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Should I have multiple Facebook pages for my business?

Should I have multiple Facebook pages for my business?

Having multiple Facebook pages for a business is a strategy that some companies use to segment their audiences and customize content for each page. There are pros and cons to having multiple pages versus a single page, so it’s important to weigh your options carefully before deciding what will work best for your business.

Pros of Multiple Facebook Pages

Here are some potential benefits of having multiple Facebook pages:

Target Different Audiences

With separate pages, you can tailor content specifically for different segments of your target market. For example, you may want one page for B2B customers and another for B2C buyers. Or you could have location-specific pages for stores in different cities. This allows you to fine-tune messaging and offers.

Separate Brands or Product Lines

If your business has multiple brands or distinct product/service lines, individual pages let you promote each one as a unique entity. You can shape the voice and personality of each page to match the specific brand.

Hyper-Local Content

For brick-and-mortar businesses with multiple locations, individual pages make it easy to share location-specific info like store hours, contact details, and events. This helps drive foot traffic to each store.

Avoid Overwhelming Followers

When you need to appeal to very different audiences—for example, B2B and B2C—combining those content strategies into one page can be unwieldy. Separate pages prevent followers from being inundated with irrelevant info.

Flexible Posting Strategies

If you want to post at a higher volume than one page allows, multiple pages give you more lanes to deliver content. You can develop unique posting strategies for each individual page.

Cons of Multiple Facebook Pages

However, there are also some downsides to weigh:

Time Investment

Maintaining multiple pages requires having enough time and resources to manage content development and community engagement for each page. It’s a larger time investment than a single page.

Admin Learning Curve

Administering multiple pages takes getting used to from an interface perspective. Your team may need some ramp-up time to learn how to efficiently switch between managing different pages.

Less Focus on One Audience

With your efforts divided between pages, you have less ability to hyper-focus on any one target audience. A single page allows you to completely dedicate yourself to one demographic.

Confusion About Overall Brand

If you have very separated presences on multiple pages, it may be less clear to followers how the pages and brands fit together. This can cause brand confusion.

Lower Engagement

Trying to build engagement across multiple pages divides your audience. Each individual page is likely to have lower overall engagement than one consolidated page.

Tips for Managing Multiple Facebook Pages

If you do decide to create multiple Facebook pages, here are some tips to manage them effectively:

Clarify How Pages Interconnect

Make sure you communicate on each page how they fit under your brand umbrella. Use similar visual identities and messaging to reinforce connections.

Cross-Promote Between Pages

Drive audiences between pages by promoting content on one page that would appeal to followers of another page. This helps expand reach.

Centralize Publishing

Use social media management tools to post and schedule content across multiple pages from one dashboard for efficiency.

Assign Page-Specific Admins

Designate admins who are best suited to manage each individual page based on their knowledge and engagement with those audiences.

Monitor All Pages Consistently

Stay on top of notifications and messages coming in to each page so response times don’t lag on any of your presences.

When Multiple Pages Make Sense

Now that we’ve looked at pros, cons, and tips, in what situations do multiple Facebook pages tend to be beneficial? Here are some of the top scenarios:

Large Brands

For sizable brands, individual pages allow customization that a single branded page can’t achieve. Large brands need to segment audiences.

Many Physical Locations

Companies with numerous brick-and-mortar locations often thrive with location-specific pages to connect with local followers.

Distinct Product/Service Lines

Businesses with very different product or service categories can use multiple pages to tailor content for each offering.

B2B and B2C Audiences

For companies selling to both other businesses and individual consumers, separate B2B and B2C pages allow focused content strategies.


Franchises often create pages for each franchise location while also having an overarching brand page for the chain.

Weighing the Choice for Your Brand

Determining if your business should have multiple Facebook pages or a single page depends on your specific situation and goals. Here are some key questions to help think it through:

Do you need to segment audiences?

  • If yes, multiple pages may help target content.
  • If no, a single page can reach your whole audience.

Do you have resources for multiple pages?

  • If yes, you can likely manage extra pages.
  • If no, a single page may fit your capabilities better.

Could multiple brand identities cause confusion?

  • If yes, consolidate to reinforce one brand.
  • If no, multiple pages could work.

Analyzing these kinds of factors will help you determine the right Facebook approach for your unique business situation and resources.


Having multiple Facebook pages can be beneficial for large brands, companies with many locations, or those with very disparate target audiences. But it also involves more effort and potential downsides like brand confusion. Consider your specific needs and capabilities to decide if you should create multiple pages or maintain just one presence.