quality over quantity – a few thoughtful hashtags aligned with your goals will outperform a long random list. Monitor what’s working over time and optimize accordingly.

Alternatives if hashtags aren’t effective

If you find hashtags aren’t moving the needle for your Facebook Reels content, here are some alternative strategies to consider:

Leverage captions creatively

Without relying on hashtags, you can use captions to showcase your brand creatively and drive engagement. Get clever with questions, fill-in-the-blanks, polls, and other tactics to spark interest.

@Mention relevant accounts

@mentioning other accounts in your caption can help expand your reach. This surfaces your content to followers of those accounts. Be strategic about who you mention.

Run as ads

Consider putting some budget behind your best performing reels by running them as ads. This amplifies reach and you can target relevant demographics.

Focus efforts on Instagram Reels

Don’t spread yourself thin trying to make reels work across multiple platforms. Instagram Reels has critical mass right now in terms of users and discovery. Pour your efforts there.

Collaborate with influencers

Partner with nano or micro influencers in your niche to create branded content on reels. This taps into their audience and credibility.

The verdict on hashtags for Facebook Reels

While hashtags can be successful on Facebook Reels, our recommendation is to not solely rely on them as an engagement and growth tactic – at least for now. Take a nuanced approach:

  • Experiment with a few quality hashtags per reel and track performance over time.
  • Focus on other creative caption strategies, mentions, influencer collabs.
  • See better returns investing effort into Instagram Reels vs. spreading yourself thin.
  • Let the platform evolve and re-evaluate hashtag impact down the line.

With the right balance, your Facebook Reels presence can still be worthwhile even if hashtags aren’t the magic bullet. Use them as just one piece of your cross-platform approach for short-form video.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many hashtags should I use on Facebook Reels?

Experts recommend using 2-4 hashtags maximum per Reel. Aim for a balanced mix of niche and broader hashtags relevant to your content. Avoid flooding the caption with too many tags.

What types of hashtags work best on Facebook Reels?

Niche hashtags related to your content perform better than generic tags like #reels and #video. Combine niche hashtags with a few broader ones for the right mix. Prioritize hashtags that drive engagement over just views.

Should I use the same hashtags across Instagram and Facebook?

While you can repurpose some hashtags, Instagram and Facebook Reels may require a different hashtag strategy. Look at the performance data separately to see what works on each platform. Don’t just copy-paste – customize based on what engages each audience.

What if hashtags don’t seem to be working at all?

Don’t rely solely on hashtags – try creative caption strategies, influencer collabs, @mentions, and running Reels as ads. Focus more effort on Instagram over Facebook for now. And give it time as the Facebook Reels platform evolves.

Are hashtags useful for any type of video content on Facebook?

Hashtags can drive discovery of video content on Facebook beyond just Reels. But the same best practices apply – don’t overdo it, track performance, focus on quality hashtags that spark engagement. Test hashtag strategies for different video content types.


While the jury is still out on the effectiveness of hashtags on Facebook Reels, they remain a tool worth experimenting with as part of an overall short-form video strategy. Use our tips to optimize your approach, analyze the data, and combine hashtags with other creative engagement tactics. With the right balance, your brand can find Reels success – even if hashtags alone aren’t the magic formula.