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Reels disappeared from instagram 2023?

Instagram Reels disappearing in 2023 has been a common concern among many users. While Reels hasn’t been removed from Instagram, some users have reported Reels vanishing from their feeds and profiles. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s going on.

Why are my Reels disappearing from Instagram?

There are a few potential reasons your Reels may have disappeared from Instagram:

  • Your Reel was removed for violating Instagram’s community guidelines or terms of service. This could happen if your Reel contained prohibited content.
  • Your Reel was deleted by you, either intentionally or accidentally. Double check that you didn’t delete the Reel yourself.
  • Your Reel is still published but is not appearing on hashtags or the Explore page due to changes in the algorithm. Instagram regularly tweaks how content ranks in different parts of the app.
  • Your Reel is experiencing a technical glitch and is not displaying properly. This seems to be affecting some users randomly.

How to recover a deleted or disappeared Reel on Instagram

If your Reel was removed by Instagram for violating a policy, there is no way to restore it. But if you accidentally deleted your own Reel, there are a couple of options to try to get it back:

  • Check your Archive – Go to your profile, tap the three line menu in the top right, choose ‘Archive’ and see if your Reel is there. You can unarchive it to restore it to your profile.
  • Use a Repost app – If you don’t see your Reel in Archive, try using an Instagram repost app like Regrammer to repost your Reel back to your profile from any copies shared by others.
  • Contact Instagram – As a last resort, you can contact Instagram support and report the issue. Explain that your Reel disappeared and ask if they can restore it.

Why aren’t my Instagram Reels showing up on hashtags or Explore?

If your Reel is still published but not surfacing on hashtags or Explore where you expect it to, a few things could be going on:

  • Instagram’s algorithm decides which Reels rank higher and get more visibility. If your content isn’t resonating, it may get less exposure.
  • You may be using banned hashtags that prevent your Reel from appearing in those tag pages.
  • Your account may have low engagement or be in “shadowban” status temporarily, limiting your reach.
  • There is a technical glitch affecting distribution of your specific Reel.

To troubleshoot, try these steps:

  • Analyze your Reel’s content – does it align with rising Instagram trends and match your target audience’s interests?
  • Review the hashtags you used and eliminate any that are blocked or irrelevant.
  • Check if your account has been action blocked by Instagram temporarily, limiting distribution.
  • Republish your Reel and see if it gets better traction.
  • Report the issue to Instagram if the problem persists.

Will Instagram get rid of Reels in the future?

There is no indication currently that Instagram plans to remove Reels. In fact, Reels is considered one of Instagram’s most important new features.

Instagram is constantly trying to compete with rival TikTok, and Reels is their version of short-form, entertaining video clips. Given the popularity of short video, it’s highly unlikely that Instagram would discontinue Reels anytime soon.

Instagram seems committed to expanding Reels and has been steadily releasing new creative tools, editing options, and ways to share and discover Reels. They are incentivizing users to create more Reels through programs like the Reels Play Bonus.

The only scenario where Reels would potentially go away is if Instagram saw extremely low usage and engagement. But current adoption and growth of Reels suggests it is here to stay for the foreseeable future.

Tips for troubleshooting disappeared or underperforming Reels

Here are some best practices if your Reels seem to be vanishing or not getting views:

  • Check your content – Analyze why your Reels may not be resonating with the Instagram algorithm or your audience.
  • Use relevant hashtags – Do keyword research to find top hashtags that will help people discover your Reels.
  • Engage with other Reels – Like, comment on, and share others’ Reels to boost your account’s visibility.
  • Post consistently – Create new Reels regularly to keep your account and content circulating on the platform.
  • Analyze your insights – Check Reels and profile insights to see your top performing content.
  • Leverage trends – Make Reels using popular songs, memes, effects and prompts trending on Instagram.

Troubleshooting Reels issues takes some trial and error. But optimizing your content and activity for the Instagram algorithm is key. Pay close attention to which Reels get the most engagement and let those learnings inform your future Reels strategy.

