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Should I add tags to Facebook video?

Should I add tags to Facebook video?

Adding tags to your Facebook videos can be a great way to improve their discoverability and reach. Tags allow you to categorize your videos and help Facebook understand what your video is about. This is especially important for ranking in Facebook search results and getting your videos shown to more people who are interested in that topic. Here are some quick answers to common questions about tagging Facebook videos:

What are Facebook video tags?

Facebook video tags are keywords or short phrases that describe what your video is about. They are added when you upload your video to Facebook. Some examples of tags could be the topic of your video, locations featured, people mentioned, products shown, etc. Tags help categorize and organize your video content.

Why should I use video tags on Facebook?

Using accurate and relevant tags for your Facebook videos provides several benefits:

  • Improves ranking in Facebook search – Tags make it easier for your videos to be found by people searching for those terms in Facebook search or browsing video feeds filtered by those tags.
  • Helps Facebook understand your video – Tags give Facebook more context about your video so it can better determine who to show it to based on their interests.
  • Increases reach – Videos with tags tend to get more views and engagement because they surface in more places across Facebook.
  • Optimizes for Facebook algorithms – Tags are a signal Facebook’s AI uses to evaluate and rank videos. More descriptive tags can lead to better algorithmic outcomes.

How many tags should I use for Facebook videos?

Facebook allows up to 20 tags per video. Aim to use as many relevant and unique tags as possible up to the 20 tag limit. Using fewer high-quality tags is better than filling all 20 slots with repetitive or irrelevant terms. Here are some tips on the ideal number of tags to use:

  • Short videos (under 1 minute) – 5-10 tags
  • Medium videos (1-5 mins) – 10-15 tags
  • Long videos (over 5 mins) – 15-20 tags

What words should I use for video tags?

The tags you use should be descriptive keywords and short phrases that are directly relevant to the specific content and focus of each video. Here are some best practices for choosing effective Facebook video tags:

  • Use primary topics/themes – Major subjects, concepts, or items featured
  • Include secondary details – Related topics, people, places, brands, products etc
  • Use titles/headers – Pull keywords from your video title and headings
  • Incorporate active verbs – Action words describing what happens
  • Consider intent words – “how to”, “tutorial”, “recipe” etc based on video goal
  • Think like your audience – What would they search to find this video?

Should I use hashtags as Facebook video tags?

Hashtags like #funny or #cats can be used sparingly as Facebook video tags if highly relevant to the content. However, hashtags are not as effective as descriptive keywords and complete phrases. A few specific branded hashtags like #JustDoIt for Nike or #iPhone for Apple ads can work, but generic hashtags should be limited.

Can I use tags from other videos as inspiration?

Looking at tags used by top performers in your industry on Facebook can provide inspiration. But you want to customize tags based on your unique video. Don’t copy full tag lists from competitors – this risks duplicate content issues. Just let popular tags spark ideas you can put your own spin on.

Should I redo tags if I repurpose my video?

If you download and re-upload a video to Facebook that was already posted elsewhere, updating the tags is highly recommended. The new Facebook audience may search and engage with the video differently, so tailor tags specifically for the platform.

Can I edit tags after posting a video?

Yes, you can edit the tags on your Facebook videos after posting. Login to Facebook, locate the video in your library of posts, click “Edit”, and update the tags as needed. This is useful if you notice certain tags are not performing well or want to adjust based on new audience insights.

Should Igeo-target my Facebook video tags?

Using geo-targeted tags mentioning countries, cities, landmarks or local businesses can help drive views from those locations. But only do so if the geographical relevance is very clear in the video content itself. Avoid misleading geo-tags unrelated to the actual video topic.

How often should I refresh my video tags?

There is no set schedule for refreshing your Facebook video tags, but you may want to update them every few months. Look at which existing tags are generating the most reach and retention. Remove ones that are underperforming. And add new relevant tags if you notice search trends and viewer interests have evolved.

Should I tag my Facebook Live videos?

Yes, tagging your Facebook Live broadcasts is highly recommended. All the same benefits and best practices apply. Accurate tags help people find your live streams while they are happening and can continue surfacing your video on playback after the live broadcast.

Can I tag videos on my Facebook Page?

Videos published directly to your Facebook Page can be tagged the same way as those uploaded to your personal profile. Tags optimize all video posts on Facebook regardless of whether they originate from a personal or business account.


Adding relevant tags to your Facebook videos provides many advantages – increased discovery, greater reach, improved engagement, and better algorithmic outcomes. Invest time curating a robust tag list of up to 20 keywords that accurately reflects the topic and content of each video post.

Refresh tags periodically as viewer interests and algorithmic needs evolve over time. Well-tagged videos can continue surfacing interested new audiences long after initial publication.

Example Video Tagging Table

Video Topic Potential Video Tags
Lasagna Recipe lasagna, lasagna recipe, how to make lasagna, easy lasagna, lasagna tutorial, Italian food, pasta, ground beef, tomato sauce, cheese, baking lasagna, lasagna instruction, kitchen cooking
How to Change a Tire change tire, tire change tutorial, change flat tire, replace tire, tire maintenance, tire repair, flat tire, remove tire, jack up car, lug nuts, wheel change, roadside repair
Mexico City Travel Guide Mexico City, CDMX, travel Mexico, Mexico travel guide, visit Mexico City, what to do in Mexico City, Mexico City museums, Mexico City culture, Mexico City food, Mexico City tourism
Toy Review Channel toy review, toy channel, kids toys, children’s toys, toy unboxing, toyplay, toy demo, toytesters, latest toys, new toys, toy rating, toy reveal
Small Business Tips small business, business tips, startup tips, entrepreneur tips, business advice, small biz tips, starting business, being entrepreneur, small business owner, business leadership, biz beginner

As you can see from the examples above, effective video tags incorporate:

  • Primary topic keywords
  • Secondary descriptive words
  • Relevant actions and verbs
  • Helpful modifiers and details
  • Supplementary branded names or places

Keeping tags direct, useful, and specific to each video will optimize content for Facebook engagement and views.

Tips for Tagging Facebook Videos

Here are some final tips to help make the most of video tags on Facebook:

  • Brainstorm tag ideas first before uploading the video
  • Be consistent with capitalization, spelling, and punctuation
  • Include singular and plural versions of words
  • Avoid overused and repetitive language
  • Use natural language – full words instead of acronyms
  • Study analytics to refine tags that underperform
  • Research competitors but customize tags for uniqueness
  • Update tags if repurposing video to new platforms

Facebook video tags provide a simple yet powerful way to optimize visibility and engagement. Put in the time to tag thoughtfully and reap the benefits of increased audience reach.