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Reels button disappeared 2023?

If you’ve recently noticed that the Reels button is missing from your Instagram app, you’re not alone. Many users have reported the Reels tab vanishing from both iOS and Android versions of Instagram in early 2023.

The likely cause for the Reels button disappearing is an Instagram app update that removed the dedicated Reels tab for some users. However, this doesn’t mean Reels content is gone. Here are some tips for accessing Reels and getting the Reels button back on your Instagram app.

Why Did the Reels Button Disappear?

Instagram has been frequently updating its app layout and features over the past couple years. One of the biggest changes was introducing the dedicated Reels tab in 2020.

The Reels button gave users quick access to short, entertaining videos similar to TikTok. But as Instagram continues shifting priorities and testing new designs, the company has scaled back the Reels tab in some app versions.

Removing the Reels button does not remove Reels functionality altogether. However, it does make accessing Reels content slightly less convenient. The change appears to be an A/B test by Instagram to gauge user engagement.

How to Find Reels Without the Reels Button

If you no longer see the Reels button on your Instagram app’s bottom bar, here are a couple ways to find Reels content:

  • Scroll through your feed – You’ll still see Reels from accounts you follow mixed into your main Instagram feed.
  • Visit profiles that often post Reels – Go directly to accounts focused on Reels to browse their short video content.
  • Use Instagram Reels search – Search for audio, songs, hashtags, or creators to discover new Reels.
  • Check the Explore page – Instagram recommends Reels on the Explore tab based on your interests.

How to Get the Reels Button Back

Since the Reels tab removal seems to be part of an Instagram test, there is no guarantee you can get the button back right away. But here are a few things to try:

  1. Update the Instagram app – Check your device’s app store for Instagram updates. The latest version may revert the changes.
  2. Uninstall and reinstall Instagram – Deleting and re-downloading the app might trigger the Reels button to reappear.
  3. Clear the cache and data – Wipe Instagram’s temporary app files and settings to force a refresh.
  4. Switch Instagram accounts – Log into another account to see if it has the Reels button.

If none of those actions work, the only option is to wait for Instagram to complete its test and potentially restore the Reels tab. Continue checking for Instagram updates until the Reels button is back.

What the Missing Reels Button Could Mean for the Future

With Meta focused on making Reels a higher priority, removing quick access to Reels seems counterintuitive. So why would Instagram hide the Reels button?

Here are some possible reasons behind Instagram’s decision to test removing the dedicated Reels tab:

  • Push users to engage more with the main Instagram feed rather than just Reels.
  • Reduce clutter from having too many tabs at the bottom.
  • Find the right balance between Feed, Reels, and other tabs.
  • Get additional data on how users interact with Reels content.

In the long run, this change could simply be a temporary test before Instagram finds a new optimal layout and tab structure. But the company also seems interested in integrating Reels deeper into the app rather than keeping it siloed.

There are a few ways Instagram may continue evolving to highlight Reels:

  • More Reels in the Instagram feed – Increase the percentage of Reels that appear as users scroll through their feeds.
  • A Reels-focused Explore page – Have a separate Reels tab on Explore showcasing the most popular and relevant videos.
  • Cross-posting Reels to Facebook – Let users share their Instagram Reels to Facebook for more visibility.

As Meta focuses on competing with TikTok, Reels will likely only grow in importance. The disappearing Reels button seems like a temporary test rather than a permanent change. Look for Instagram to find new ways to spotlight Reels content throughout the app.

Tips for Adjusting to Life Without the Reels Button

Having quick access to Reels was convenient for many Instagram users. With the dedicated tab gone, here are some tips for adapting:

  • Tap and hold on Reels previews in your feed to easily like, comment, and share.
  • Use Instagram search to look for specific Reels content you want to see more of.
  • Follow hashtag pages like #reels and #reelsinstagram to see popular Reels.
  • Add your favorite Reels creators to your Favorites list for quick access.
  • Create Reels yourself to join in on trends and challenges.

While the missing Reels button may require some adjustment, you can still discover and engage with all the same fun Reels content. Focus on searching, browsing financially beneficial accounts, and occasionally posting Reels of your own.

Could This Change Increase Instagram Engagement?

Without a dedicated Reels feed, some users may shift to interacting more with their main Instagram feeds and Stories. So could hiding the Reels tab end up boosting engagement?

Here are some ways removing the Reels button could lead to increased usage and activity:

  • More engagement with feed posts as users spend less time watching Reels.
  • Higher Story views as that content doesn’t have to compete as much with Reels.
  • More clicks on IGTV and feed videos if users watch more non-Reels video.
  • Higher Instagram usage overall if people hunt for Reels content in feeds and Explore.

On the other hand, less convenient Reels access could lead to lower Reels viewership. And if users find themselves frustrated with the change, they may use Instagram less or stop scrolling as much.

It will be interesting to see Instagram’s data on how hiding the Reels tab impacts different areas of the app. This change is a big test to see what really drives engagement on Instagram today.

Should You Keep Posting Reels Without the Dedicated Tab?

For individual users, creators, and business accounts, losing the Reels button presents a dilemma – should you keep investing in Reels without a tab showcasing them?

Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Reels remain important to Instagram’s algorithm – Posts still get a boost from Reels, so they are worth making.
  • You can promote your Reels elsewhere – Link to your Reels from Stories and feed posts.
  • Many users are still discovering Reels daily – Don’t count Reels out as ineffective without the tab.

But posting Reels may require some new strategies, such as:

  • Working your Reels into Explore page content
  • Tagging other top Reels creators in your videos
  • Using popular songs and audio memes in your Reels

Essentially, creators should continue posting Reels as normal during this test period. But monitor your Reels analytics to see if the change impacts views or follows. Tweak your approach as needed to adapt to the missing Reels tab.

Why You Shouldn’t Panic Over the Missing Reels Button

Losing the dedicated Reels button can feel jarring and concerning initially. But this looks like a temporary Instagram test rather than a permanent change.

Here are a few reasons not to panic about the missing Reels tab:

  • Instagram remains committed to Reels as the future
  • All Reels features still work as normal
  • Plenty of ways remain to find Reels content
  • The change may actually boost engagement overall

Focus on searching out Reels you enjoy, tapping through compelling videos in your feed, and continuing to post Reels when you want to reach new audiences.

While the disappeared button is inconvenient, Reels remain a key part of Instagram. Stay patient as the company works to optimize the app layout and highlight its short video offering.

Key Takeaways

The main points to remember about the missing Reels button include:

  • Instagram removed the dedicated Reels tab for some users as part of an app test.
  • You can still access Reels through profiles, hashtags, search, Explore, and your feed.
  • Check for Instagram updates, reinstall the app, or switch accounts to try getting the button back.
  • Posting Reels remains important even without a separate Reels feed.
  • This change could increase engagement across different parts of Instagram.

Stay up to date with Instagram’s latest tweaks and experiments by following the app’s official accounts. And adapt your approach to get the most out of Reels whether the dedicated tab returns or not.

With the right search techniques and engagement tactics, the disappearing Reels button doesn’t have to disrupt your Instagram experience.