What to do if you can’t access Reels at all

In very rare cases, some users may find they can’t access Reels on Instagram at all. If Reels have completely disappeared from your Instagram app, try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Update the app – Make sure you’re running the latest version of Instagram. Reels should be accessible from the home page and by tapping the Reels tab.
  • Restart your device – Close out of the Instagram app and restart your phone or tablet to refresh the app.
  • Check your connectivity – Make sure your device has a stable internet connection via WiFi or mobile data.
  • Reinstall the app – Uninstall and reinstall the latest version of the Instagram app from the app store.
  • Report the bug to Instagram – If Reels are still not showing up, report the technical issue directly to Instagram for troubleshooting.

In most cases, a quick refresh of the app or device will resolve any technical glitches preventing Reels from loading. If the problem persists across multiple devices, contact Instagram support for help getting your Reels feed back.

Why Instagram may remove Reels in the future

While there are currently no signs of Reels going away, there are hypothetical scenarios where Instagram could discontinue the feature in the future:

  • If Reels engagement and adoption severely underperform internal targets and goals for an extended period of time, Instagram may cut their losses and move on to the “next big thing.”
  • If TikTok ceases to be a competitor in the short-form video space, Instagram may no longer feel pressure to compete with a Reels equivalent.
  • If Instagram’s parent company Meta struggles financially in the long-term future, eliminating experimental features like Reels could be a cost-cutting measure.
  • If cultural trends shift drastically away from short entertaining videos, Reels may no longer make sense on Instagram’s platform.
  • If Instagram re-prioritizes focus on its original photo and visual sharing features, Reels may get de-emphasized.

However, all those scenarios are highly speculative. In the near and medium term, Reels appears to be a core part of Instagram’s product roadmap rather than an experimental short-lived feature.

What would happen if Instagram removed Reels

If Reels were ever to be removed from Instagram, here’s what would likely occur:

  • Instagram would announce months in advance that they will be sunsetting Reels, allowing users and creators to prepare.
  • Alternative short-form video features would likely launch around the same time, providing other options.
  • Instagram would automatically remove all Reels from user profiles and feeds by the sunsetting date.
  • Creating new Reels would be disabled across the app and Reels surfaces would redirect to other areas.
  • It would mark a dramatic shift in Instagram’s product direction,toward photos, Stories and/or new video products.
  • Many users and creators would be upset and disagree with the decision, causing backlash.
  • A certain percentage of users may decrease time spent on Instagram without the entertaining Reels content.

Sunsetting a massive product like Reels would almost certainly not happen suddenly and have wide-reaching impacts. But Instagram would aim to smooth the transition as much as possible to maintain and grow its overall user base.

Tips for creators if Reels disappear

For creators and businesses heavily investing in Reels, here are some tips if Instagram did ever discontinue Reels:

  • Build audiences and followings on other platforms too beyond just Instagram, to diversify reach.
  • Be prepared to shift short-form video efforts to YouTube Shorts, TikTok etc if needed.
  • Stay on top of new features Instagram launches to replace Reels, and quickly test and learn.
  • Experiment now with content formats beyond just short videos, to strengthen creative skills.
  • Closely monitor your audience’s response and engagement if Reels goes away.
  • Be agile and adaptable with content formats, while staying true to your brand voice and style.
  • Keep engaging with your audience across Instagram’s various surfaces like feed, Stories and Live.

While unlikely in the near future, Reels eventually going away would require creators to be resilient, versatile and ready to evolve their approach while keeping audiences happy.

In summary

Here are the key takeaways on Reels disappearing from Instagram:

  • Reels being removed entirely from Instagram seems very unlikely given its current status as a strategic priority.
  • Specific Reels disappearing is usually caused by deletion, violations, or algorithm changes rather than a technical glitch.
  • Troubleshoot disappeared Reels by checking your Archive, reposting, contacting Instagram and analyzing your content strategy.
  • To maximize Reels visibility, focus on high quality, trending content and engaging consistently with your audience and other Reels.
  • In the very rare case Reels go away someday, creators should diversify platforms and stay adaptable to algorithm changes.

Overall Instagram remains very committed to Reels, so creators and users should feel comfortable continuing to learn and experiment with short-form video. But staying flexible as Instagram evolves is always wise.